Probability Distributions

Distribution - Abstract Base Class for Probability Distributions

class qinfer.Distribution[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for probability distributions on one or more random variables.


The number of random variables that this distribution is over.


Returns one or more samples from this probability distribution.

Parameters:n (int) – Number of samples to return.
Return type:numpy.ndarray
Returns:An array containing samples from the distribution of shape (n, d), where d is the number of random variables.

Specific Distributions

class qinfer.UniformDistribution(ranges=array([[0, 1]]))[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Uniform distribution on a given rectangular region.

Parameters:ranges (numpy.ndarray) – Array of shape (n_rvs, 2), where n_rvs is the number of random variables, specifying the upper and lower limits for each variable.
class qinfer.DiscreteUniformDistribution(num_bits)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Discrete uniform distribution over the integers between 0 and 2**num_bits-1 inclusive.

Parameters:num_bits (int) – non-negative integer specifying how big to make the interval.
class qinfer.MVUniformDistribution(dim=6)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Uniform distribution over the rectangle \([0,1]^{\text{dim}}\) with the restriction that vector must sum to 1. Equivalently, a uniform distribution over the dim-1 simplex whose vertices are the canonical unit vectors of \(\mathbb{R}^\text{dim}\).

Parameters:dim (int) – Number of dimensions; n_rvs.
class qinfer.NormalDistribution(mean, var, trunc=None)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Normal or truncated normal distribution over a single random variable.

  • mean (float) – Mean of the represented random variable.
  • var (float) – Variance of the represented random variable.
  • trunc (tuple) – Limits at which the PDF of this distribution should be truncated, or None if the distribution is to have infinite support.
class qinfer.MultivariateNormalDistribution(mean, cov)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Multivariate (vector-valued) normal distribution.

  • mean (np.ndarray) – Array of shape (n_rvs, ) representing the mean of the distribution.
  • cov (np.ndarray) – Array of shape (n_rvs, n_rvs) representing the covariance matrix of the distribution.
class qinfer.SlantedNormalDistribution(ranges=array([[0, 1]]), weight=0.01)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Uniform distribution on a given rectangular region with additive noise. Random variates from this distribution follow \(X+Y\) where \(X\) is drawn uniformly with respect to the rectangular region defined by ranges, and \(Y\) is normally distributed about 0 with variance weight**2.

  • ranges (numpy.ndarray) – Array of shape (n_rvs, 2), where n_rvs is the number of random variables, specifying the upper and lower limits for each variable.
  • weight (float) – Number specifying the inverse variance of the additive noise term.
class qinfer.LogNormalDistribution(mu=0, sigma=1)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Log-normal distribution.

  • mu – Location parameter (numeric), set to 0 by default.
  • sigma – Scale parameter (numeric), set to 1 by default. Must be strictly greater than zero.
class qinfer.ConstantDistribution(values)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Represents a determinstic variable; useful for combining with other distributions, marginalizing, etc.

Parameters:values – Shape (n,) array or list of values \(X_0\) such that \(\Pr(X) = \delta(X - X_0)\).
class qinfer.BetaDistribution(alpha=None, beta=None, mean=None, var=None)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

The beta distribution, whose pdf at \(x\) is proportional to \(x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}\). Note that either alpha and beta, or mean and var, must be specified as inputs; either case uniquely determines the distribution.

  • alpha (float) – The alpha shape parameter of the beta distribution.
  • beta (float) – The beta shape parameter of the beta distribution.
  • mean (float) – The desired mean value of the beta distribution.
  • var (float) – The desired variance of the beta distribution.
class qinfer.BetaBinomialDistribution(n, alpha=None, beta=None, mean=None, var=None)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

The beta-binomial distribution, whose pmf at the non-negative integer \(k\) is equal to \(\binom{n}{k}\frac{B(k+\alpha,n-k+\beta)}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\) with \(B(\cdot,\cdot)\) the beta function. This is the compound distribution whose variates are binomial distributed with a bias chosen from a beta distribution. Note that either alpha and beta, or mean and var, must be specified as inputs; either case uniquely determines the distribution.

  • n (int) – The \(n\) parameter of the beta-binomial distribution.
  • alpha (float) – The alpha shape parameter of the beta-binomial distribution.
  • beta (float) – The beta shape parameter of the beta-binomial distribution.
  • mean (float) – The desired mean value of the beta-binomial distribution.
  • var (float) – The desired variance of the beta-binomial distribution.
class qinfer.GammaDistribution(alpha=None, beta=None, mean=None, var=None)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

The gamma distribution, whose pdf at \(x\) is proportional to \(x^{-\alpha-1}e^{-x\beta}\). Note that either alpha and beta, or mean and var, must be specified as inputs; either case uniquely determines the distribution.

