The planets of the solar system are defined in this module.
For example, earth can be imported as follows:
from orbital.bodies import earth
The definition of specific apside names allows the following code:
>>> from orbital import KeplerianElements, uranus
>>> orbit = KeplerianElements.with_altitude(6e8, body=uranus)
>>> orbit.apouranion_radius
>>> orbit.apocenter_radius == orbit.apouranion_radius
The full list of defined planets and their apside names is shown below:
Body | Apoapsis Names | Periapsis Names |
mercury | Aphermion | Perihermion |
venus | Apocytherion | Pericytherion |
Apocytherean | Pericytherean | |
Apokrition | Perikrition | |
earth | Apogee | Perigee |
mars | Apoareion | Periareion |
jupiter | Apozene | Perizene |
Apojove | Perijove | |
saturn | Apokrone | Perikrone |
Aposaturnium | Perisaturnium | |
uranus | Apouranion | Periuranion |
neptune | Apoposeidon | Periposeidon |