Pafy Documentation ****************** .. module:: Pafy This is the documentation for Pafy - a Python library to download YouTube content and retrieve metadata A quick start intro with usage examples is available in the `README `_ Development / Source code / Bug reporting: ` `_ Homepage: ` `_ Pafy Objects and Stream Objects =============================== Pafy objects relate to videos hosted on YouTube. They hold metadata such as *title*, *viewcount*, *author* and *video ID* Stream objects relate to individual streams of a YouTube video. They hold stream-specific data such as *resolution*, *bitrate* and *url*. Each Pafy object contains multiple stream objects. Pafy Objects ============ Create a Pafy object using the :func:`` function, giving a YouTube video URL as the argument. .. function::[, basic=True][, gdata=False][, signature=True][, size=False][, callback=None]) Creates a new Pafy object. All optional arguments (apart from callback) are used to specify which data items are fetched on initialisation. :param url: The YouTube url or 11 character video id of the video :type url: str :param basic: fetch basic metadata and streams :type basic: bool :param gdata: fetch gdata info (upload date, description, category, username, likes, dislikes) :type gdata: bool :param signature: Note: The signature argument now has no effect and will be removed in a future version :type signature: bool :param size: fetch the size of each stream (slow)(decrypts urls if needed) :type size: bool :param callback: a callback function to receive status strings :type callback: function :rtype: :class:`pafy.Pafy` If any of **basic**, **gdata** or **size** are *False*, those data items will be fetched only when first called for. The defaults are recommended for most cases. If you wish to create many video objects at once, you may want to set all to *False*, eg:: vid = This will be quick because no http requests will be made on initialisation. Setting **size** to *True* will override the **basic** argument and force basic data to be fetched too (basic data is required to obtain Stream objects) Example:: import pafy myvid ="") Pafy Attributes --------------- Once you have created a Pafy object using :func:``, several data attributes are available .. attribute:: The author of the video (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.bigthumb (*str*) The url of the video's display image (not always available) .. attribute:: Pafy.bigthumbhd The url of the video's larger display image (not always available) (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.category The category of the video (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.description The video description text (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.dislikes The number of dislikes received for the video (*int*) .. attribute:: Pafy.duration The duration of the stream (*string formatted as HH:MM:SS*) .. attribute:: Pafy.keywords A list of the video's keywords (not always available) (*[str]*) .. attribute:: Pafy.length The duration of the streams in seconds (*int*) .. attribute:: Pafy.likes The number of likes received for the video (*int*) .. attribute:: Pafy.published The upload date of the video (e.g., 2012-10-02 17:17:24) (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.rating The rating of the video (0-5), (*float*) .. attribute:: Pafy.thumb The url of the video's thumbnail image (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.title The title of the video (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.username The username of the uploader (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.videoid The 11-character video id (*str*) .. attribute:: Pafy.viewcount The viewcount of the video (*int*) An example of accessing this video metadata is shown below:: import pafy v ="dQw4w9WgXcQ") print(v.title) print(v.duration) print(v.rating) print( print(v.length) print(v.keywords) print(v.thumb) print(v.videoid) print(v.viewcount) Which will result in this output:: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up 00:03:33 4.75177729422 RickAstleyVEVO 213 ['Rick', 'Astley', 'Sony', 'BMG', 'Music', 'UK', 'Pop'] dQw4w9WgXcQ 69788014 Pafy Methods ------------ The :func:`Pafy.getbest`, :func:`Pafy.getbestaudio` and :func:`Pafy.getbestvideo` methods are a quick way to access the highest quality streams for a particular video without needing to query the stream lists. .. function:: Pafy.getbest([preftype="any"][, ftypestrict=True]) Selects the stream with the