:Author: Pierre Barbier de Reuille <pierre.barbierdereuille@gmail.com>
This module specifically implement the curve fitting, wrapping the default
scipy.optimize.leastsq function. It allows for parameter value fixing,
different kind of residual and added constraints function.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from scipy import optimize
from .compat import lrange
import numpy as np
[docs]class CurveFitting(object):
Fit a curve using the :py:func:`scipy.optimize.leastsq` function
:type xdata: ndarray
:param xdata: Explaining values
:type ydata: ndarray
:param ydata: Target values
Once fitted, the following variables contain the result of
the fitting:
:ivar ndarray popt: The solution (or the result of the last iteration for
an unsuccessful call)
:ivar ndarray pcov: The estimated covariance of popt. The diagonals
provide the variance of the parameter estimate.
:ivar ndarray res: Final residuals
:ivar dict infodict: a dictionary of outputs with the keys:
the number of function calls
the function evaluated at the output
A permutation of the R matrix of a QR factorization of
the final approximate Jacobian matrix, stored column wise.
Together with ipvt, the covariance of the estimate can be
an integer array of length N which defines a permutation
matrix, ``p``, such that ``fjac*p = q*r``, where ``r`` is upper
triangular with diagonal elements of nonincreasing
magnitude. Column ``j`` of ``p`` is column ``ipvt(j)`` of the
identity matrix.
the vector ``(transpose(q) * fvec)``
list of tuple of parameters, each being the lower and
upper bounds for the confidence interval in the CI
argument at the same position.
True if the jacobian is estimated, false if the
user-provided functions have been used
.. note::
In this implementation, residuals are supposed to be a generalisation
of the notion of difference. In the end, the mathematical expression
of this minimisation is:
.. math::
\hat{\theta} = \argmin_{\theta\in \mathbb{R}^p}
\sum_i r(y_i, f(\theta, x_i))^2
Where :math:`\theta` is the vector of :math:`p` parameters to optimise,
:math:`r` is the residual function and :math:`f` is the function being
def __init__(self, xdata, ydata, **kwords):
self._fct = None
self._Dfun = None
self._residuals = None
self._Dres = None
self._col_deriv = True
self._constraints = None
self._lsq_args = ()
self._lsq_kwords = {}
self._xdata = None
self._ydata = None
self._p0 = None
self._fix_params = None
self.xdata = xdata
self.ydata = ydata
self._fitted = False
for n in kwords:
setattr(self, n, kwords[n])
if self._residuals is None:
self._residuals = lambda x, y: (x - y)
self._Dres = lambda y1, y0: -1
def need_fit(self):
Function to be called if the object need to be fitted again
self._fitted = False
def fitted(self):
Check if the object has been fitted or not
return self._fitted
def function(self):
Function to be fitted. The call of the function will be::
function(params, xs)
return self._fct
def function(self, f):
self._fct = f
def Dfun(self):
Jacobian of the function with respect to its parameters.
:Note: col_deriv defines if the derivative with respect to a given parameter is in column or row
If not provided, a numerical approximation will be used instead.
return self._Dfun
def Dfun(self, df):
self._Dfun = df
def Dfun(self):
self._Dfun = None
def col_deriv(self):
Define if Dfun returns the derivatives by row or column.
If ``col_deriv`` is ``True``, each line correspond to a parameter and each column to a point.
return self._col_deriv
def col_deriv(self, value):
self._col_deriv = bool(value)
def residuals(self):
Residual function to use. The call will be::
residuals(y_measured, y_est)
where ``y_measured`` are the estimated values and ``y_est`` the measured ones.
:Default: the defauls is ``y_measured - y_est``
return self._residuals
def residuals(self, f):
self._residuals = f
def Dres(self):
Derivative of the residual function with respec to the estimated values. The call will be:
Dres(y_measured, y_est)
:Default: as the default residual is ``y_measured - y_est``, the default derivative is ``-1``
return self._Dres
def Dres(self, df):
self._Dres = df
def Dres(self):
self._Dres = None
def lsq_args(self):
Extra arguments to give to the least-square algorithm.
