Source code for pyqt_fit.kde_methods

:Author: Pierre Barbier de Reuille <>

This module contains a set of methods to compute univariate KDEs. See the 
objects in the :py:mod:`pyqt_fit.kde` module for more details on these methods.

These methods provide various variations on :math:`\hat{K}(x;X,h,L,U)`, the 
modified kernel evaluated on the point :math:`x` based on the estimation points 
:math:`X`, a bandwidth :math:`h` and on the domain :math:`[L,U]`.

The definitions of the methods rely on the following definitions:

.. math::

     a_0(l,u) &=& \int_l^u K(z) dz\\
     a_1(l,u) &=& \int_l^u zK(z) dz\\
     a_2(l,u) &=& \int_l^u z^2K(z) dz

These definitions correspond to:

- :math:`a_0(l,u)` -- The partial cumulative distribution function
- :math:`a_1(l,u)` -- The partial first moment of the distribution. In 
  particular, :math:`a_1(-\infty, \infty)` is the mean of the kernel (i.e. and 
  should be 0).
- :math:`a_2(l,u)` -- The partial second moment of the distribution. In 
  particular, :math:`a_2(-\infty, \infty)` is the variance of the kernel (i.e. 
  which should be close to 1, unless using higher order kernel).

.. [1] Jones, M. C. 1993. Simple boundary correction for kernel density
    estimation. Statistics and Computing 3: 135--146.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import fftpack, integrate, optimize
from .compat import irange
from .utils import make_ufunc, namedtuple, numpy_trans_idx
from .binning import fast_bin

[docs]def generate_grid(kde, N=None, cut=None): r""" Helper method returning a regular grid on the domain of the KDE. :param KDE1D kde: Object describing the KDE computation. The object must have been fitted! :param int N: Number of points in the grid :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far past the maximum should the grid extend to, in term of KDE bandwidth :return: A vector of N regularly spaced points """ if N is None: N = 2 ** 10 if cut is None: cut = kde.kernel.cut if kde.lower == -np.inf: lower = np.min(kde.xdata) - cut * kde.bandwidth else: lower = kde.lower if kde.upper == np.inf: upper = np.max(kde.xdata) + cut * kde.bandwidth else: upper = kde.upper return np.linspace(lower, upper, N)
[docs]def compute_bandwidth(kde): """ Compute the bandwidth and covariance for the model, based of its xdata attribute """ if kde.bandwidth_function: bw = float(kde.bandwidth_function(kde.xdata, model=kde)) cov = bw * bw elif kde.covariance_function: cov = float(kde.covariance_function(kde.xdata, model=kde)) bw = np.sqrt(cov) else: return kde.bandwidth, kde.covariance return bw, cov
[docs]class KDE1DMethod(object): """ Base class providing a default grid method and a default method for unbounded evaluation of the PDF and CDF. It also provides default methods for the other metrics, based on PDF and CDF calculations. :Note: - It is expected that all grid methods will return the same grid if used with the same arguments. - It is fair to assume all array-like arguments will be at least 1D arrays. """ name = 'unbounded'
[docs] def pdf(self, kde, points, out): """ Compute the PDF of the estimated distribution. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the distribution on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the PDF. :Default: Direct implementation of the formula for unbounded pdf computation. """ xdata = kde.xdata points = points[..., np.newaxis] bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel(z) terms *= kde.weights / bw terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out
[docs] def fit(self, kde): """ Method called by the KDE1D object right after fitting to allow for one-time calculation. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object being fitted :Default: Compute the bandwidth and covariance if specified as functions """ kde.compute_bandwidth()
[docs] def __call__(self, kde, points, out): """ Call the :py:meth:`pdf` method. """ return self.pdf(kde, points, out)
