.. _ORTH: ``"ORTH"`` Orthogonal Easement Library ----------------------------------------- :Fingerprint ID: 0x4f525448 This fingerprint, from `Cat's Eye Technologies`__, implements some commands present in `Orthogonal programming language `_ but not in Funge-98. It provides the following commands: __ http://catseye.tc/projects/funge98/library/ORTH.html ``A`` : *a* *b* --- *(a AND b)* Performs bitwise AND. ``E`` : *a* *b* --- *(a XOR b)* Performs bitwise exclusive OR. ``G`` : *pos*\ :sup:`v` --- Same to ``g``, but the coordinates are pushed in the reverse order. PyFunge supports this command in Unefunge and Trefunge mode as well. ``O`` : *a* *b* --- *(a OR b)* Performs bitwise OR. ``P`` : *value* *pos*\ :sup:`v` --- Same to ``p``, but the coordinates are pushed in the reverse order. PyFunge supports this command in Unefunge and Trefunge mode as well. ``S`` : *str*\ :sup:`s` --- Pops the null-terminated string and prints it. ``V`` : *dx* --- Changes current X coordinate of delta. ``X`` : *x* --- Changes current X coordinate. ``Z`` : *a* --- Pops *a* and skips next command (as like ``#``) if it is zero. The following commands reflect in Unefunge mode. ``W`` : *dy* --- Changes current Y coordinate of delta. ``Y`` : *y* --- Changes current Y coordinate.