# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning for iterSemiNFG objects
Created on Mon Feb 18 09:03:32 2013
Copyright (C) 2013 James Bono (jwbono@gmail.com)
GNU Affero General Public License
from __future__ import division
import time
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
[docs]def ewma_mcrl(Game, bn, J, N, alpha, delta, eps, uni=False, pureout=False):
""" Use EWMA MC RL to approximate the optimal CPT at bn given G
:arg Game: The iterated semi-NFG on which to perform the RL
:type Game: iterSemiNFG
:arg bn: the basename of the node with the CPT to be trained
:type bn: str
:arg J: The number of runs per training episode. If a schedule is desired,
enter a list or np.array with size equal to N.
:type J: int, list, or np.array
:arg N: The number of training episodes
:type N: int
:arg alpha: The exponential weight for the moving average. If a schedule is
desired, enter a list or np.array with size equal to N
:type alpha: int, list or np.array
:arg delta: The discount factor
:type delta: float
:arg eps: The maximum step-size for policy improvements
:type eps: float
:arg uni: if True, training is initialized with a uniform policy. Default
False to allow "seeding" with different policies, e.g. level k-1
:type uni: bool
:arg pureout: if True, the policy is turned into a pure policy at the end
of training by assigning argmax actions prob 1. Default is False
:type pureout: bool
import copy
GG = copy.deepcopy(G)
from pynfg.rlsolutions.mcrl import ewma_mcrl
G1, Rseries = ewma_mcrl(GG, 'D1', J=np.floor(linspace(300,100,num=50)),
N=50, alpha=1, delta=0.8, eps=0.4,
G = copy.deepcopy(Game)
timepassed = np.zeros(N)
# initializing training schedules from scalar inputs
if isinstance(J, (int)):
J = J*np.ones(N)
if isinstance(alpha, (int, long, float)):
alpha = alpha*np.ones(N)
if isinstance(eps, (int, long, float)):
eps = eps*np.ones(N)
# getting shorter/more descriptive variable names to work with
T0 = G.starttime
T = G.endtime+1
player = G.bn_part[bn][0].player
shape = G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT.shape
shape_last = shape[-1]
if uni:
G.bn_part[bn][0].uniformCPT() #starting with a uniform CPT
for dn in G.bn_part[bn]: #pointing all CPTs to T0, i.e. single policy
dn.CPT = G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT
visit = set() #dict of the messages and mapairs visited throughout training
averew = 0
# for x in xrange(30):
# rew = 0
# G.sample()
# for t in xrange(T0,T):
# rew += G.reward(player, t)/(T-T0-1)
# averew += rew/(30)
R = averew #average reward
A = 0 #normalizing constant for average reward
B = {} #dict associates messages and mapairs with beta exponents
D = {} #dict associates messages and mapairs with norm constants for Q,V
Q = np.zeros(shape) #Qtable
V = np.zeros(shape[:-1]) #Value table
Rseries = np.zeros(N) #tracking average reward for plotting convergence
for n in xrange(N):
print n
indicaten = np.zeros(Q.shape) #indicates visited mapairs
visitn = set() #dict of messages and mapairs visited in episode n
Rseries[n] = R #adding the most recent ave reward to the data series
A *= alpha[n] #rescaling A at start of new episode, see writeup
for j in xrange(int(J[n])):
visitj = set() #visitj must be cleared at the start of every run
for t in xrange(T0,T):
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
#G.bn_part[bn][t-T0].CPT = copy.copy(G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT)
G.sample_timesteps(t, t) #sampling the timestep
rew = G.reward(player, t) #getting the reward
mapair = G.bn_part[bn][t-T0].get_CPTindex()
A += 1
r = R
R = (1/A)*((A-1)*r+rew)
xm = set() #used below to keep track of updated messages
for values in visitj:
b = B[values] #past values
d = D[values]
q = Q[values]
bb = (b+1) #update equations double letters are time t
dd = d+1
qq = (1/dd)*(d*q+(delta**(bb-1))*(rew))
B[values] = bb #update dictionaries
D[values] = dd
Q[values] = qq
message = values[:-1] #V indexed by message only
if message not in xm: #updating message only once
b = B[message] #past values
d = D[message]
v = V[message]
bb = (b+1) #update equations double letters are time t
dd = d+1
vv = (1/dd)*(d*v+(delta**(bb-1))*(rew))
B[message] = bb #update dictionaries
D[message] = dd
V[message] = vv
xm.add(message) #so that message isn't updated again
if mapair not in visitj: #first time in j visiting mapair
message = mapair[:-1]
messtrue = (message not in xm) #for checking message visited
B[mapair] = 1 #whenever mapair not in visitj
if mapair not in visitn and mapair not in visit:
D[mapair] = 1
Q[mapair] = rew
if messtrue:
D[message] = 1
V[message] = rew
elif mapair not in visitn:
D[mapair] = alpha[n]*D[mapair]+1
Q[mapair] = (1/D[mapair])*((D[mapair]-1)*Q[mapair]\
if messtrue:
D[message] = alpha[n]*D[message]+1
V[message] = (1/D[message])*((D[message]-1)*\
D[mapair] += 1
Q[mapair] = (1/D[mapair])*((D[mapair]-1)*Q[mapair]\
if messtrue:
D[message] += 1
V[message] = (1/D[message])*((D[message]-1)*\
if messtrue:
B[message] = 1
visit.add(mapair)#mapair added to visit sets the first time
indicaten[mapair] = 1 #only visited actions are updated
# update CPT with shift towards Qtable argmax actions.
shift = Q-V[...,np.newaxis]
idx = np.nonzero(shift) #indices of nonzero shifts (avoid divide by 0)
# normalizing shifts to be a % of message's biggest shift
shiftnorm = np.absolute(shift).max(axis=-1)[...,np.newaxis]
# for each mapair shift only eps% of the percent shift
updater = eps[n]*indicaten*G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT/shiftnorm
# increment the CPT
G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT[idx] += updater[idx]*shift[idx]
# normalize after the shift
CPTsum = G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT.sum(axis=-1)
G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT /= CPTsum[...,np.newaxis]
if pureout: #if True, output is a pure policy
for tau in xrange(1, T-T0): #before exit, make CPTs independent in memory
G.bn_part[bn][tau].CPT = copy.copy(G.bn_part[bn][0].CPT)
plt.plot(Rseries) #plotting Rseries to gauge convergence
fig = plt.gcf()
return G, fig