[docs] def cdf(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the CDF of the estimated distribution, defined as: .. math:: cdf(x) = P(X \leq x) = \int_l^x p(t) dt where :math:`l` is the lower bound of the distribution domain and :math:`p` the density of probability :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the CDF on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the CDF. :Default: Direct implementation of the formula for unbounded CDF computation. """ xdata = kde.xdata points = points[..., np.newaxis] bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel.cdf(z) terms *= kde.weights terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out
[docs] def icdf(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the inverse cumulative distribution (quantile) function, defined as: .. math:: icdf(p) = \inf\left\{x\in\mathbb{R} : cdf(x) \geq p\right\} :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the iCDF on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the iCDF. :Default: First approximate the result using linear interpolation on the CDF and refine the result numerically using the Newton method. """ xs, ys = self.cdf_grid(kde) coarse_result = np.interp(points, ys, xs, kde.lower, kde.upper) lower = kde.lower upper = kde.upper cdf = self.cdf pdf_out = np.empty(1, dtype=float) def pdf(x): if x <= lower: return 0 if x >= upper: return 0 return self.pdf(kde, np.atleast_1d(x), pdf_out) @make_ufunc() def find_inverse(p, approx): if p > 1-1e-10: return upper if p < 1e-10: return lower if approx >= xs[-1] or approx <= xs[0]: return approx cdf_out = np.empty(1, dtype=float) def f(x): if x <= lower: return -p elif x >= upper: return 1-p return cdf(kde, np.atleast_1d(x), cdf_out) - p return optimize.newton(f, approx, fprime=pdf, tol=1e-6) return find_inverse(points, coarse_result, out=out)
[docs] def sf(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the survival function, defined as: .. math:: sf(x) = P(X \geq x) = \int_x^u p(t) dt = 1 - cdf(x) :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the survival function on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the survival function. :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`1 - cdf(x)` """ self.cdf(kde, points, out) out -= 1 out *= -1 return out
[docs] def isf(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the inverse survival function, defined as: .. math:: isf(p) = \sup\left\{x\in\mathbb{R} : sf(x) \leq p\right\} :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the iSF on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the inverse survival function. :Default: Compute :math:`icdf(1-p)` """ return self.icdf(kde, 1-points, out)
[docs] def hazard(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the hazard function evaluated on the points. The hazard function is defined as: .. math:: h(x) = \frac{p(x)}{sf(x)} where :math:`p(x)` is the probability density function and :math:`sf(x)` is the survival function. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the hazard function on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the hazard function :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`pdf(x) / sf(x)` """ self.pdf(kde, points, out=out) sf = np.empty(out.shape, dtype=out.dtype) self.sf(kde, points, sf) sf[sf < 0] = 0 # Some methods can produce negative sf out /= sf return out
[docs] def cumhazard(self, kde, points, out): r""" Compute the cumulative hazard function evaluated on the points. The hazard function is defined as: .. math:: ch(x) = \int_l^x h(t) dt = -\ln sf(x) where :math:`l` is the lower bound of the domain, :math:`h` the hazard function and :math:`sf` the survival function. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the cumulative hazard function on :param ndarray out: Result object. If must have the same shapes as ``points`` :rtype: ndarray :return: Returns the ``out`` variable, updated with the cumulative hazard function :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`-\ln sf(x)` """ self.sf(kde, points, out) out[out < 0] = 0 # Some methods can produce negative sf np.log(out, out=out) out *= -1 return out
[docs] def grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ Evaluate the PDF of the distribution on a regular grid with at least ``N`` elements. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the PDF has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Evaluate :math:`pdf(x)` on a grid generated using :py:func:`generate_grid` """ N = self.grid_size(N) g = generate_grid(kde, N, cut) out = np.empty(g.shape, dtype=float) return g, self.pdf(kde, g, out)