highest resolution. This will return a "normal" stream (ie. one with video and audio) :param preftype: Preferred type, set to *mp4*, *webm*, *flv*, *3gp* or *any* :type preftype: str :param ftypestrict: Set to *False* to return a type other than that specified in preftype if it has a higher resolution :type ftypestrict: boolean :rtype: :class:`pafy.Stream` .. function:: Pafy.getbestaudio([preftype="any"][, ftypestrict=True]) Selects the audio stream with the highest bitrate. :param preftype: Preferred type, set to *ogg* or *m4a* or *any* :type preftype: str :param ftypestrict: Set to *False* to return a type other than that specified in preftype if that has the highest bitrate :type ftypestrict: boolean :rtype: :class:`pafy.Stream` .. function:: Pafy.getbestvideo([preftype="any"][, ftypestrict=True]) Selects the video-only stream with the highest resolution. This will return a "video" stream (ie. one with no audio) :param preftype: Preferred type, set to *m4v*, *webm* or *any* :type preftype: str :param ftypestrict: Set to *False* to return a type other than that specified in preftype if it has a higher resolution :type ftypestrict: boolean :rtype: :class:`pafy.Stream` Stream Lists ------------ A Pafy object provides multiple stream lists. These are: .. attribute:: Pafy.streams A list of regular streams (streams containing both audio and video) .. attribute:: Pafy.audiostreams A list of audio-only streams; aac streams (.m4a) and ogg vorbis streams (.ogg) if available .. attribute:: Pafy.videostreams A list of video-only streams (Note: these streams have no audio data) .. attribute:: Pafy.oggstreams A list of ogg vorbis encoded audio streams (Note: may be empty for some videos) .. attribute:: Pafy.m4astreams A list of aac encoded audio streams .. attribute:: Pafy.allstreams A list of all available streams An example of accessing stream lists:: >>> import pafy >>> v ="cyMHZVT91Dw") >>> v.audiostreams [audio:m4a@48k, audio:m4a@128k, audio:m4a@256k] >>> v.streams [normal:webm@640x360, normal:mp4@640x360, normal:flv@320x240, normal:3gp@320x240, normal:3gp@176x144] >>> v.allstreams [normal:webm@640x360, normal:mp4@640x360, normal:flv@320x240, normal:3gp@320x240, normal:3gp@176x144, video:m4v@854x480, video:m4v@640x360, video:m4v@426x240, video:m4v@256x144, audio:m4a@48k, audio:m4a@128k, audio:m4a@256k] Stream Objects ============== .. class:: pafy.Stream After you have created a :class:`Pafy` object using :func:`new`, you can then access the streams using one of the `Stream Lists`_, or by calling :func:`Pafy.getbest` or :func:`Pafy.getbestaudio` on the object. Stream Attributes ----------------- A Stream object can be used to access the following attributes .. attribute:: Stream.url The direct access URL of the stream. This can be used to stream the media in mplayer or vlc, or for downloading with wget or curl. To download directly, use the :func:`` method. .. attribute:: Stream.url_https The direct access HTTPS URL of the stream. .. attribute:: Stream.bitrate The bitrate of the stream - if it is an audio stream, otherwise None, This is a string of the form *"192k"*. .. attribute:: Stream.dimensions A 2-tuple (x, y) representing the resolution of a video stream. .. attribute:: Stream.extension The format of the stream, will be one of: ``'ogg'``, ``'m4a'``, ``'mp4'``, ``'flv'``, ``'webm'``, ``'3gp'`` .. attribute:: Stream.mediatype A string attribute that is ``'normal'``, ``'audio'`` or ``'video'``, depending on the content of the stream .. attribute:: Stream.quality The resolution or the bitrate of the stream, depending on whether the stream is video or audio respectively .. attribute:: Stream.resolution The resolution of a video as a string, eg: "820x640". Note if the stream is 3D this will be appended; eg: "820x640-3D". For audio streams, this will be set to "0x0" .. attribute:: Stream.rawbitrate The bitrate of an audio stream, *int* For video streams, this will be set to *None* .. attribute:: Stream.threed True if the stream is a 3D video (*boolean*) .. attribute:: Stream.title The title of the video, this will be the same as :attr:`Pafy.title` .. attribute:: Stream.notes Any additional notes regarding the stream (eg, 6-channel surround) *str* An example of accessing Stream attributes:: >>> import pafy >>> v ="cyMHZVT91Dw") >>> v.audiostreams [audio:m4a@48k, audio:m4a@128k, audio:m4a@256k] >>> mystream = v.audiostreams[2] >>> mystream.rawbitrate 255940 >>> mystream.bitrate '256k' >>> mystream.url ' Stream Methods -------------- .. function:: Stream.get_filesize() Returns