A variety of useful function decorators for logging and more.
Main features in this module:
Module author: Marc Claesen
Bases: object
Class to model arguments to a function evaluation. Objects of this class are hashable and can be used as dict keys.
Arguments and keyword arguments are stored in a frozenset.
Bases: object
Thread-safe call log.
The call log is an ordered dictionary containing all previous function calls. Its keys are dictionaries representing the arguments and its values are the function values. As dictionaries can’t be used as keys in dictionaries, a custom internal representation is used.
Initialize an empty CallLog.
Converts given dict to a valid call log used by logged functions.
Given dictionary must have the following structure: {'args': {'argname': []}, 'values': []}
>>> log = CallLog.from_dict({'args': {'x': [1, 2]}, 'values': [2, 3]})
>>> print(log)
{'x': 1} --> 2
{'x': 2} --> 3
Returns the result of given evaluation or None if not previously done.
Returns given call_log into a dictionary.
The result is a dict with the following structure: {'args': {'argname': []}, 'values': []}
>>> call_log = CallLog()
>>> call_log.insert(3, x=1, y=2)
>>> d = call_log.to_dict()
>>> d['args']['x']
>>> d['args']['y']
>>> d['values']
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Raised when the maximum number of function evaluations are used.
Decorator that logs unique calls to f.
The call log can always be retrieved using f.call_log. Decorating a function that is already being logged has no effect.
The call log is an instance of CallLog.
>>> @logged
... def f(x): return x+1
>>> a, b, c = f(1), f(1), f(2)
>>> print(f.call_log)
{'pos_0': 1} --> 2
{'pos_0': 2} --> 3
logged as inner decorator:
>>> from .constraints import constrained
>>> @logged
... @constrained([lambda x: x > 1])
... def f2(x): return x+1
>>> len(f2.call_log)
>>> f2(2)
>>> print(f2.call_log)
{'pos_0': 2} --> 3
logged as outer decorator:
>>> from .constraints import constrained
>>> @constrained([lambda x: x > 1])
... @logged
... def f3(x): return x+1
>>> len(f3.call_log)
>>> f3(2)
>>> print(f3.call_log)
{'pos_0': 2} --> 3
>>> @logged
... def f(x): return 1
>>> f(1)
>>> print(f.call_log)
{'pos_0': 1} --> 1
>>> @logged
... @functools.wraps(f)
... def f2(x): return f(x)
>>> print(f2.call_log)
{'pos_0': 1} --> 1
Decorator to enforce a maximum number of function evaluations.
Throws a MaximumEvaluationsException during evaluations after the maximum is reached. Adds a field f.num_evals which tracks the number of evaluations that have been performed.
>>> @max_evals(1)
... def f(x): return 2
>>> f(2)
>>> f(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> try:
... f(1)
... except MaximumEvaluationsException as e:
... e.max_evals
Traceback (most recent call last):
Decorator to fix the key order for use in function evaluations.
A fixed key order allows the function to be evaluated with a list of unnamed arguments rather than kwargs.
>>> @static_key_order(['foo', 'bar'])
... def f(bar, foo): return bar + 2 * foo
>>> f(3, 5)