.. py:currentmodule:: orangecontrib.bio.gene .. index:: gene matching .. index:: gene name matching .. index:: matching .. index:: NCBI .. index:: gene info ******************************************************** Gene name matching (:mod:`gene`) ******************************************************** Genes can have multiple aliases. When we combine data from different sources, for example expression data with GO gene sets, we have to match gene aliases representing the same genes. All implemented matching methods are based on sets of gene aliases. Gene matchers in this module match genes to a user-specified set of target gene names. For gene matching, initialize a gene matcher (:obj:`Matcher`), set the target gene names with :obj:`~Matcher.set_targets`, and then match with :obj:`~Matcher.match` or :obj:`~Matcher.umatch` functions. The following example (:download:`genematch1.py `) matches gene names to NCBI gene IDs: .. literalinclude:: code/genematch1.py Gene name matching ================== The base class for all the following gene matcher is :obj:`Matcher`. .. autoclass:: Matcher :members: This modules provides the following gene matchers: .. autoclass:: MatcherAliasesKEGG .. autoclass:: MatcherAliasesGO .. autoclass:: MatcherAliasesDictyBase .. autoclass:: MatcherAliasesNCBI .. autoclass:: MatcherAliasesEnsembl .. autoclass:: MatcherDirect Gene name matchers can be applied in sequence (until the first match) or combined (overlapping sets of gene aliases of multiple gene matchers are combined) with the :obj:`matcher` function. .. autofunction:: matcher The following example tries to match input genes onto KEGG gene aliases (:download:`genematch2.py `). .. literalinclude:: code/genematch2.py Results show that GO aliases can not match onto KEGG gene IDs. For the last gene only joined GO and KEGG aliases produce a match:: gene KEGG GO KEGG+GO cct7 hsa:10574 None hsa:10574 pls1 hsa:5357 None hsa:5357 gdi1 hsa:2664 None hsa:2664 nfkb2 hsa:4791 None hsa:4791 a2a299 None None hsa:7052 The following example finds KEGG pathways with given genes (:download:`genematch_path.py `). .. literalinclude:: code/genematch_path.py Output:: Fndc4 is in / Itgb8 is in PI3K-Akt signaling pathway Focal adhesion ECM-receptor interaction Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) Dilated cardiomyopathy Cdc34 is in Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis Herpes simplex infection Olfr1403 is in Olfactory transduction