the filesize of a stream .. function::[filepath=""][, quiet=False][, callback=None][, meta=False][, remux_audio=False]) Downloads the stream object, returns the path of the downloaded file. :param filepath: The filepath to use to save the stream, defaults to (sanitised) *title.extension* if ommitted :type filepath: string :param quiet: If True, supress output of the download progress :type quiet: boolean :param callback: Call back function to use for receiving download progress :type callback: function or None :param meta: If True, video id and itag are appended to filename :type meta: bool :param remux_audio: If True, remux audio file downloads (fixes some compatibility issues with file format, requires ffmpeg/avconv) :type remux_audio: bool :rtype: str If a callback function is provided, it will be called repeatedly for each chunk downloaded. It must be a function that takes the following five arguments; - total bytes in stream, *int* - total bytes downloaded, *int* - ratio downloaded (0-1), *float* - download rate (kbps), *float* - ETA in seconds, *float* :func:`` example ------------------------------- Example of using import pafy v ="cyMHZVT91Dw") s = v.getbest() print("Size is %s" % s.get_filesize()) filename = # starts download Will download to the current working directory and output the following progress statistics:: Size is 34775366 1,015,808 Bytes [2.92%] received. Rate: [ 640 kbps]. ETA: [51 secs] Download using *callback* example:: import pafy # callback function, this callback simply prints the bytes received, # ratio downloaded and eta. def mycb(total, recvd, ratio, rate, eta): print(recvd, ratio, eta) p ="cyMHZVT91Dw") ba = p.getbestaudio() filename =, callback=mycb) The output of this will appear as follows, while the file is downloading:: (16384, 0.001449549245392125, 20.05230682669207) (32768, 0.00289909849078425, 16.88200659636641) (49152, 0.004348647736176375, 15.196503182407469) (65536, 0.0057981969815685, 14.946467230009146) (81920, 0.007247746226960625, 15.066431667096913) (98304, 0.00869729547235275, 14.978577915171627) (114688, 0.010146844717744874, 14.529802172976945) (131072, 0.011596393963137, 14.31917945870373) ... Playlist Retrieval ================== The :func:`pafy.get_playlist` function is initialised with similar arguments to :func:`` and will return a dict containing metadata and :class:`Pafy` objects as listed in the YouTube playlist. .. function:: pafy.get_playlist(playlist_url[, basic=False][, gdata=False][, signature=False][, size=False][, callback=None]) :param playlist_url: The YouTube playlist url :type playlist_url: str :param basic: fetch basic metadata and streams :type basic: bool :param gdata: fetch gdata info (upload date, description, category, username, likes, dislikes) :type gdata: bool :param signature: fetch data required to decrypt urls, if encrypted :type signature: bool :param size: fetch the size of each stream (slow)(decrypts urls if needed) :type size: bool :param callback: a callback function to receive status strings :type callback: function :rtype: dict The returned dict contains the following keys: **playlist_id**: the id of the playlist **likes**: the number of likes for the playlist **dislikes**: the number of dislikes for the playlist **title**: the title of the playlist **author**: the author of the playlist **description**: the description of the playlist **items**: a list of dicts with each dict representing a video and containing the following keys: **pafy**: The :class:`Pafy` object for this video, initialised with the arguments given to :func:`pafy.get_playlist` **playlist_meta**: a dict of various video-specific metadata fetched from the playlist data, including: **added**, **likes**, **dislikes**, **thumbnail**, **is_cc**, **is_hd**, **user_id**, **cc_license**, **privacy**, **category_id** :func:`pafy.get_playlist` example --------------------------------- >>> import pafy >>> plurl = "" >>> playlist = pafy.get_playlist(plurl) >>> >>> playlist['title'] u'Rick Astley playlist' >>> >>> playlist['author'] u'Deborah Back' >>> >>> len(playlist['items']) 43 >>> >>> playlist['items'][21]['pafy'] Title: Body and Soul - Rick astley Author: jadiafa ID: QtHnEJ8UArY Duration: 00:04:11 Rating: 5.0 Views: 18855 Thumbnail: Keywords: Rick, astely, body, and, soul, pop >>> >>> playlist['items'][21]['pafy'].audiostreams [audio:m4a@128k] >>> >>> playlist['items'][21]['pafy'].getbest() normal:webm@640x360 >>> >>> playlist['items'][21]['pafy'].getbest().url u''