# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements the DecisionNode class
Created on Mon Feb 18 10:31:17 2013
Copyright (C) 2013 James Bono (jwbono@gmail.com)
GNU Affero General Public License
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import copy
import scipy.stats.distributions as randvars
from node import *
from pynfg.utilities.utilities import convert_2_pureCPT
[docs]class DecisionNode(Node):
"""Implements a decision node of the semi-NFG formalism by D. Wolpert
The :class:`classes.DecisionNode` can be initialized with either a
conditional probability distribution (CPT) or a distribution object
from :py:mod:`scipy.stats.distributions` (discrete and continuous types
are both supported).
:arg name: the name of the DecisionNode, usually descriptive, e.g. D5,
for player 5's decision node, or D51 for player 5's 1st decision node,
or D512 for player 5's 1st decision node in the 2nd time step, etc.
:type name: str
:arg player: the name of the player to which this DecisionNode belongs.
:type player: str
:arg space: the list of the possible values for the DecisionNode. The
order determines the order of the CPT when generated.
:type space: list
:arg parents: the list of the parents of the decision node. All entries
must be a :class:`classes.DecisionNode` or a discrete
:class:`classes.ChanceNode` or :class:`nodes.DeterNode`. The order of the
parents in the list determinesthe rder of the CPT when generated.
:type parents: list
:arg description: a description of the decision node, usually including
a summary description of the space, parents and children.
:type description: str
:arg time: the timestep to which the node belongs. This is generally
only used for :class:`seminfg.iterSemiNFG` objects.
:type time: int
:arg basename: Reference to a theoretical node in the base or kernel.
:type basename: str
Formally, a decision node has the following properties:
* belongs to a human player
* has a space of possible values.
* the conditional probability distribution from the values of its
parents - given by :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.prob()` or
:py:meth:`classes.ChanceNode.prob()`, is not specified in the game.
That distribution is given by the solution concept applied to the
semi-NFG. This lack of CPDs at decision nodes is the reason the
semi-NFG is said to be based on a semi-Bayes net.
.. note::
For a :class:`classes.DecisionNode`, the parents nodes must be
import scipy.stats.distributions as randvars
dist1 = randvars.randint
params1 = [1, 4]
space1 = [1, 2, 3]
distip1 = (dist1, params1, space1)
C1 = ChanceNode('C1', distip=distip1, description='root CN given by randint 1 to 4')
D1 = DecisionNode('D1', '1', [-1, 0, 1], parents=[C1], description='This is a child node of C1')
Upon initialization, the following private method is called:
Some useful methods are:
* :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.draw_value()`
* :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.prob()`
* :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.logprob()`
* :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.randomCPT()`
* :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.perturbCPT()`
def __init__(self, name, player, space, parents=None, \
description='no description', time=None, basename=None, \
if verbose:
print 'Name: '+ name + '\nDescription: '+ description + \
'\nPlayer: '+ player
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
raise AssertionError('name, description, \
player should be strings')
self.continuous = False
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.time = time
self.basename = basename
self.player = player
if isinstance(space, list):
self.space = space
raise TypeError('The space must be a list')
if parents is None:
parents = []
self.parents = self._set_parent_dict(parents)
# self.set_value(self.space[0])
self.continuous = False
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def _createCPT(self):
"""Create a CPT of the correct size with zeros for the DecisionNode
Uses the order of the parents in the parent list as entered by the user
to initialize the DecisionNode object and the sizes of space attributes
of the parents to create a :py:func:`numpy.zeros()` array of the
appropriate size and shape.
CPT_shape = []
for par in self.parents:
if not CPT_shape:
self.CPT = np.zeros(CPT_shape)
[docs] def draw_value(self, parentinput=None, setvalue=True, mode=False):
"""Draw a value from the :class:`classes.DecisionNode` object
:arg parentinput: Optional. Specify values of the parents at which to
draw values using the CPT. Keys are parent names. Values are parent
values. To specify values for only a subset of the parents, only
enter those parents in the dictionary. If no parent values are
specified, then the current values of the parents are used.
