Main class of the PySpotCam modules
Abort camera operation
Reset the current status value to either SPOT_STATUSDRVNOTINIT or SPOT_STATUSIDLE, depending on whether or not the driver has been initialized
Compute appropriate exposure times and gain level for the image currently in the camera’s view. If exposure resolution finer than 1ms is desired, ComputeExposure2 should be called instead.
Ccompute appropriate exposure times and gain level for the image currently in the camera’s view. It provides finer exposure time resolution than ComputeExposure.
compute a factor which can be used for converting live mode exposure values for still image capture for cameras which have separate amplifier circuits for live and still image capture modes.
Compute a factor which can be used for converting live mode exposure values for still image capture for cameras which have separate amplifier circuits for live and still image capture modes. It is the same as SpotComputeExposureConversionFactor, except that the returned value is an integer.
compute white balance values for the image currently in the camera’s view.
same as the ComputeWhiteBalance function, except that it returns results as integers in a SPOT_WHITE_BAL_INT_STRUCT structure
Dump the contents of the camera’s memory to a file for diagnostic purposes.
Obtain a list of available camera devices on the machine
Get actual gain values for cameras which provide non-integer gains. An application should check the value of the PortnGainAtributes parameter for the GAINATTR_COMPUTABLE bit to verify that the actual gain can be computed before calling this function
Get actual gain values for cameras which provide non-integer gains. It is the same as SpotGetActualGainValue, except that the actual gain value is expressed as an integer. An application should check the value of the PortnGainAtributes parameter for the SPOT_GAINATTR_COMPUTABLE bit to verify that the actual gain can be computed before calling this function.
Get actual live mode gain values for cameras which provide non-integer gains. An application should check the value of the PortnGainAtributes parameter for the GAINATTR_COMPUTABLE bit to verify that the actual gain can be computed before calling this function
Get actual live mode gain values for cameras which provide non-integer gains. It is the same as SpotGetActualGainValue, except that the actual gain value is expressed as an integer. An application should check the value of the PortnGainAtributes parameter for the SPOT_GAINATTR_COMPUTABLE bit to verify that the actual gain can be computed before calling this function.
Acquire a background image for correcting acquired images.
obtain information about a background image to allow an application to determine is it can be used to correct acquired images
Acquire a bias frame for correcting acquired images.
obtain information about a bias frame to allow an application to determine is it can be used to correct acquired images.
Get the current camera’s attributes
retrieve the error code from the camera after an error occurs. Currently, only certain camera models support this function. This error code may be useful in diagnosing camera malfunctions.
Obtain the timestamp of the beginning of the last exposure for still image acquisition
Acquire a flatfield which can be used to correct acquired images.
Acquire a flatfield for correcting acquired images. It is a replacement for SpotGetFlatfield, providing better results
obtain information about a flatfield to allow an application to determine if it can be used to correct acquired images.
Get an image and returns a numpy array
Obtain the current temperature of the camera’s image sensor If full_output return the value and a boll indicating if the has been updated since the last time the function was called
Obtain the temperature of the camera’s image sensor at the time that the last exposure began
Determine the size of the buffer which needs to be passed to SpotGetValue
Query the camera driver for version and camera information. It has been superseded by GetVersionInfo2 which provides more detailed camera information
Query the camera driver for version and camera information.
Determine whether or not a camera is currently connected and powered
determine the current color filter position for slider cameras which support this capability. Returns a tuple for the Color and B/W position
Query the driver for current status information and to abort camera operation.
Set a pointer to an abort flag. The abort flag is periodically checked by the camera driver during camera operation, and if it is found to be TRUE, the current process is aborted.
set a pointer to a callback function which the SpotCam driver will call periodically during long camera operations, giving the application opportunities to process system events and abort the operation
set a pointer to a callback function which the SpotCam driver will call periodically during camera operation to signal status change
set a pointer to a callback function which the driver will call when cameras are added to or removed from computer or powered on or off.
Set the state of the TTL output signal.
update the firmware for all cameras and interface cards which provide this capability and for which firmware is available
Wait for a status notification from the SpotCam driver when operating in polling mode.
The width and height, in pixels, of images acquired by SpotGetImage or SpotGetSequentialImages.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Size(width, height)
The width and height, in pixels, of images acquired by SpotGetLiveImages
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Size(width, height)
The auto-exposure setting. Specifies whether exposure computation is performed automatically when SpotGetImage, SpotGetSequentialImages, SpotGetFlatfield, SpotGetFlatfield2, or SpotGetBackgroundImage are called.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The maximum gain level to be allowed for computed exposures for non-live mode images.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The name of the file to be used for bias frame subtraction or NULL if bias frame subtraction is disabled.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The binning size to be used for all modes of image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum allowable bin size values (superseded by SPOT_BINSIZES).
