Source code for qinfer.resamplers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementations of various resampling algorithms.
# © 2012 Chris Ferrie ( and
#        Christopher E. Granade (
# This file is a part of the Qinfer project.
# Licensed under the AGPL version 3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

## FEATURES ###################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

## ALL ########################################################################

# We use __all__ to restrict what globals are visible to external modules.
__all__ = [

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import warnings

from .utils import outer_product, particle_meanfn, particle_covariance_mtx

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from future.utils import with_metaclass

import qinfer.clustering
from qinfer._exceptions import ResamplerWarning, ResamplerError

## LOGGING ####################################################################

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

## CLASSES ####################################################################

[docs]class Resampler(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): @abstractmethod
[docs] def __call__(self, model, particle_weights, particle_locations, n_particles=None, precomputed_mean=None, precomputed_cov=None ): """ Resample the particles given by ``particle_weights`` and ``particle_locations``, drawing ``n_particles`` new particles. :param Model model: Model from which the particles are drawn, used to define the valid region for resampling. :param np.ndarray particle_weights: Weights of each particle, represented as an array of shape ``(n_original_particles, )`` and dtype :obj:`float`. :param np.ndarray particle_locations: Locations of each particle, represented as an array of shape ``(n_original_particles, model.n_modelparams)`` and dtype :obj:`float`. :param int n_particles: Number of new particles to draw, or `None` to draw the same number as the original distribution. :param np.ndarray precomputed_mean: Mean of the original distribution, or `None` if this should be computed by the resampler. :param np.ndarray precomputed_cov: Covariance of the original distribution, or `None` if this should be computed by the resampler. :return np.ndarray new_weights: Weights of each new particle. :return np.ndarray new_locations: Locations of each new particle. """
class ClusteringResampler(object): r""" Creates a resampler that breaks the particles into clusters, then applies a secondary resampling algorithm to each cluster independently. :param secondary_resampler: Resampling algorithm to be applied to each cluster. If ``None``, defaults to ``LiuWestResampler()``. """ def __init__(self, eps=0.5, secondary_resampler=None, min_particles=5, metric='euclidean', weighted=False, w_pow=0.5, quiet=True): warnings.warn("This class is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.", DeprecationWarning) self.secondary_resampler = ( secondary_resampler if secondary_resampler is not None else LiuWestResampler() ) self.eps = eps self.quiet = quiet self.min_particles = min_particles self.metric = metric self.weighted = weighted self.w_pow = w_pow ## METHODS ## def __call__(self, model, particle_weights, particle_locations): ## TODO: docstring. # Allocate new arrays to hold the weights and locations. new_weights = np.empty(particle_weights.shape) new_locs = np.empty(particle_locations.shape) # Loop over clusters, calling the secondary resampler for each. # The loop should include -1 if noise was found. for cluster_label, cluster_particles in clustering.particle_clusters( particle_locations, particle_weights, eps=self.eps, min_particles=self.min_particles, metric=self.metric, weighted=self.weighted, w_pow=self.w_pow, quiet=self.quiet ): # If we are resampling the NOISE label, we must use the global moments. if cluster_label == clustering.NOISE: extra_args = { "precomputed_mean": particle_meanfn(particle_weights, particle_locations, lambda x: x), "precomputed_cov": particle_covariance_mtx(particle_weights, particle_locations) } else: extra_args = {} # Pass the particles in that cluster to the secondary resampler # and record the new weights and locations. cluster_ws, cluster_locs = self.secondary_resampler(model, particle_weights[cluster_particles], particle_locations[cluster_particles], **extra_args ) # Renormalize the weights of each resampled particle by the total # weight of the cluster to which it belongs. cluster_ws /= np.sum(particle_weights[cluster_particles]) # Store the updated cluster. new_weights[cluster_particles] = cluster_ws new_locs[cluster_particles] = cluster_locs # Assert that we have not introduced any NaNs or Infs by resampling. assert np.all(np.logical_not(np.logical_or( np.isnan(new_locs), np.isinf(new_locs) ))) return new_weights, new_locs
