Source code for pynfg.utilities.utilities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Several useful functions for use in various places in PyNFG

Part of: PyNFG - a Python package for modeling and solving Network Form Games

Created on Tue May  7 15:39:38 2013

Copyright (C) 2013 James Bono (

GNU Affero General Public License

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import copy
import pynfg

[docs]def mceu(Game, dn, N, tol=30, delta=1, verbose=False): """Compute the move-conditioned expected utilities for all parent values :arg Game: the SemiNFG of interest :type Game: SemiNFG or iterSemiNFG :arg dn: the name of the decision node where MCEUs are estimated :type dn: str :arg N: the max number of iterations for the estimation :type N: int :arg tol: the minimum number of samples per parent value :type tol: int """ if type(Game) == pynfg.classes.seminfg.SemiNFG: return _mceu_static(Game, dn, N, tol, verbose) else: return _mceu_iterated(Game, dn, N, tol, delta, verbose)
def _mceu_iterated(Game, dn, N, tol=30, delta=1, verbose=False): G = copy.deepcopy(Game) player = G.node_dict[dn].player CPT_shape = G.node_dict[dn].CPT.shape childnames = [ for node in G.children(dn)] space = G.node_dict[dn].space Utable = np.zeros(CPT_shape) visits = np.zeros(CPT_shape) n = 0 ufoo = G.npv_reward uargs = [player, G.node_dict[dn].time, delta] while np.min(visits)<tol and n<N: # Do we want both of these to hold n += 1 # or just one? I think both. G.sample() idx = G.node_dict[dn].get_CPTindex() visits[idx[:-1]] += 1 Utable[idx] += ufoo(*uargs) for a in xrange(CPT_shape[-1]): if a != idx[-1]: G.node_dict[dn].set_value(space[a]) G.sample(start=childnames) idy = idx[:-1]+(a,) Utable[idy] += ufoo(*uargs) if verbose: print('number of unvisited messages:', \ (visits.size-np.count_nonzero(visits))/CPT_shape[-1]) print('least number of visits:', np.min(visits[np.nonzero(visits)])) idx = (visits==0) visits[idx] = 1 return Utable/visits def _mceu_static(Game, dn, N, tol, verbose=False): G = copy.deepcopy(Game) player = G.node_dict[dn].player CPT_shape = G.node_dict[dn].CPT.shape childnames = [ for node in G.children(dn)] space = G.node_dict[dn].space Utable = np.zeros(CPT_shape) visits = np.zeros(CPT_shape) n = 0 ufoo = G.utility uargs = player while np.min(visits)<tol and n<N: # Do we want both of these to hold n += 1 # or just one? I think both. G.sample() idx = G.node_dict[dn].get_CPTindex() visits[idx[:-1]] += 1 Utable[idx] += ufoo(uargs) if len(childnames) > 0 : for a in xrange(CPT_shape[-1]): if a != idx[-1]: G.node_dict[dn].set_value(space[a]) G.sample(start=childnames) idy = idx[:-1]+(a,) Utable[idy] += ufoo(uargs) else: # no children samples whole net! for a in xrange(CPT_shape[-1]): if a != idx[-1]: G.node_dict[dn].set_value(space[a]) idy = idx[:-1]+(a,) Utable[idy] += ufoo(uargs) if verbose: print('number of unvisited messages:', \ (visits.size-np.count_nonzero(visits))/CPT_shape[-1]) print('least number of visits:', np.min(visits[np.nonzero(visits)])) idx = (visits==0) visits[idx] = 1 return Utable/visits
[docs]def convert_2_pureCPT(anarray): """Convert an arbitrary matrix to a pure CPT w/ weight on maximum elements :arg anarray: The numpy array to be converted to :type anarray: np.array :returns: a normalized conditional probability distribution over actions given messages with all elements zero or one. """ idx = np.where(anarray == np.max(anarray, axis=-1)[...,np.newaxis]) newarray = np.zeros(anarray.shape) newarray[idx] = 1 newCPT = newarray/np.sum(newarray, axis=-1)[...,np.newaxis] return newCPT
[docs]def mh_decision(pnew, pold, qnew=1, qold=1): """Decide to accept the new draw or keep the old one :arg pnew: the unnormalized likelihood of the new draw :type pnew: float :arg pold: the unnormalized likelihood of the old draw :type pnew: float :arg qnew: the probability of transitioning from the old draw to the new draw. :type qnew: float :arg qold: the probability of transitioning from the new draw to the old draw. :type qold: float :returns: either True or False to determine whether the new draw is accepted. """ if pold<=0 or qnew<=0: a = 1 else: a = min([(pnew*qold)/(pold*qnew), 1]) u = np.random.rand() if a > u: verdict = True else: verdict = False return verdict

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