Return a new Mesh object with any implementation-specific optionsdefined in options.
Parameters: |
Return the handle of the root set for this instance. The entire mesh in this instance can be accessed from this set.
Get/set the geometric dimension of mesh represented in this instance. When setting the dimension, an application should not expect this function to succeed unless the mesh database is empty (no vertices created, no files read, etc.)
Return the default storage order used by this implementation.
Return the adjacency table for this implementation. This table is a 4x4 matrix, where adjTable[i][j] represents the relative cost of retrieving adjacencies between entities of dimension i to entities of dimension j.
Request that the mesh optimize the storage of its entities, possibly rearranging the entities and invalidating extisting handles.
Returns: | True if entity handles have changed |
Create a vertex or array of vertices with the specified coordinates.
Parameters: |
Create a new entity with the specified lower-order topology.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Tuple containing the created entity and its creation status |
Create an array of new entities with the specified lower-oder topology.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Tuple containing the created entities and their creation statuses |
Delete the specified entity or array of entities.
Parameters: |
Get coordinates of specified vertices.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is a single Entity, the coordinates of the vertex. Otherwise, an array of coordinates. |
Set the coordinates for the specified vertex or array of vertices.
Parameters: |
Get the entity type for the specified entities.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is a single Entity, the type of the entity. Otherwise, an array of the entity types. |
Get the entity topology for the specified entities.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is a single Entity, the topology of the entity. Otherwise, an array of the entity topologies. |
Get entities of the specified type adjacent to elements of entities. If entities is a single Entity, returns an array of adjacent entities. If entities is an array of entities, return an OffsetListSingle instance.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is a single Entity an array of adjacent entities. Otherwise, an OffsetListSingle instance. |
Get “2nd order” adjacencies to an array of entities, that is, from each entity, through other entities of a specified bridge dimension, to other entities of another specified target dimension. If entities is a single Entity, returns an array of adjacent entities. If entities is an array of entities, return an OffsetListSingle instance.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is a single Entity, an array of adjacent entities. Otherwise, an OffsetListSingle instance. |
Create an EntitySet, either ordered or unordered. Unordered entity sets can contain a given entity or set only once.
Parameters: |
Returns: | The newly-created EntitySet |
Destroy an entity set.
Parameters: |
Create a Tag with specified name, size, and type. The tag’s size is the number of values of type type that can be held. type can be a NumPy dtype (or an object convertible to one; int and Entity are special-cased), or a single character:
Type object | Type char | Result |
numpy.int32 | 'i' | Integer |
numpy.float64 | 'd' | Double |
Entity | 'E' | Entity handle |
numpy.byte | 'b' | Binary data |
Parameters: |
Returns: | The created Tag |
Destroy a Tag. If force is true and entities still have values set for this tag, the tag is deleted anyway and those values disappear. Otherwise the tag is not deleted if entities still have values set for it.
Parameters: |
Return a new set referring to the handled contained in set. If set is an itaps.iBase.EntitySet instance, instance must also be specified.
Return the number of entities in the entity set. Equivalent to entset.getNumOfType(iBase.Type.all).
Return an iterator over the elements in the entity set. Equivalent to entset.iterate().
Return whether this entity set is ordered.
Load a mesh from a file, adding it to this entity set.
Parameters: |
Save the subset of the mesh contained in this entity set to a file.
Parameters: |
Get the number of entities with the specified type in this entity set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | The number of entities in entity set of the requested type |
Get the number of entities with the specified topology in this entity set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | The number of entities in the entity set of the requested topology |
Get entities of a specific type and/or topology in this entity set. All entities of a given type or topology are requested by specifying itaps.iBase.Type.all or itaps.iMesh.Topology.all, respectively.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Array of entity handles from this entity set meeting the requirements of type and topo |
Given an entity set and optionally a type or topology, return a tuple containing the entities in the set of type type and topology topo, and an IndexedList containing the adjacent entities of type adj_type.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A tuple containing the requested entities and the adjacent entities |
Get the number of sets contained in this entity set. If this entity set is not the root set, hops indicates the maximum number of contained sets from this set to one of the contained sets, inclusive of this set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Number of entity sets found |
Get the sets contained in this entity set. If this entity set is not the root set, hops indicates the maximum number of contained sets from this set to one of the contained sets, inclusive of this set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Array of entity sets found |
Add an entity, entity set, or array of entities to this entity set.
Parameters: |
Remove an entity, entity set, or array of entities from this entity set.
Parameters: |
Return whether an entity, entity set, or array of entities is contained in this entity set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | If entities is an array of entities, an array of booleans corresponding to each element of entities. Otherwise, a single boolean. |
Return whether an entity set is a child of this entity set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if set is a child of this entity set, false otherwise |
Get the number of child sets linked from this entity set. If hops is non-zero, this represents the maximum hops from this entity set to any child in the count.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Number of children |
Get the number of parent sets linked from this entity set. If hops is non-zero, this represents the maximum hops from this entity set to any parents in the count.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Number of parents |
Get the child sets linked from this entity set. If hops is non-zero, this represents the maximum hops from this entity set to any child in the result.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Array of children |
Get the parents sets linked from this entity set. If hops is non-zero, this represents the maximum hops from this entity set to any parent in the result.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Array of parents |
Add set as a child to this entity set.
Parameters: |
Remove set as a child from this entity set.
Parameters: |
Initialize an Iterator over the specified entity type and topology for this entity set. If count is greater than 1, each step of the iteration returns an array of count entities. Equivalent to:
itaps.iMesh.Iterator(self, type, topo, count)
Parameters: |
Returns: | An Iterator instance |
Subtract contents of an entity set from this set. Equivalent to self - set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Resulting entity set |
Intersect contents of an entity set with this set. Equivalent to self & set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Resulting entity set |
Unite contents of an entity set with this set. Equivalent to self | set.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Resulting entity set |
Return a new iterator on the entity set set to iterate over entities of the specified type and topo. If size is greater than 1, each step of the iteration will return an array of size entities. All entities of a given type or topology are requested by specifying itaps.iBase.Type.all or itaps.iMesh.Topology.all, respectively.
Parameters: |
Resets the iterator to the beginning.
Return a new tag referring to the handled contained in tag. If tag is an itaps.iBase.Tag instance, instance must also be specified.
Get the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities.
Set the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities to data.
Remove the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities.
Get the name for this tag.
Get the size in number of values for this tag.
Get the size in bytes for this tag.
Get the data type for this tag as a character code (see above).
Get the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities. This method is equivalent to tag[entities]`.
Parameters: |
Returns: | The tag data for entities |
Get the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities. This method is deprecated in favor of tag[entities].
Set the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities to data. This method is deprecated in favor of tag[entities] = data.
Remove the tag data for an entity, entity set, or array of entities. This method is deprecated in favor of del tag[entities].
An enumeration of mesh element topologies corresponding to iMesh_EntityTopology.
A general zero-dimensional entity
A general one-dimensional entity
A general two-dimensional element
A three-sided, two-dimensional element
A four-sided, two-dimensional element
A general three-dimensional element
A four-sided, three-dimensional element whose faces are triangles
A six-sided, three-dimensional element whose faces are quadrilaterals
A five-sided, three-dimensional element which has three quadrilateral faces and two triangular faces
A five-sided, three-dimensional element which has one quadrilateral face and four triangular faces
A hexahedral entity with one collapsed edge
Allows the user to request information about all the topology types