:type parentinput: dict
:arg setvalue: (Optional) determines if the random draw replaces
:py:attr:`classes.DecisionNode.value`. True by default.
:type setvalue: bool
:arg mode: draws the modal action
:type mode: bool
:returns: an element of :py:attr:`classes.DecisionNode.space`.
.. note::
The values specified in parentinput must correspond to an item in the
parent's space attribute.
.. warning::
The CPT is an np.zero array upon initialization. Therefore, one must
set the CPT wih :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.randomCPT()` or
manually before calling this method.
if parentinput is None:
if not self.CPT.any():
raise AttributeError('CPT for %s is just a zeros array' % self.name)
ind = []
indo = self.get_CPTindex(parentinput, valueinput=False)
if not mode:
cdf = np.cumsum(self.CPT[indo])
cutoff = np.random.rand()
idx = np.nonzero( cdf >= cutoff )[0][0]
idx = self.CPT[indo].argmax()
if setvalue:
return self.get_value()
return self.space[idx]
[docs] def randomCPT(self, mixed=False, setCPT=True):
"""Create a random CPT for the :class:`classes.DecisionNode` object
:arg mixed: Optional. Determines whether a mixed CPT, i.e. a CPT that
assigns nonzero weight to every value in
:py:attr:`classes.DecisionNode.space`, or a pure CPT, i.e. a CPT that
assigns probability 1 to a single value in
:py:attr:`classes.DecisionNode.space` for each of the parent values.
:type mixed: bool
:arg setCPT: Optional. Default is True. Determines whether the
:py:attr:`classes.DecisionNode.CPT` attribut is set by the function
:type setCPT: bool
:returns: a mixed or pure CPT.
CPTshape = self.CPT.shape
shape_last = CPTshape[-1]
other_dims = CPTshape[0:-1]
z = np.zeros(CPTshape)
if mixed is False:
y = randvars.randint.rvs(0, shape_last, size=other_dims)
if y.size > 1:
z.reshape((-1, shape_last))[np.arange(y.size), y.flatten()]=1
z.reshape((-1, shape_last))[0, y]=1
simplex_draws = np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(shape_last), np.prod(other_dims))
M = 100000000
x = randvars.randint.rvs(1, M, size=other_dims+(shape_last-1,))
y = np.concatenate((np.zeros(other_dims+(1,)), x, \
M*np.ones(other_dims+(1,))), axis=-1)
yy = np.sort(y, axis=-1)
z = np.diff(yy, axis=-1)/M
if setCPT:
self.CPT[:] = z
return z
[docs] def perturbCPT(self, noise, mixed=True, setCPT=True, \
"""Create a perturbation of the CPT attribute.
:arg noise: The noise determines the mixture between the current CPT
and a random CPT, e.g. `new = self.CPT*(1-noise) + randCPT*noise`.
Noise must be a number between 0 and 1.
:type noise: float
:arg mixed: Optional. Determines if the perturbation is pure or mixed.
If pure, then the perturbed CPT is a pure CPT with some of the pure
weights shifted to other values. If mixed, then the perturbed CPT is
a mixed CPT with positive weight on all values.
:type mixed: bool
.. note::
If setCPT is True, then there is no CPT output. If setCPT is True,
and returnweight is False, then there is no output. If setCPT is
True, and returnweight is True, then the weight is the only output.
If setCPT is False, and returnweight is False, then the only output
is the CPT output. Finally, if setCPT is False, and returnweight is
True, then there is both CPT and weight output, and the weight is
first in the list.
