.. _PERL: ``"PERL"`` Generic Interface to the Perl Language ---------------------------------------------------- :Fingerprint ID: 0x5045524c .. versionadded:: 0.5-rc2 This fingerprint, from `Cat's Eye Technologies`__, implements a basic interface to `Perl programming language `_. It provides the following commands: __ http://catseye.tc/projects/funge98/library/PERL.html ``E`` : *code*\ :sup:`s` --- *result*\ :sup:`s` Evaluates *code* (via Perl ``eval()``) and returns its stringified result. Reflects on any failure. ``I`` : *code*\ :sup:`s` --- *result* Evaluates *code* (via Perl ``eval()``) and returns its integer result. Reflects on any failure, or when the result is not a integer. ``S`` : --- *shelled* Pushes 1 if the Perl interpreter should be shelled. Since PyFunge is obviously not written in Perl, it pushes 0 always.