Common Command Line Options

The Pyrseas utilities support the following command line options:

-c <config-file>
--config <config-file>

Specifies an additional configuration file to be read and merged with configuration information from other sources. See Configuration for more details.

-H <host>
--host <host>

Specifies the host name of the machine on which the PostgreSQL server is running. The default host name is determined by PostgreSQL (normally, a Unix-domain socket or localhost).

-h, --help

Show help about the program’s command line arguments, and exit.

-o <file>
--output <file>

Send output to the specified file. If this is omitted, the standard output is used.

-p <port>
--port <port>

Specifies the port on which the PostgreSQL server is listening for connections. The default port number is determined by PostgreSQL (normally, 5432).

-r <path>
--repository <path>

Specifies the path to a directory where metadata and static data files will be written to or read from, or where an additional configuration file can be found. Normally, this will be the root of a version control repository. If this is not specified on the command line or in a configuration file, it defaults to the current working directory.

-U <username>
--user <username>

User name to connect as. The default user name is determined by PostgreSQL (normally, the name of the user running the program).


Print the program version and exit.

-W, --password

Force the program to prompt for a password before connecting to a database. If this option is not specified and password authentication is required, the program will resort to libpq defaults, i.e., password file or PGPASSWORD environment variable.

Short options (those only one character long) can be concatenated with their value arguments, e.g.:

dbtoyaml -p5433 dbname

Several short options can be joined together, using only a single - prefix, as long as only the last option (or none of them) requires a value.

Long options (those with names longer than a single-character) can be separated from their arguments by a ‘=’ or passed as two separate arguments. For example:

dbtoyaml --port=5433 dbname


dbtoyaml --port 5433 dbname

Long options can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous:

dbtoyaml --pass dbname

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