See :py:func:`scipy.optimize.leastsq` for details
return self._lsq_args
def lsq_args(self, val):
self._lsq_args = tuple(val)
def lsq_args(self):
self._lsq_args = ()
def lsq_kwords(self):
Extra named arguments to give to the least-square algorithm.
See :py:func:`scipy.optimize.leastsq` for details
return self._lsq_kwords
def lsq_kwords(self, val):
self._lsq_kwords = dict(val)
def lsq_kwords(self):
self._lsq_kwords = {}
def xdata(self):
Explaining values.
return self._xdata
def xdata(self, value):
value = np.atleast_1d(value).squeeze()
assert len(value.shape) < 3, "Error, xdata must be at most a 2D array"
self._xdata = value
def ydata(self):
Target values.
return self._ydata
def ydata(self, value):
value = np.atleast_1d(value).squeeze()
assert len(value.shape) == 1, "Error, ydata must be at most a 1D array"
self._ydata = value
def p0(self):
Initial fitting parameters
return self._p0
def p0(self, value):
value = np.atleast_1d(value)
assert len(value.shape) == 1, "Error, p0 must be at most a 1D array"
self._p0 = value
def constraints(self):
Function returning additional constraints to the problem
return self._constraints
def constraints(self, value):
assert callable(value), "Error, constraints must be a callable returning a 1d array"
self._constraints = value
def constraints(self):
self._constraints = None
def fix_params(self):
Index of parameters that shouldn't be touched by the algorithm
return self._fix_params
def fix_params(self, value):
self._fix_params = tuple(value)
def fix_params(self):
self._fix_params = None
def fit(self):
Fit the curve
Dres = self.Dres
Dfun = self.Dfun
fct = self.function
residuals = self.residuals
col_deriv = self.col_deriv
p0 = self.p0
xdata = self.xdata
ydata = self.ydata
fix_params = self.fix_params
use_derivs = (Dres is not None) and (Dfun is not None)
df = None
f = None
if fix_params:
p_save = np.array(p0, dtype=float)
change_params = lrange(len(p0))
for i in fix_params:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("List of parameters to fix is incorrect: "
"contains either duplicates or values "
"out of range.")
p0 = p_save[change_params]
def f_fixed(p):
p1 = np.array(p_save)
p1[change_params] = p
y0 = fct(p1, xdata)
return residuals(ydata, y0)
f = f_fixed
if use_derivs:
def df_fixed(p):
p1 = np.array(p_save)
p1[change_params] = p
y0 = fct(p1, xdata)
dfct = Dfun(p1, xdata)
dr = Dres(ydata, y0)
if col_deriv:
return dfct[change_params]*dr
return dfct[:,change_params]*dr[:, np.newaxis]
df = df_fixed
def f_free(p):
y0 = fct(p, xdata)
return residuals(ydata, y0)
f = f_free
if use_derivs:
def df_free(p):
dfct = Dfun(p, xdata)
y0 = fct(p, xdata)
dr = np.atleast_1d(Dres(ydata, y0))
if col_deriv:
return dfct*dr
return dfct*dr[:, np.newaxis]
df = df_free
if use_derivs:
self.df = df
cd = 1 if col_deriv else 0
optim = optimize.leastsq(f, p0, full_output=1, Dfun=df,
col_deriv=cd, *self.lsq_args, **self.lsq_kwords)
popt, pcov, infodict, mesg, ier = optim
#infodict['est_jacobian'] = not use_derivs
if fix_params:
p_save[change_params] = popt
popt = p_save
if not ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine number of fit parameters. "
"Error returned by scipy.optimize.leastsq:\n%s"
% (mesg,))
res = residuals(ydata, fct(popt, xdata))
if (len(res) > len(p0)) and pcov is not None:
s_sq = (res ** 2).sum() / (len(ydata) - len(p0))
pcov = pcov * s_sq
pcov = np.inf
self.popt = popt
self.pcov = pcov
self.res = res
self.infodict = infodict
self._fitted = True
[docs] def __call__(self, xdata):
Return the value of the fitted function for each of the points in
if not self.fitted:
return self.function(self.popt, xdata)