Source code for rusocsci.extended

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""RuSocSci module for the BITSI extended buttonbox

Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Wilbert van Ham, Radboud University Nijmegen
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or newer.
import sys, serial, time, os, re, logging, glob
from . import utils, buttonbox

[docs]class Extended(buttonbox.Buttonbox): def __init__(self, id=0, port=None): [self._device, idString] =, port)) idStringCorrect = "BITSI_extend mode, Ready!" if not self._device: logging.error("No BITSI extended buttonbox connected.") elif idString[:len(idStringCorrect)] == idStringCorrect: logging.debug("Device is a BITSI extended buttonbox: {}".format(idString)) else:"Device did not identify as a BITSI extended buttonbox: {}".format(idString)) self.calibratedSound = False self.calibratedVoice = False
[docs] def send(self, val): """ Set buttonbox LEDs to a certain pattern """ if self._device == None: raise Exception("No buttonbox connected") self._device.write(chr(val))
[docs] def sendMarker(self, leds=[False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False], val=None): if val == None: val = 0 for i in range(8): if len(leds)>i: if leds[i]: val += 1<<i else: break self.send(ord('M')) self.send(val)
[docs] def setLeds(self, leds=[False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False], val=None): """ connect leds to signals output by computer """ self.send(ord('L')) self.send(ord('O')) self.sendMarker(leds, val)
[docs] def calibrateSound(self): self.send(ord('C')) # calibrate sound self.send(ord('S')) time.sleep(1) # make sure to be silent during the calibration self.calibratedSound = True
[docs] def waitSound(self, maxWait=float("inf"), flush=True, buttonList='S'): if not self.calibratedSound: logging.debug("calibrating sound, wait 1 s."); self.calibrateSound() if flush: self.clearEvents() # flush possible awaiting sound events self.send(ord('D')) # detect sound self.send(ord('S')) return self.waitButtons(buttonList=buttonList, flush=False, maxWait=maxWait)
[docs] def calibrateVoice(self): self.send(ord('C')) # calibrate self.send(ord('V')) time.sleep(1) # make sure to be silent during the calibration self.calibratedVoice = True
[docs] def waitVoice(self, maxWait=float("inf"), flush=True, buttonList='V'): if not self.calibratedVoice: logging.debug("calibrating voice, wait 1 s."); self.calibrateVoice() if flush: self.clearEvents() # flush possible awaiting sound events self.send(ord('D')) # detect sound self.send(ord('V')) return self.waitButtons(buttonList=buttonList, flush=False, maxWait=maxWait)