========= INSTALL ========= You can install to the latest version directly from the internet (via the Python Package index, where RecSQl is listed as http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RecSQL) with :: pip install RecSQL You can also download the source manually from https://github.com/orbeckst/RecSQL/tags and unpack it. Install from the unpacked source with :: cd RecSQL-0.7.11 python setup.py install The latest sources can be obtained by cloning the `RecSQL github repository`_ :: git clone git://github.com/orbeckst/RecSQL.git and installing from the source as above. Additional requirements are numpy_ and pysqlite_. `pip`_ will automatically attempt to download appropriate versions if none are currently installed. .. URLs: .. _numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org .. _pysqlite: http://pysqlite.org/ .. _RecSQL github repository: https://github.com/orbeckst/RecSQL .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/