[docs] def cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ Evaluate the CDF of the distribution on a regular grid with at least ``N`` elements. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the CDF has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Evaluate :math:`cdf(x)` on a grid generated using :py:func:`generate_grid` """ N = self.grid_size(N) g = generate_grid(kde, N, cut) out = np.empty(g.shape, dtype=float) return g, self.cdf(kde, g, out)
[docs] def icdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ Compute the inverse cumulative distribution (quantile) function on a grid. :Note: The default implementation is not as good an approximation as the plain icdf default method. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the CDF has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Linear interpolation of the inverse CDF on a grid """ xs, ys = self.cdf_grid(kde, N, cut) N = len(xs) points = np.linspace(0, 1, N) icdf = np.interp(points, ys, xs, kde.lower, kde.upper) return points, icdf
[docs] def sf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): r""" Compute the survival function on a grid. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the survival function has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`1 - cdf(x)` """ points, out = self.cdf_grid(kde, N, cut) out -= 1 out *= -1 return points, out
[docs] def isf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ Compute the inverse survival function on a grid. :Note: The default implementation is not as good an approximation as the plain isf default method. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the CDF has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Linear interpolation of the inverse survival function on a grid """ xs, ys = self.sf_grid(kde, N, cut) N = len(xs) points = np.linspace(0, 1, N) isf = np.interp(points, ys[::-1], xs[::-1], kde.upper, kde.lower) return points, isf
[docs] def hazard_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): r""" Compute the hazard function on a grid. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the hazard function has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`pdf(x) / sf(x)` """ points, out = self.grid(kde, N, cut) _, sf = self.sf_grid(kde, N, cut) sf[sf < 0] = 0 # Some methods can produce negative sf out /= sf return points, out
[docs] def cumhazard_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): r""" Compute the hazard function on a grid. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object :param int N: minimum number of element in the returned grid. Most methods will want to round it to the next power of 2. :param float cut: for unbounded domains, how far from the last data point should the grid go, as a fraction of the bandwidth. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :returns: The array of positions the hazard function has been estimated on, and the estimations. :Default: Compute explicitly :math:`-\ln sf(x)` """ points, out = self.sf_grid(kde, N, cut) out[out < 0] = 0 # Some methods can produce negative sf np.log(out, out=out) out *= -1 return points, out
def __str__(self): """ Return the name of the method """ return
[docs] def numeric_cdf(self, kde, points, out): """ Provide a numeric approximation of the CDF based on integrating the pdf using :py:func:`scipy.integrate.quad`. """ pts = points.ravel() pts[pts < kde.lower] = kde.lower pts[pts > kde.upper] = kde.upper ix = pts.argsort() sp = pts[ix] pdf_out = np.empty((1,), dtype=float) def pdf(x): return self.pdf(kde, np.array([x]), pdf_out) @make_ufunc() def comp_cdf(i): low = kde.lower if i == 0 else sp[i-1] return integrate.quad(pdf, low, sp[i])[0] parts = np.empty(sp.shape, dtype=float) comp_cdf(np.arange(len(sp)), out=parts) ints = parts.cumsum() out.put(ix, ints) return out
[docs] def numeric_cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ Compute the CDF on a grid using a trivial, but fast, numeric integration of the pdf. """ pts, pdf = self.grid(kde, N, cut) cdf = integrate.cumtrapz(pdf, pts, initial=0) return pts, cdf
def grid_size(self, N=None): if N is None: return 2**10 return N
unbounded = KDE1DMethod()
