The source can be obtained from git at (recommended), releases can be obtained from Optunity is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.x. Note that you must have Python installed before Optunity can be used (all Linux distributions have this, but Windows requires explicit installation).
Obtaining the latest version of Optunity using git can be done as follows:
git clone
Installation instructions per environment:
If you encounter any difficulties during installation, please open an issue at
Optunity has soft dependencies on NumPy and [DEAP2012] for the CMA-ES solver. If these Python libraries are unavailable, the CMA-ES solver will be unavailable.
[DEAP2012] | Fortin, Félix-Antoine, et al. “DEAP: Evolutionary algorithms made easy.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 13.1 (2012): 2171-2175. |
If you want to use Optunity in another environment, this is not required. Optunity can be installed as a typical Python package, for example:
Add Optunity’s root directory (the one you cloned/extracted) to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. Note that this will only affect your current shell. To make it permanent, add this line to your .bashrc (Linux) or adjust the PYTHONPATH variable manually (Windows).
Extending PYTHONPATH in Linux (not permanent):
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/optunity/
Extending PYTHONPATH in Windows (not permanent):
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;/path/to/optunity
Install using Optunity’ setup script:
python optunity/ install [--home=/desired/installation/directory/]
Install using pip:
pip install optunity [-t /desired/installation/directory/]
After these steps, you should be able to import optunity module:
python -c 'import optunity'
To install Optunity for MATLAB, you must add <optunity>/wrappers/matlab/ and its subdirectories to your MATLAB path. You can set the path in Preferences -> Path or using the following commands:
After these steps, you should be able to run the examples in <optunity>/wrappers/matlab/optunity_example.m:
The MATLAB wrapper requires the entire directory structure of Optunity to remain as is. If you only copy the <optunity>/wrappers/matlab subdirectory it will not work.
First install all dependencies. In R, issue the following command:
install.packages(c("rjson", "ROCR", "enrichvs", "plyr"))
Subsequently, clone the git repository and then issue the following commands:
cd optunity/wrappers
R CMD build R/
R CMD INSTALL optunity_<version number>.tar.gz
Optunity is available for Java through Jython (v2.7+). To use Optunity via Jython the Python package must be installed first (see above).