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The allowable bin size values.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The bit depth to be used for still image capture and exposure computation.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The allowable bit depth values for still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The name of the file to be used for background image subtraction or NULL if background image subtraction is disabled.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The adjustment factor to be applied to computed exposures to adjust brightness.
In/out Property. Property value is a float
The minimum and maximum allowable brightness adjustment values.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The minimum and maximum allowable brightness adjustment values multiplied by 1000.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The adjustment factor to be applied to computed exposures to adjust brightness multiplied by 1000.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The desired maximum 1394 bus bandwidth level.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: BandWidth: {BandWidth.High: 1, BandWidth.Medium: 2, BandWidth.Low: 3}
Get the current camera’s attributes
retrieve the error code from the camera after an error occurs. Currently, only certain camera models support this function. This error code may be useful in diagnosing camera malfunctions.
Determine whether or not a camera is currently connected and powered
The mode to be used for clearing the image sensor.
In/out Property. Property value is a long
The clear modes which supported by the camera.
Output Property. Property value is a long
The color binning size to be used for all modes of image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The allowable color binning size values.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The filter colors which are enabled for image acquisition and exposure computation.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : COLOR_ENABLE_STRUCT[(‘bEnableRed’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘bEnableGreen’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘bEnableBlue’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>)]
The filter colors which are enabled for image acquisition and exposure computation.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : COLOR_ENABLE_STRUCT2[(‘bEnableRed’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘bEnableGreen’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘bEnableBlue’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘bEnableClear’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>)]
determine the current color filter position for slider cameras which support this capability. Returns a tuple for the Color and B/W position
The order in which the colors channels are to be acquired for multi-shot images.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The rendering intent to be used for color enhancements
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: ColorRengering: {ColorRengering.Saturation: 4, ColorRengering.Perceptual: 3, ColorRengering.RelativeColorMetric: 1, ColorRengering.AbsoluteColorMetric: 2}
The mode for the cooler after SpotExit is called.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The level of cooling of the camera’s image sensor
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum supported levels of cooling of the camera’s image sensor.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
Enables or disables chip defect correction for still captured images.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The unique ID of the current camera device.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : DEVICE_UID[(‘sub_field’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.SUB_DEVICE_UID’>), (‘qwQuadPart’, <class ‘ctypes.c_longlong’>)]
The zero-based index of the current camera device in the list of found devices.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables the control of system power state changes
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
Enables or disables the TTL output.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
Enables or disables automatic color enhancement for still captured images.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The exposure times and gain to be used for acquisition of still captured images.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : EXPOSURE_STRUCT[(‘sub_field’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.SUB_EXPOSURE_STRUCT’>), (‘lGreenExpMSec’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘lBlueExpMSec’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘nGain’, <class ‘ctypes.c_short’>)]
The exposure times and gain to be used for acquisition of still captured images.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : EXPOSURE_STRUCT2[(‘dwRedExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘dwGreenExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘dwBlueExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘sub_field’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.SUB_EXPOSURE_STRUCT2’>), (‘nGain’, <class ‘ctypes.c_short’>)]
The area of sensor chip to be used for exposure computation (NULL for full chip).
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : RECT[(‘left’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘top’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘right’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘bottom’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>)]
The factor to use to convert live mode exposures to still image acquisition exposures.
Output Property. Property value is a float
The factor to use to convert live mode exposures to still image acquisition exposures multiplied by 1000.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The exposure increment, in nanoseconds, of exposure values (except where they are explicitly expressed in msec).
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum allowable exposure durations in msec.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The minimum and maximum allowable exposure durations.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The smallest exposure duration increment supported by the camera in nsec.
Output Property. Property value is a int
Obtain the timestamp of the beginning of the last exposure for still image acquisition
The level (high or low) of the external trigger input required to trigger acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: TrigActiveState: {TrigActiveState.High: 1, TrigActiveState.Low: 0}
The delay between the trigger signal and the beginning of exposure in usec.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum allowable external trigger delay values in usec.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The external trigger mode.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: TriggerMode: {TriggerMode.Bulb: 2, TriggerMode.Edge: 1, TriggerMode.none: 0}
The delay to wait before exposing after changing the fan speed, in ms.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The speed to which the fan is set for exposure.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The speed setting for the camera’s cooling fan.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum speed settings supported for the camera’s cooling fan.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The name of the file to be used for flatfield correction or NULL if flatfield correction is disabled.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
Forces live mode to use a single amplifier circuit.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The currently selected gain port.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The allowable gain values for 10-16 bit per channel still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The allowable gain values for 8 bit per channel still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The allowable still image capture sensor horizontal readout frequencies in kHz.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The frequency at which each line of the sensor is read for still captured images, in kHz.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The format used for storing 24 bpp images in memory.
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: BufferFormat: {BufferFormat.BGRA: 6, BufferFormat.RGB: 2, BufferFormat.BGR: 1, BufferFormat.RGBA: 5, BufferFormat.ABGR: 4, BufferFormat.ARGB: 3}
No documentation
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The area of the sensor chip to be used for image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : RECT[(‘left’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘top’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘right’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘bottom’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>)]
The text description of the model of image sensor chip in the camera.
Output Property. Property value is a str
The type of image sensor chip in the camera.
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: SensorType: {SensorType.CCDFrameTransfer: 49, SensorType.CMOSRollingShutter: 66, SensorType.CMOSGlobalShutter: 18, SensorType.CCDFullFrame: 33, SensorType.CCDInterlineEM: 17, SensorType.CCDFrameTransferEM: 305, SensorType.CCDInterline: 17}
The image type (bright or dark field) used for exposure computation.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: ImageFld: {ImageFld.Dark: 2, ImageFld.Bright: 1}
The name of the file containing the input ICC profile information for color enhancements.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The acceleration level for live image mode.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables auto brightness adjustments in live mode.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The current live mode auto-brightness adjustment factor.
Output Property. Property value is a float
The current live mode auto-brightness adjustment factor multiplied by 1000.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum gain level to be allowed for computed exposures for live mode exposure computation.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The brightness adjustment used for live image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a float
The brightness adjustment used for live image acquisition multiplied by 1000
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables automatic color enhancement for live mode images.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The exposure durations and gain used for live image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : EXPOSURE_STRUCT2[(‘dwRedExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘dwGreenExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘dwBlueExpDur’, <class ‘ctypes.c_ulong’>), (‘sub_field’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.SUB_EXPOSURE_STRUCT2’>), (‘nGain’, <class ‘ctypes.c_short’>)]
The allowable gain values for live image acquisition.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The gamma adjustment applied to live images.
In/out Property. Property value is a float
The gamma adjustment applied to live images multiplied by 1000.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Specifies live mode image scaling.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : LIVE_IMAGE_SCALING_STRUCT[(‘bAutoScale’, <class ‘ctypes.c_bool’>), (‘fBlackOverflowPct’, <class ‘ctypes.c_float’>), (‘fWhiteOverflowPct’, <class ‘ctypes.c_float’>), (‘stSampleRect’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.RECT’>), (‘nBlackPoint’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘nWhitePoint’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘nScale’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘Reserved’, <class ‘PySpotCam.SpotCamCStructure.c_byte_Array_96’>)]
The maximum allowable exposure for live image acquisition in msec.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The pixel resolution level used for live image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables automatic black level subtraction for live monochrome images.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The maximum allowable exposure still image capture in msec.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The maximum gain port number.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum allowable image area width and height, which is the size of the camera’s image sensor chip.
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The maximum allowable live image acceleration level.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum number of sequential acquisition exposure durations supported.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum allowable number of image lines to skip during readout.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum allowable pixel resolution level.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum allowable vertical clock voltage boost level.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The maximum allowable white balance ratio.
Output Property. Property value is a float
The maximum allowable white balance ratio multiplied by 1000.
Output Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables processing of OS messages during camera operation.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The minimum exposure, in msec, to be allowed for computed exposures.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum possible exposure for fast sequential image acquisition (SPOT_INTERVALSHORTASPOSSIBLE).
Output Property. Property value is a long
The minimum allowable image area width and height
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The minimum allowable pixel resolution level.
Output Property. Property value is a int
Enables or disables the monitoring of the color filter position for slider cameras.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The description of the mosaic color pattern on the camera’s sensor chip.
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: MosaicBayer: {MosaicBayer.GBRG: 4, MosaicBayer.BGGR: 3, MosaicBayer.RGGB: 2, MosaicBayer.GRBG: 1}
The threshold percentage to be used for noise filtering or 0 to disable noise filtering.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The number of bytes in the image data buffer per image row.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The number of image readout circuits available in the camera.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The number of image lines to skip during readout.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The name of the file containing the output ICC profile information for color enhancements.
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The approximate image size adjustment factors for each pixel resolution level.