[docs]class RenormalizationMethod(KDE1DMethod): r""" This method consists in using the normal kernel method, but renormalize to only take into account the part of the kernel within the domain of the density [1]_. The kernel is then replaced with: .. math:: \hat{K}(x;X,h,L,U) \triangleq \frac{1}{a_0(u,l)} K(z) where: .. math:: z = \frac{x-X}{h} \qquad l = \frac{L-x}{h} \qquad u = \frac{U-x}{h} """ name = 'renormalization' def pdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.pdf(self, kde, points, out) xdata = kde.xdata points = points[..., np.newaxis] bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas l = (points - kde.lower) / bw u = (points - kde.upper) / bw z = (points - xdata) / bw kernel = kde.kernel a1 = (kernel.cdf(l) - kernel.cdf(u)) terms = kernel(z) * ((kde.weights / bw) / a1) terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def cdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.cdf(self, kde, points, out) return self.numeric_cdf(kde, points, out) def cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): if N is None: N = 2**10 if not kde.bounded or N <= 2**11: return KDE1DMethod.cdf_grid(self, kde, N, cut) return self.numeric_cdf_grid(kde, N, cut)
renormalization = RenormalizationMethod()
[docs]class ReflectionMethod(KDE1DMethod): r""" This method consist in simulating the reflection of the data left and right of the boundaries. If one of the boundary is infinite, then the data is not reflected in that direction. To this purpose, the kernel is replaced with: .. math:: \hat{K}(x; X, h, L, U) \triangleq K(z) + K\left(\frac{x+X-2L}{h}\right) + K\left(\frac{x+X-2U}{h}\right) where: .. math:: z = \frac{x-X}{h} See the :py:mod:`pyqt_fit.kde_methods` for a description of the various symbols. When computing grids, if the bandwidth is constant, the result is computing using CDT. """ name = 'reflection' def pdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.pdf(self, kde, points, out) xdata = kde.xdata points = points[..., np.newaxis] # Make sure points are between the bounds, with reflection if needed if any(points < kde.lower) or any(points > kde.upper): span = kde.upper - kde.lower points = points - (kde.lower + span) points %= 2*span points -= kde.lower + span points = np.abs(points) bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw z1 = (points + xdata) / bw L = kde.lower U = kde.upper kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel(z) if L > -np.inf: terms += kernel(z1 - (2 * L / bw)) if U < np.inf: terms += kernel(z1 - (2 * U / bw)) terms *= kde.weights / bw terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def cdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.cdf(self, kde, points, out) xdata = kde.xdata points = points[..., np.newaxis] # Make sure points are between the bounds, with reflection if needed if any(points < kde.lower) or any(points > kde.upper): span = kde.upper - kde.lower points = points - (kde.lower + span) points %= 2*span points -= kde.lower + span points = np.abs(points) bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw z1 = (points + xdata) / bw L = kde.lower U = kde.upper kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel.cdf(z) if L > -np.inf: terms -= kernel.cdf((L - xdata) / bw) # Remove the truncated part on the left terms += kernel.cdf(z1 - (2 * L / bw)) # Add the reflected part terms -= kernel.cdf((xdata - L) / bw) # Remove the truncated part from the reflection if U < np.inf: terms += kernel.cdf(z1 - (2 * U / bw)) # Add the reflected part terms *= kde.weights terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ DCT-based estimation of KDE estimation, i.e. with reflection boundary conditions. This works only for fixed bandwidth (i.e. lambdas = 1) and gaussian kernel. For open domains, the grid is taken with 3 times the bandwidth as extra space to remove the boundary problems. """ if kde.lambdas.shape: return KDE1DMethod.grid(self, kde, N, cut) bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas data = kde.xdata N = self.grid_size(N) if cut is None: cut = kde.kernel.cut if kde.lower == -np.inf: lower = np.min(data) - cut * kde.bandwidth else: lower = kde.lower if kde.upper == np.inf: upper = np.max(data) + cut * kde.bandwidth else: upper = kde.upper R = upper - lower # Histogram the data to get a crude first approximation of the density weights = kde.weights if not weights.shape: weights = None DataHist, mesh = fast_bin(data, lower, upper, N, weights=weights, cyclic=False) DataHist = DataHist / kde.total_weights DCTData = fftpack.dct(DataHist, norm=None) t_star = bw / R gp = np.arange(N) * np.pi * t_star smth = kde.kernel.dct(gp) # Smooth the DCTransformed data using t_star SmDCTData = DCTData * smth # Inverse DCT to get density density = fftpack.idct(SmDCTData, norm=None) / (2 * R) return mesh, density def grid_size(self, N=None): if N is None: return 2**14 return 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)))
reflection = ReflectionMethod()
[docs]class LinearCombinationMethod(KDE1DMethod): r""" This method uses the linear combination correction published in [1]_. The estimation is done with a modified kernel given by: .. math:: \hat{K}(x;X,h,L,U) \triangleq \frac{a_2(l,u) - a_1(-u, -l) z}{a_2(l,u)a_0(l,u) - a_1(-u,-l)^2} K(z) where: .. math:: z = \frac{x-X}{h} \qquad l = \frac{L-x}{h} \qquad u = \frac{U-x}{h} """ name = 'linear combination' def pdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.pdf(self, kde, points, out) xdata = kde.xdata points = np.atleast_1d(points)[..., np.newaxis] bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas l = (kde.lower - points) / bw u = (kde.upper - points) / bw z = (points - xdata) / bw kernel = kde.kernel a0 = kernel.cdf(u) - kernel.cdf(l) a1 = kernel.pm1(-l) - kernel.pm1(-u) a2 = kernel.pm2(u) - kernel.pm2(l) denom = a2 * a0 - a1 * a1 upper = a2 - a1 * z upper /= denom upper *= (kde.weights / bw) * kernel(z) upper.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def cdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.cdf(self, kde, points, out) return self.numeric_cdf(kde, points, out) def cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): if N is None: N = 2**10 if not kde.bounded or N <= 2**11: return KDE1DMethod.cdf_grid(self, kde, N, cut) return self.numeric_cdf_grid(kde, N, cut)
linear_combination = LinearCombinationMethod()
[docs]class CyclicMethod(KDE1DMethod): r""" This method assumes cyclic boundary conditions and works only for closed boundaries. The estimation is done with a modified kernel given by: .. math:: \hat{K}(x; X, h, L, U) \triangleq K(z) + K\left(z - \frac{U-L}{h}\right) + K\left(z + \frac{U-L}{h}\right) where: .. math:: z = \frac{x-X}{h} When computing grids, if the bandwidth is constant, the result is computing using FFT. """ name = 'cyclic' def pdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.pdf(self, kde, points, out) if not kde.closed: raise ValueError("Cyclic boundary conditions can only be used with " "closed or un-bounded domains.") xdata = kde.xdata points = np.atleast_1d(points)[..., np.newaxis] # Make sure points are between the bounds if any(points < kde.lower) or any(points > kde.upper): points = points - kde.lower points %= kde.upper - kde.lower points += kde.lower bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw L = kde.lower U = kde.upper span = (U - L) / bw kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel(z) terms += kernel(z + span) # Add points to the left terms += kernel(z - span) # Add points to the right terms *= kde.weights / bw terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def cdf(self, kde, points, out): if not kde.bounded: return KDE1DMethod.cdf(self, kde, points, out) if not kde.closed: raise ValueError("Cyclic boundary conditions can only be used with " "closed or unbounded domains.") xdata = kde.xdata points = np.atleast_1d(points)[..., np.newaxis] # Make sure points are between the bounds if any(points < kde.lower) or any(points > kde.upper): points = points - kde.lower points %= kde.upper - kde.lower points += kde.lower bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas z = (points - xdata) / bw L = kde.lower U = kde.upper span = (U - L) / bw kernel = kde.kernel terms = kernel.cdf(z) terms -= kernel.cdf((L - xdata) / bw) # Remove the parts left of the lower bound terms += kernel.cdf(z + span) # Repeat on the left terms -= kernel.cdf((L - xdata) / bw + span) # Remove parts left of lower bounds terms += kernel.cdf(z - span) # Repeat