[docs]class LiuWestResampler(Resampler): r""" Creates a resampler instance that applies the algorithm of [LW01]_ to redistribute the particles. :param float a: Value of the parameter :math:`a` of the [LW01]_ algorithm to use in resampling. :param float h: Value of the parameter :math:`h` to use, or `None` to use that corresponding to :math:`a`. :param int maxiter: Maximum number of times to attempt to resample within the space of valid models before giving up. :param bool debug: Because the resampler can generate large amounts of debug information, nothing is output to the logger, even at DEBUG level, unless this flag is True. :param bool postselect: If `True`, ensures that models are valid by postselecting. :param float zero_cov_comp: Amount of covariance to be added to every parameter during resampling in the case that the estimated covariance has zero norm. :param callable kernel: Callable function ``kernel(*shape)`` that returns samples from a resampling distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. .. warning:: The [LW01]_ algorithm preserves the first two moments of the distribution (in expectation over the random choices made by the resampler) if and only if :math:`a^2 + h^2 = 1`, as is set by the ``h=None`` keyword argument. """ def __init__(self, a=0.98, h=None, maxiter=1000, debug=False, postselect=True, zero_cov_comp=1e-10, kernel=np.random.randn ): self.a = a # Implicitly calls the property setter below to set _h. if h is not None: self._override_h = True self._h = h self._maxiter = maxiter self._debug = debug self._postselect = postselect self._zero_cov_comp = zero_cov_comp self._kernel = kernel _override_h = False ## PROPERTIES ## @property def a(self): return self._a @a.setter def a(self, new_a): self._a = new_a if not self._override_h: self._h = np.sqrt(1 - new_a**2) ## METHODS ##
[docs] def __call__(self, model, particle_weights, particle_locations, n_particles=None, precomputed_mean=None, precomputed_cov=None ): """ Resample the particles according to algorithm given in [LW01]_. """ # Give shorter names to weights and locations. w, l = particle_weights, particle_locations # Possibly recompute moments, if not provided. if precomputed_mean is None: mean = particle_meanfn(w, l, lambda x: x) else: mean = precomputed_mean if precomputed_cov is None: cov = particle_covariance_mtx(w, l) else: cov = precomputed_cov if n_particles is None: n_particles = l.shape[0] # parameters in the Liu and West algorithm a, h = self._a, self._h if la.norm(cov, 'fro') == 0: # The norm of the square root of S is literally zero, such that # the error estimated in the next step will not make sense. # We fix that by adding to the covariance a tiny bit of the # identity. warnings.warn( "Covariance has zero norm; adding in small covariance in " "resampler. Consider increasing n_particles to improve covariance " "estimates.", ResamplerWarning ) cov = self._zero_cov_comp * np.eye(cov.shape[0]) S, S_err = la.sqrtm(cov, disp=False) if not np.isfinite(S_err): raise ResamplerError( "Infinite error in computing the square root of the " "covariance matrix. Check that n_ess is not too small.") S = np.real(h * S) n_mp = l.shape[1] new_locs = np.empty((n_particles, n_mp)) cumsum_weights = np.cumsum(w) idxs_to_resample = np.arange(n_particles, dtype=int) # Preallocate js and mus so that we don't have rapid allocation and # deallocation. js = np.empty(idxs_to_resample.shape, dtype=int) mus = np.empty(new_locs.shape, dtype=l.dtype) # Loop as long as there are any particles left to resample. n_iters = 0 # Draw j with probability self.particle_weights[j]. # We do this by drawing random variates uniformly on the interval # [0, 1], then see where they belong in the CDF. js[:] = cumsum_weights.searchsorted( np.random.random((idxs_to_resample.size,)), side='right' ) while idxs_to_resample.size and n_iters < self._maxiter: # Keep track of how many iterations we used. n_iters += 1 # Set mu_i to a x_j + (1 - a) mu. mus[...] = a * l[js,:] + (1 - a) * mean # Draw x_i from N(mu_i, S). new_locs[idxs_to_resample, :] = mus +, self._kernel(n_mp, mus.shape[0])).T # Now we remove from the list any valid models. # We write it out in a longer form than is strictly necessary so # that we can validate assertions as we go. This is helpful for # catching models that may not hold to the expected postconditions. resample_locs = new_locs[idxs_to_resample, :] if self._postselect: valid_mask = model.are_models_valid(resample_locs) else: valid_mask = np.ones((resample_locs.shape[0],), dtype=bool) assert valid_mask.ndim == 1, "are_models_valid returned tensor, expected vector." n_invalid = np.sum(np.logical_not(valid_mask)) if self._debug and n_invalid > 0: logger.debug( "LW resampler found {} invalid particles; repeating.".format( n_invalid ) ) assert ( ( len(valid_mask.shape) == 1 or len(valid_mask.shape) == 2 and valid_mask.shape[-1] == 1 ) and valid_mask.shape[0] == resample_locs.shape[0] ), ( "are_models_valid returned wrong shape {} " "for input of shape {}." ).format(valid_mask.shape, resample_locs.shape) idxs_to_resample = idxs_to_resample[np.nonzero(np.logical_not( valid_mask ))[0]] # This may look a little weird, but it should delete the unused # elements of js, so that we don't need to reallocate. js = js[np.logical_not(valid_mask)] mus = mus[:idxs_to_resample.size, :] if idxs_to_resample.size: # We failed to force all models to be valid within maxiter attempts. # This means that we could be propagating out invalid models, and # so we should warn about that. warnings.warn(( "Liu-West resampling failed to find valid models for {} " "particles within {} iterations." ).format(idxs_to_resample.size, self._maxiter), ResamplerWarning) if self._debug: logger.debug("LW resampling completed in {} iterations.".format(n_iters)) # Now we reset the weights to be uniform, letting the density of # particles represent the information that used to be stored in the # weights. This is done by SMCUpdater, and so we simply need to return # the new locations here. return np.ones((w.shape[0],)) / w.shape[0], new_locs