# :arg sliver: Optional. Determines the values of the parents for which
# to perturb the current CPT. Keys are parent names. Values are parent
# values. If empty, the entire CPT is perturbed. If sliver is nonempty,
# but specifies values for only a subset of parents, the current values
# are used for the remaining parents. Note that for pure perturbations
# the noise parameter is ignored and a different action is selected
# with probability 1.
# :type sliver: dict
copiedCPT = copy.copy(self.CPT)
weight = 1
if not mixed: #pure CPT
if returnweight:
copiedCPT, weight = perturbpure(copiedCPT, noise, \
copiedCPT = perturbpure(copiedCPT, noise, returnweight)
else: #mixed CPT
randCPT = self.randomCPT(mixed=True, setCPT=False)
copiedCPT = copiedCPT*(1-noise) + randCPT*noise
if setCPT:
self.CPT[:] = copiedCPT
if returnweight:
return weight
if returnweight:
return copiedCPT, weight
return copiedCPT
[docs] def prob(self, parentinput=None, valueinput=None):
"""Compute the conditional probability of the current or specified value
:arg parentinput: Optional. Specify values of the parents at which to
compute the conditional probability. Keys are parent names. Values
are parent values. To specify values for only a subset of the
parents, only enter those parents in the dictionary. If only a
subset of parent values are specified, then the current values are
used for the remaining parents.
:type parentinput: dict
:arg valueinput: Optional. A legitimate value of the decision node
object. If no valueinput is specified, then the current value of the
node is used.
:returns: the conditional probability of valueinput or the current
value conditioned on parentinput or the current values of the
.. note::
If parent values are specified in parentinput, those values must
correspond to items in the space attributes of the parents.
.. warning::
The CPT is an np.zero array upon initialization. Therefore, one must
set the CPT wih :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.randomCPT()` or
manually before calling this method.
if parentinput is None:
parentinput = {}
if not self.CPT.any():
raise RuntimeError('CPT for %s is just a zeros array' % self.name)
indo = self.get_CPTindex(parentinput, valueinput)
p = self.CPT[indo]
return p
[docs] def logprob(self, parentinput=None, valueinput=None):
"""Compute the conditional logprob of the current or specified value
:arg parentinput: Optional. Specify values of the parents at which to
compute the conditional logprob. Keys are parent names. Values are
parent values. To specify values for only a subset of the parents,
only enter those parents in the dictionary. If only a subset of
parent values are specified, then the current values are used for the
remaining parents.
:type parentinput: dict
:arg valueinput: Optional. A legitimate value of the decision node
object. If no valueinput is specified, then the current value of the
node is used.
:returns: the conditional logprob of valueinput or the current
value conditioned on parentinput or the current values of the
.. note::
If parent values are specified in parentinput, those values must
correspond to items in the space attributes of the parents.
.. warning::
The CPT is an np.zero array upon initialization. Therefore, one must
set the CPT wih :py:meth:`classes.DecisionNode.randomCPT()` or
manually before calling this method.
if parentinput is None:
parentinput = {}
r = self.prob(parentinput, valueinput)
return np.log(r)
[docs] def makeCPTpure(self, setCPT=True):
"""Convert mixed CPT to pure CPT,
:arg setCPT: if True (default), then the CPT attribute is converted to
a pure CPT. Otherwise, the output is a pure CPT.
:type setCPT: bool
.. note::
whenever there are multiple argmax's, each gets equal probability in
the resuling "pure" CPT.
if setCPT:
self.CPT = convert_2_pureCPT(self.CPT)
return convert_2_pureCPT(copy.copy(self.CPT))
def perturbpure(CPT, noise, returnweight):
# Generate noise for each possible combination of parent node values and reshape
oldCPT = copy.copy(CPT)
shape = CPT.shape
nmessages = np.prod(shape[:-1])
noises = np.random.random((nmessages))
noises = noises.reshape(shape[:-1])
# Which ones should we switch?
switch = noises <noise
nswitch = np.sum(switch)
randcpt = np.zeros((nswitch, shape[-1]))
# Pick the pure strategy for switching rows
np.random.randint(0, shape[-1], nswitch)]=1
if returnweight: #prob of totswitch changes | nmessages, noise, shape[-1]
totswitch = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(CPT,-1)-np.argmax(oldCPT,-1))
prob = noise*(1-1/shape[-1]) #prob of selection * prob of diff action
weight = prob**totswitch+(1-prob)**(nmessages-totswitch)
return CPT, weight
return CPT