4.3 Errors

  • class error.CouldNotCreateFile

    Raised when there is a file in dependency, but mkfile do not defines how to build it.

  • class error.TaskAlreadyExists

    Raised when task of that name already exits. Tasks can not be ovverided.

  • class error.NoMkfileFound

    Raised when the folder in which pymk was used do not have mkfile.py

  • class error.CommandError

    Raised when external command returns error.

  • class error.BadTaskName

    Raised when inputed task name do not exists in mkfile (or was not add as a task with @AddTask)

  • class error.WrongArgumentValue

    Raised when argument has a list of values, but inputet value is not in this list.

  • class error.TaskMustHaveOutputFile

    Raised when task has no output_file setted, but the dependency assigned to that task (or to task that this task is assigned as dependency) need this value.

  • class error.NoDependencysInAClass

    Raised when no depedencys attribute was provided, or this attribute has wrong name.

  • class error.NotADependencyError

    NotADependencyError is raised when some object in dependency list are not an object inherited from pymk.dependency.Dependency.

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