  • alpha (float) – The alpha shape parameter of the gamma distribution.
  • beta (float) – The beta shape parameter of the gamma distribution.
  • mean (float) – The desired mean value of the gamma distribution.
  • var (float) – The desired variance of the gamma distribution.
class qinfer.InterpolatedUnivariateDistribution(pdf, compactification_scale=1, n_interp_points=1500)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Samples from a single-variable distribution specified by its PDF. The samples are drawn by first drawing uniform samples over the interval [0, 1], and then using an interpolation of the inverse-CDF corresponding to the given PDF to transform these samples into the desired distribution.

  • pdf (callable) – Vectorized single-argument function that evaluates the PDF of the desired distribution.
  • compactification_scale (float) – Scale of the compactified coordinates used to interpolate the given PDF.
  • n_interp_points (int) – The number of points at which to sample the given PDF.
class qinfer.HilbertSchmidtUniform(dim=2)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.SingleSampleMixin, qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Creates a new Hilber-Schmidt uniform prior on state space of dimension dim. See e.g. [Mez06] and [Mis12].

Parameters:dim (int) – Dimension of the state space.
make_Paulis(paulis, d)[source]
class qinfer.HaarUniform(dim=2)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.SingleSampleMixin, qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Haar uniform distribution of pure states of dimension dim, parameterized as coefficients of the Pauli basis.

Parameters:dim (int) – Dimension of the state space.


This distribution presently only works for dim==2 and the Pauli basis.

class qinfer.GinibreUniform(dim=2, k=2)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.SingleSampleMixin, qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Creates a prior on state space of dimension dim according to the Ginibre ensemble with parameter k. See e.g. [Mis12].

Parameters:dim (int) – Dimension of the state space.

Combining Distributions

QInfer also offers classes for combining distributions together to produce new ones.

class qinfer.ProductDistribution(*factors)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Takes a non-zero number of QInfer distributions \(D_k\) as input and returns their Cartesian product.

In other words, the returned distribution is \(\Pr(D_1, \dots, D_N) = \prod_k \Pr(D_k)\).

Parameters:factors (Distribution) – Distribution objects representing \(D_k\). Alternatively, one iterable argument can be given, in which case the factors are the values drawn from that iterator.
class qinfer.PostselectedDistribution(distribution, model, maxiters=100)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Postselects a distribution based on validity within a given model.


Returns one or more samples from this probability distribution.

Parameters:n (int) – Number of samples to return.
Return numpy.ndarray:
 An array containing samples from the distribution of shape (n, d), where d is the number of random variables.
class qinfer.MixtureDistribution(weights, dist, dist_args=None, dist_kw_args=None, shuffle=True)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Samples from a weighted list of distributions.

  • weights – Length n_dist list or np.ndarray of probabilites summing to 1.
  • dist – Either a length n_dist list of Distribution instances, or a Distribution class, for example, NormalDistribution. It is assumed that a list of Distribution``s all have the same ``n_rvs.
  • dist_args – If dist is a class, an array of shape (n_dist, n_rvs) where dist_args[k,:] defines the arguments of the k’th distribution. Use None if the distribution has no arguments.
  • dist_kw_args – If dist is a class, a dictionary where each key’s value is an array of shape (n_dist, n_rvs) where dist_kw_args[key][k,:] defines the keyword argument corresponding to key of the k’th distribution. Use None if the distribution needs no keyword arguments.
  • shuffle (bool) – Whether or not to shuffle result after sampling. Not shuffling will result in variates being in the same order as the distributions. Default is True.

The number of distributions in the mixture distribution.

class qinfer.ConstrainedSumDistribution(underlying_distribution, desired_total=1)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.Distribution

Samples from an underlying distribution and then enforces that all samples must sum to some given value by normalizing each sample.

  • underlying_distribution (Distribution) – Underlying probability distribution.
  • desired_total (float) – Desired sum of each sample.

Mixins for Distribution Development

class qinfer.SingleSampleMixin[source]

Bases: object

Mixin class that extends a class so as to generate multiple samples correctly, given a method _sample that generates one sample at a time.
