cppclass: wrap C++ classes or C structures

class pybindgen.cppclass.CppClass(name, parent=None, incref_method=None, decref_method=None, automatic_type_narrowing=None, allow_subclassing=None, is_singleton=False, outer_class=None, peekref_method=None, template_parameters=(), custom_template_class_name=None, incomplete_type=False, free_function=None, incref_function=None, decref_function=None, python_name=None, memory_policy=None, foreign_cpp_namespace=None, docstring=None, custom_name=None, import_from_module=None, destructor_visibility='public')

Bases: object

A CppClass object takes care of generating the code for wrapping a C++ class

  • name – class name
  • parent – optional parent class wrapper, or list of parents. Valid values are None, a CppClass instance, or a list of CppClass instances.
  • incref_method – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) if the class supports reference counting, the name of the method that increments the reference count (may be inherited from parent if not given)
  • decref_method – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) if the class supports reference counting, the name of the method that decrements the reference count (may be inherited from parent if not given)
  • automatic_type_narrowing – if True, automatic return type narrowing will be done on objects of this class and its descendants when returned by pointer from a function or method.
  • allow_subclassing – if True, generated class wrappers will allow subclassing in Python.
  • is_singleton – if True, the class is considered a singleton, and so the python wrapper will never call the C++ class destructor to free the value.
  • peekref_method – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) if the class supports reference counting, the name of the method that returns the current reference count.
  • free_function – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) name of C function used to deallocate class instances
  • incref_function – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) same as incref_method, but as a function instead of method
  • decref_function – (deprecated in favour of memory_policy) same as decref_method, but as a function instead of method
  • python_name – name of the class as it will appear from Python side. This parameter is DEPRECATED in favour of custom_name.
  • memory_policy (L{MemoryPolicy}) – memory management policy; if None, it inherits from the parent class. Only root classes can have a memory policy defined.
  • foreign_cpp_namespace – if set, the class is assumed to belong to the given C++ namespace, regardless of the C++ namespace of the python module it will be added to. For instance, this can be useful to wrap std classes, like std::ofstream, without having to create an extra python submodule.
  • docstring – None or a string containing the docstring that will be generated for the class
  • custom_name – an alternative name to give to this class at python-side; if omitted, the name of the class in the python module will be the same name as the class in C++ (minus namespace).
  • import_from_module – if not None, the type is imported from a foreign Python module with the given name.

Add support for a C++ binary comparison operator, such as == or <.

The binary operator is assumed to operate with both operands of the type of the class, either by reference or by value.

Parameters:operator – string indicating the name of the operator to support, e.g. ‘==’
add_binary_numeric_operator(operator, result_cppclass=None, left_cppclass=None, right=None)

Add support for a C++ binary numeric operator, such as +, -, *, or /.

  • operator – string indicating the name of the operator to support, e.g. ‘==’
  • result_cppclass – the CppClass object of the result type, assumed to be this class if omitted
  • left_cppclass – the CppClass object of the left operand type, assumed to be this class if omitted
  • right – the type of the right parameter. Can be a CppClass, Parameter, or param spec. Assumed to be this class if omitted
add_class(*args, **kwargs)

Add a nested class. See L{CppClass} for information about accepted parameters.

add_constructor(*args, **kwargs)

Add a constructor to the class. See the documentation for L{CppConstructor.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.

add_container_traits(*args, **kwargs)

Utility method to add a ‘copy constructor’ method to this class.

add_custom_method_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a custom method wrapper. See L{CustomCppMethodWrapper} for more information.

add_enum(*args, **kwargs)

Add a nested enum. See L{Enum} for information about accepted parameters.

add_function_as_constructor(*args, **kwargs)

Wrap a function that behaves as a constructor to the class. See the documentation for L{CppFunctionAsConstructor.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.

add_function_as_method(*args, **kwargs)

Add a function as method of the class. See the documentation for L{Function.__init__} for information on accepted parameters. TODO: explain the implicit first function parameter


Add a hook function to be called just prior to a helper class being generated. The hook function applies to this class and all subclasses. The hook function is called like this:

add_inplace_numeric_operator(operator, right=None)

Add support for a C++ inplace numeric operator, such as +=, -=, *=, or /=.

  • operator – string indicating the name of the operator to support, e.g. ‘+=’
  • right – the type of the right parameter. Can be a CppClass, Parameter, or param spec. Assumed to be this class if omitted
add_instance_attribute(name, value_type, is_const=False, getter=None, setter=None)
  • value_type – a ReturnValue object
  • name – attribute name (i.e. the name of the class member variable)
  • is_const – True if the attribute is const, i.e. cannot be modified
  • getter – None, or name of a method of this class used to get the value
  • setter – None, or name of a method of this class used to set the value
add_method(*args, **kwargs)

Add a method to the class. See the documentation for L{CppMethod.__init__} for information on accepted parameters.


Add str() support based on C++ output stream operator.

Calling this method enables wrapping of an assumed to be defined operator function:

std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &, MyClass const &);

The wrapper will be registered as an str() python operator, and will call the C++ operator function to convert the value to a string.

add_static_attribute(name, value_type, is_const=False)
  • value_type – a ReturnValue object
  • name – attribute name (i.e. the name of the class member variable)
  • is_const – True if the attribute is const, i.e. cannot be modified
add_unary_numeric_operator(operator, result_cppclass=None, left_cppclass=None)

Add support for a C++ unary numeric operators, currently only -.