on the right terms *= kde.weights terms.sum(axis=-1, out=out) out /= kde.total_weights return out def grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): """ FFT-based estimation of KDE estimation, i.e. with cyclic boundary conditions. This works only for closed domains, fixed bandwidth (i.e. lambdas = 1) and gaussian kernel. """ if kde.lambdas.shape: return KDE1DMethod.grid(self, kde, N, cut) if kde.bounded and not kde.closed: raise ValueError("Error, cyclic boundary conditions require " "a closed or un-bounded domain.") bw = kde.bandwidth * kde.lambdas data = kde.xdata N = self.grid_size(N) lower = kde.lower upper = kde.upper if upper == np.inf: lower = np.min(data) - cut * kde.bandwidth upper = np.max(data) + cut * kde.bandwidth R = upper - lower weights = kde.weights if not weights.shape: weights = None DataHist, mesh = fast_bin(data, lower, upper, N, weights=weights, cyclic=True) DataHist = DataHist / kde.total_weights FFTData = np.fft.rfft(DataHist) t_star = (2 * bw / R) gp = np.arange(len(FFTData)) * np.pi * t_star smth = kde.kernel.fft(gp) SmoothFFTData = FFTData * smth density = np.fft.irfft(SmoothFFTData, len(DataHist)) / (mesh[1] - mesh[0]) return mesh, density def cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): if kde.lambdas.shape: return KDE1DMethod.cdf_grid(self, kde, N, cut) if not kde.closed: raise ValueError("Error, cyclic boundary conditions require " "a closed domain.") N = self.grid_size(N) if N <= 2**12: return KDE1DMethod.cdf_grid(self, kde, N, cut) return self.numeric_cdf_grid(kde, N, cut) def grid_size(self, N=None): if N is None: return 2**14 return 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(N)))
cyclic = CyclicMethod() Transform = namedtuple('Tranform', ['__call__', 'inv', 'Dinv']) def _inverse(x, out=None): return np.divide(1, x, out) LogTransform = Transform(np.log, np.exp, np.exp) ExpTransform = Transform(np.exp, np.log, _inverse) def transform_distribution(xs, ys, Dinv, out): r""" Transform a distribution into another one by a change a variable. :param ndarray xs: Evaluation points of the distribution :param ndarray ys: Distribution value on the points xs :param func Dinv: Function evaluating the derivative of the inverse transformation function :param ndarray out: Array in which to store the result :rtype: ndarray :returns: The variable ``out``, updated wih the transformed distribution Given a random variable :math:`X` of distribution :math:`f_X`, the random variable :math:`Y = g(X)` has a distribution :math:`f_Y` given by: .. math:: f_Y(y) = \left| \frac{1}{g'(g^{-1}(y))} \right| \cdot f_X(g^{-1}(y)) """ Dinv(xs, out=out) np.abs(out, out=out) _inverse(out, out=out) np.multiply(out, ys, out=out) return out
[docs]def create_transform(obj, inv=None, Dinv=None): """ Create a transform object. :param fun obj: This can be either simple a function, or a function-object with an 'inv' and/or 'Dinv' attributes containing the inverse function and its derivative (respectively) :param fun inv: If provided, inverse of the main function :param fun Dinv: If provided, derivative of the inverse function :rtype: Transform :returns: A transform object with function, inverse and derivative of the inverse The inverse function must be provided, either as argument or as attribute to the object. The derivative of the inverse will be estimated numerically if not provided. :Note: All the functions should accept an ``out`` argument to store the result. """ if isinstance(obj, Transform): return obj fct = obj.__call__ if inv is None: if not hasattr(obj, 'inv'): raise AttributeError("Error, transform object must have a 'inv' " "attribute or you must specify the 'inv' argument") inv = obj.inv if Dinv is None: if hasattr(obj, 'Dinv'): Dinv = obj.Dinv else: @numpy_trans_idx def Dinv(x): dx = x * 1e-9 dx[x == 0] = np.min(dx[x != 0]) return (inv(x + dx) - inv(x - dx)) / (2 * dx) return Transform(fct, inv, Dinv)
class _fakeKDE(object): def __init__(self, method): self.method = method.method
[docs]class TransformKDE1DMethod(KDE1DMethod): r""" Compute the Kernel Density Estimate of a dataset, transforming it first to a domain where distances are "more meaningful". Often, KDE is best estimated in a different domain. This object takes a KDE1D object (or one compatible), and a transformation function. Given a random variable :math:`X` of distribution :math:`f_X`, the random variable :math:`Y = g(X)` has a distribution :math:`f_Y` given by: .. math:: f_Y(y) = \left| \frac{1}{g'(g^{-1}(y))} \right| \cdot f_X(g^{-1}(y)) In our term, :math:`Y` is the random variable the user is interested in, and :math:`X` the random variable we can estimate using the KDE. In this case, :math:`g` is the transform from :math:`Y` to :math:`X`. So to estimate the distribution on a set of points given in :math:`x`, we need a total of three functions: - Direct function: transform from the original space to the one in which the KDE will be perform (i.e. :math:`g^{-1}: y \mapsto x`) - Invert function: transform from the KDE space to the original one (i.e. :math:`g: x \mapsto y`) - Derivative of the invert function If the derivative is not provided, it will be estimated numerically. :param trans: Either a simple function, or a function object with attributes `inv` and `Dinv` to use in case they are not provided as arguments. The helper :py:func:`create_transform` will provide numeric approximation of the derivative if required. :param method: instance of KDE1DMethod used in the transformed domain. Default is :py:class:`pyqt_fit.kde_methods.KDE1DMethod` :param inv: Invert of the function. If not provided, `trans` must have it as attribute. :param Dinv: Derivative of the invert function. :Note: all given functions should accept an optional ``out`` argument to get a pre-allocated array to store its result. Also the ``out`` parameter may be one of the input argument. """ def __init__(self, trans, method=None, inv=None, Dinv=None): self.trans = create_transform(trans, inv, Dinv) if method is None: method = KDE1DMethod() self.method = method def fit(self, kde): """ Method called by the KDE1D object right after fitting to allow for one-time calculation. This method copy, and transform, the various attributes of the KDE. :param pyqt_fit.kde.KDE1D kde: KDE object being fitted """ fake_kde = _fakeKDE(self) fake_kde.lower = self.trans(kde.lower) fake_kde.upper = self.trans(kde.upper) fake_kde.xdata = self.trans(kde.xdata) copy_attrs = [ 'weights', 'lambdas', 'kernel' , 'bandwidth', 'covariance' , 'bandwidth_function' , 'covariance_function' , 'total_weights' ] for attr in copy_attrs: setattr(fake_kde, attr, getattr(kde, attr)) # Compute the bandwidth for the fake KDE and update the KDE itself bw, cov = compute_bandwidth(fake_kde) fake_kde.bandwidth = kde.bandwidth = bw fake_kde.covariance = kde.covariance = cov self.fake_kde = fake_kde def pdf(self, kde, points, out): trans = self.trans pts = trans(points) self.method(self.fake_kde, pts, out) return transform_distribution(pts, out, trans.Dinv, out=out) def grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): xs, ys = self.method.grid(self.fake_kde, N, cut) trans = self.trans transform_distribution(xs, ys, trans.Dinv, out=ys) trans.inv(xs, out=xs) return xs, ys def cdf(self, kde, points, out): return self.method.cdf(self.fake_kde, self.trans(points), out) def cdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): xs, ys = self.method.cdf_grid(self.fake_kde, N, cut) self.trans.inv(xs, out=xs) return xs, ys def sf(self, kde, points, out): return self.method.sf(self.fake_kde, self.trans(points), out) def sf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): xs, ys = self.method.sf_grid(self.fake_kde, N, cut) return self.trans.inv(xs), ys def icdf(self, kde, points, out): self.method.icdf(self.fake_kde, points, out) self.trans.inv(out, out=out) return out def icdf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): xs, ys = self.method.icdf_grid(self.fake_kde, N, cut) self.trans.inv(ys, out=ys) return xs, ys def isf(self, kde, points, out): self.method.isf(self.fake_kde, points, out) self.trans.inv(out, out=out) return out def isf_grid(self, kde, N=None, cut=None): xs, ys = self.method.isf_grid(self.fake_kde, N, cut) self.trans.inv(ys, out=ys) return xs, ys
[docs]def transformKDE1D(trans, method=None, inv=None, Dinv=None): """ Creates an instance of :py:class:`TransformKDE1DMethod` """ return TransformKDE1DMethod(trans, method, inv, Dinv)
default_method = reflection