Output Property. Property value is a float
The pixel resolution level used for still image acquisition.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The x and y sizes of the sensor pixels, in nm.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: PSize(x, y)
The attributes of gain port 0
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: GainAttr: {GainAttr.ElectronMult: 4, GainAttr.Computable: 1, GainAttr.Gating: 8, GainAttr.SameAsPort0: 2}
The allowable port 0 gain values for 10-16 bit per channel still image capture. (same as SPOT_GAINVALS16)
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The allowable port 0 gain values for 8 bit per channel still image capture. (same as SPOT_GAINVALS8)
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The allowable port 0 gain values for live image acquisition. (same as SPOT_LIVEGAINVALS)
Output Property. Property value is a numpy array of type int16.
The attributes of gain port 1
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: GainAttr: {GainAttr.ElectronMult: 4, GainAttr.Computable: 1, GainAttr.Gating: 8, GainAttr.SameAsPort0: 2}
The minimum and maximum allowable port 1 gain values for still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The minimum and maximum allowable port 1 live mode gain values.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The attributes of gain port 2
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: GainAttr: {GainAttr.ElectronMult: 4, GainAttr.Computable: 1, GainAttr.Gating: 8, GainAttr.SameAsPort0: 2}
The minimum and maximum allowable port 2 gain values for still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The minimum and maximum allowable port 2 live mode gain values.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The attributes of gain port 3
Output Property. Property value is an Enum: GainAttr: {GainAttr.ElectronMult: 4, GainAttr.Computable: 1, GainAttr.Gating: 8, GainAttr.SameAsPort0: 2}
The minimum and maximum allowable port 3 gain values for still image capture.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The minimum and maximum allowable port 3 live mode gain values.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The pre-amplifier gain value.
In/out Property. Property value is a float
The allowable pre-amplifier gain values.
Output Property. Property value is a float
The index of the image data readout circuit to be used during image acquisitions.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The text description of the currently selected image readout circuit.
Output Property. Property value is a str
Enables or disables temperature regulation for the image sensor.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The temperature to which the image sensor is regulated, in tenths of a degree C.
Output Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum allowable regulated temperature values, in tenths of a degree C.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
Enables or disables the return of raw image data from mosaic cameras.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
Obtain the current temperature of the camera’s image sensor If full_output return the value and a boll indicating if the has been updated since the last time the function was called
Obtain the temperature of the camera’s image sensor at the time that the last exposure began
The sensor response mode.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: SensorRespMode: {SensorRespMode.AntiBlooming: 8, SensorRespMode.Sensitivity: 4, SensorRespMode.IR: 1, SensorRespMode.GlowSupression: 16, SensorRespMode.DynamicRange: 2}
The sensor response modes which supported by the camera.
Output Property. Property value is a long
The path to which cache files should be written during sequential acquisition
In/out Property. Property value is a str
The exposure durations to be used for sequential acquisition
In/out Property. Property value is a long
The mode of operation of the camera’s internal shutter.
In/out Property. Property value is an Enum: Shutter: {Shutter.Open: 1, Shutter.Closed: 2, Shutter.Normal: 0}
Query the driver for current status information and to abort camera operation.
Enables or disables automatic black level subtraction for acquisition of 10+ bpp monochrome images.
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The level (high or low) of the TTL output signal when active.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The delay between the activation of the TTL output signal and the beginning of exposure, in usec. A negative value indicates activation during exposure.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The minimum and maximum allowable TTL output delay values, in usec.
Output Property. Property value is a namedtuple: Limit(minimum, maximum)
The wait time, in msec after raising the TTL output before exposing.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
Query the camera driver for version and camera information. It has been superseded by GetVersionInfo2 which provides more detailed camera information
Query the camera driver for version and camera information.
The vertical clock voltage boost level.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The vertical shift period, in ns.
In/out Property. Property value is a int
The allowable vertical shift periods, in ns.
Output Property. Property value is a int
Enables use of SpotWaitForStatusChange for status notifications
In/out Property. Property value is a bool
The area of the sensor chip to be used for white balance computation (NULL for full chip).
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : RECT[(‘left’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘top’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘right’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘bottom’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>)]
The red, green, and blue white balance ratios.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : WHITE_BAL_STRUCT[(‘nReserved’, <class ‘ctypes.c_short’>), (‘fRedVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_float’>), (‘fGreenVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_float’>), (‘fBlueVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_float’>)]
The red, green, and blue white balance ratios multiplied by 1000.
In/out Property. Property value is a structure or union : WHITE_BAL_INT_STRUCT[(‘lRedVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘lGreenVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>), (‘lBlueVal’, <class ‘ctypes.c_long’>)]