  • operator – string indicating the name of the operator to support, e.g. ‘-‘
  • result_cppclass – the CppClass object of the result type, assumed to be this class if omitted
  • left_cppclass – the CppClass object of the left operand type, assumed to be this class if omitted
generate(code_sink, module)

Generates the class to a code sink

generate_forward_declarations(code_sink, module)

Generates forward declarations for the instance and type structures.

generate_typedef(module, alias)

Generates the appropriate Module code to register the class with a new name in that module (typedef alias).


Gets a new list of all other classes whose value can be implicitly converted to a value of this class.

>>> Foo = CppClass("Foo")
>>> Bar = CppClass("Bar")
>>> Zbr = CppClass("Zbr")
>>> Bar.implicitly_converts_to(Foo)
>>> Zbr.implicitly_converts_to(Bar)
>>> l = Foo.get_all_implicit_conversions()
>>> l.sort(lambda cls1, cls2: cmp(cls1.name, cls2.name))
>>> [cls.name for cls in l]

Returns an iterator to iterate over all methods of the class


Get a name usable for new %s construction, or raise CodeGenerationError if none found


Returns True if the class has pure virtual methods with no implementation (which would mean the type is not instantiable directly, only through a helper class).


gets the “helper class” for this class wrapper, creating it if necessary


Get the Module object this class belongs to


Get the method resolution order (MRO) of this class.

Returns:an iterator that gives CppClass objects, from leaf to root class

Find the root CppClass along the subtree of all parent classes that have automatic_type_narrowing=True Note: multiple inheritance not implemented


Returns True if the class has pure virtual methods with no implementation (which would mean the type is not instantiable directly, only through a helper class).


Determine if this object has sequence methods registered.


Declares that values of this class can be implicitly converted to another class; corresponds to a operator AnotherClass(); special method.


inherit the default constructors from the parentclass according to C++ language rules


Return True if this CppClass instance represents a class that is a subclass of another class represented by the CppClasss object `other’.


Get the Module object this class belongs to


Re-register the class with another base name, in addition to any registrations that might have already been done.


Set a custom function to be called to create instances of this class and its subclasses.

Parameters:instance_creation_function – instance creation function; see default_instance_creation_function() for signature and example.

Set the Module object this class belongs to


Set a custom function to be called to add code after an instance is created (usually by the “instance creation function”) and registered with the Python runtime.

Parameters:post_instance_creation_function – post instance creation function
write_create_instance(code_block, lvalue, parameters, construct_type_name=None)
write_post_instance_creation_code(code_block, lvalue, parameters, construct_type_name=None)
class pybindgen.cppclass.CppHelperClass(class_)

Bases: object

Generates code for a C++ proxy subclass that takes care of forwarding virtual methods from C++ to Python.

Parameters:class – original CppClass wrapper object
add_custom_method(declaration, body=None)

Add a custom method to the helper class, given by a declaration line and a body. The body can be None, in case the whole method definition is included in the declaration itself.


Add custom code to be included right after the helper class is generated.


Add a new CppVirtualMethodParentCaller object to this helper class


Add a new CppVirtualMethodProxy object to this class


Generate the proxy class (virtual method bodies only) to a given code sink. returns pymethodef list of parent callers


Generate the proxy class (declaration only) to a given code sink

class pybindgen.cppclass.FreeFunctionPolicy(free_function)

Bases: pybindgen.cppclass.MemoryPolicy

class pybindgen.cppclass.MemoryPolicy

Bases: object

memory management policy for a C++ class or C/C++ struct


Return a code statement to free an underlying C/C++ object.

class pybindgen.cppclass.ReferenceCountingFunctionsPolicy(incref_function, decref_function, peekref_function=None)

Bases: pybindgen.cppclass.ReferenceCountingPolicy

write_decref(code_block, obj_expr)
write_incref(code_block, obj_expr)
class pybindgen.cppclass.ReferenceCountingMethodsPolicy(incref_method, decref_method, peekref_method=None)

Bases: pybindgen.cppclass.ReferenceCountingPolicy

write_decref(code_block, obj_expr)
write_incref(code_block, obj_expr)
class pybindgen.cppclass.ReferenceCountingPolicy

Bases: pybindgen.cppclass.MemoryPolicy

write_decref(code_block, obj_expr)

Write code to decrease the reference code of an object of this class (the real C++ class, not the wrapper). Should only be called if the class supports reference counting, as reported by the attribute CppClass.has_reference_counting.

write_incref(code_block, obj_expr)

Write code to increase the reference code of an object of this class (the real C++ class, not the wrapper). Should only be called if the class supports reference counting, as reported by the attribute CppClass.has_reference_counting.

pybindgen.cppclass.default_instance_creation_function(cpp_class, code_block, lvalue, parameters, construct_type_name)

Default “instance creation function”; it is called whenever a new C++ class instance needs to be created; this default implementation uses a standard C++ new allocator.

  • cpp_class – the CppClass object whose instance is to be created
  • code_block – CodeBlock object on which the instance creation code should be generated
  • lvalue – lvalue expression that should hold the result in the end
  • parameters – stringified list of parameters
  • construct_type_name – actual name of type to be constructed (it is not always the class name, sometimes it’s the python helper class)
pybindgen.cppclass.get_c_to_python_converter(value, root_module, code_sink)
pybindgen.cppclass.get_python_to_c_converter(value, root_module, code_sink)

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cppmethod: wrap class methods and constructors

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