.. py:currentmodule:: pysph.tools Miscellaneous Tools for PySPH ============================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Input/Output of data files --------------------------- The following functions are handy functions when processing output generated by PySPH or to generate new files. .. autofunction:: pysph.solver.utils.dump .. autofunction:: pysph.solver.utils.get_files .. autofunction:: pysph.solver.utils.load .. autofunction:: pysph.solver.utils.load_and_concatenate Interpolator ------------ This module provides a convenient class called :py:class:`interpolator.Interpolator` which can be used to interpolate any scalar values from the points onto either a mesh or a collection of other points. SPH interpolation is performed with a simple Shepard filtering. .. automodule:: pysph.tools.interpolator :members: :undoc-members: GMsh input/output ------------------ .. automodule:: pysph.tools.gmsh :members: :undoc-members: