Release: 0.15.0
Oktest is a new-style testing library for Python.
from oktest import test, ok, NG class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): @test("1 + 1 should be 2") def _(self): ok (1+1) == 2 # same as assertEqual(2, 1+1) @test("other examples") def _(self): ok (s) == 'foo' # same as assertEqual(s, 'foo') ok (s) != 'foo' # same as assertNotEqual(s, 'foo') ok (n) > 0 # same as assertTrue(n > 0) ok (fn).raises(Error) # same as assertRaises(Error, fn) ok ([]).is_a(list) # same as assertTrue(isinstance([], list)) NG ([]).is_a(tuple) # same as assertTrue(not isinstance([], tuple)) ok ('A.txt').is_file() # same as assertTrue(os.path.isfile('A.txt')) NG ('A.txt').is_dir() # same as assertTrue(not os.path.isdir('A.txt'))
Oktest requires Python 2.4 or later (3.x is supported).
See CHANGES.txt for changes.
## if you have installed easy_install: $ sudo easy_install Oktest ## or download Oktest-0.15.0.tar.gz and install it $ wget $ tar xzf Oktest-0.15.0.tar.gz $ cd Oktest-0.15.0/ $ sudo python install
Oktest is available with unittest module which is a standard testing library of Python.
import unittest from oktest ok class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_1_plus_1_should_be_2(self): ok (1+1) == 2 # instead of self.assertEqual(2, 1+1) def test_string_should_contain_digits(self): ok ("foo 123 bar").matches(r"\d+") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # or: oktest.main()
See Assertion Reference section for details about ok() and NG().
Using @test decorator, you can write test name in free text.
import unittest from oktest ok, test class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): @test("1 + 1 should be 2") def _(self): ok (1+1) == 2 @test("string should contain digits") def _(self): ok ("foo 123 bar").matches(r"\d+") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # or: oktest.main()
See @test Decorator section for details about @test decorator.
Oktest is also available without unittest. See the folloing example.
import sys, os import oktest from oktest import ok, NG, test ## no need to extend TestCase class class Example1Test(object): ## invoked only once before all tests @classmethod def before_all(cls): # or setUpClass(cls) os.mkdir('tmp.d') ## invoked only once after all tests done @classmethod def after_all(cls): # or tearDownClass(cls) import shutil shutil.rmtree('tmp.d') ## invoked before each test def before(self): # or setUp(self) self.val = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] ## invoked after each test def after(self): # or tearDown(self) pass ## test methods @test("value should be a list") def _(self): ok (self.val).is_a(list) @test("list length should be 3") def _(self): ok (len(self.val)) == 3 ## invoke tests if __name__ == '__main__': oktest.main() ## or'.*Test$') ## or, Example2Test)
Both Oktest.main() and accept unittest.TestCase and other class.
How to run test script:
bash$ python -m oktest tests/ # verbose mode bash$ python -m oktest tests/ -sv # verbose mode bash$ python -m oktest tests/ -ss # simple mode bash$ python -m oktest tests/ -sp # plain mode bash$ python -m oktest tests # run all test scripts (*
Raise AssertionError unless func() raises error_class. Second argument is a string or regular expression (re.compile() object). It sets raised exception into 'func.exception' therefore you can do another test with raised exception object.
obj = "foobar" def f(): ok (f).raises(AttributeError, "'str' object has no attribute 'name'") ok (f.exception.message) == "'str' object has no attribute 'name'"
(experimental) Assertions for WebOb, Werkzeug or Requests response object.
ok (response).is_response(200) # status code ok (response).is_response((302, 303)) # status code ok (response).is_response('200 OK') # status line ok (response).is_response(200, 'image/jpeg') # content-type ok (response).is_response(200, re.compile(r'^image/(jpeg|png|gif)$')) ok (response).is_response(302).header("Location", "/") # header ok (response).is_response(200).json({"status": "OK"}) # json data ok (response).is_response(200).body("<h1>Hello</h1>") # response body ok (response).is_response(200).body(re.compile("<h1>.*?</h1>")) ok (response).is_response(200).cookie('name', 'value') # cookie ok (response).is_response(200).cookie('name', re.compile(r'^value$'), domain='', path='/cgi' expires='Wed, 01-Jan-2020 12:34:56 GMT', max_age='1200', secure=True, httponly=True)
Opposite of ok(x). For example, 'NG ("foo").matches(r"[0-9]+")' is True.
fname = 'file.txt' open(fname, 'w').write('foo') ok (fname).is_file() # file exists os.unlink(fname) NG (fname).is_file() # file doesn't exist
It is possible to chain assertions.
## chain assertion methods ok (func()).is_a(tuple).length(2) d =, 12, 31) ok (d).attr('year', 2000).attr('month', 12).attr('day', 31)
Oktest allows you to define custom assertion functions. See next section.
You can define your own custom assertion function.
Simple example:
## define custom assertion function import oktest @oktest.assertion def startswith(self, arg): boolean = if boolean != self.boolean: self.failed("%r.startswith(%r) : failed." % (, arg)) return self ## how to use from oktest import ok ok ("Sasaki").startswith("Sas")
More complex example:
## define custom assertion function import re import oktest @oktest.assertion def json(self, jdict): if self.boolean != True: raise TypeError("json() is not available with NOT() nor NG().") # response object response = # assert content-type rexp = re.compile(r'^application/json(; ?charset=(utf|UTF)-?8)?$') if not rexp.match(response.content_type): self.failed("Unepected content-type.\n" " actual: %r" % (response.content_type,)) # assert response body import json actual_jdict = json.loads(response.text) if actual_jdict != jdict: self.failed("Unexpected JSON data.\n" " expected: %r\n" " actual: %r" % (jdict, actual_jdict)) # return self ## how to use from webob.response import Response response = Response() response.content_type = "application/json" response.text = u'''{"status": "OK"}''' # from oktest import ok ok (response).json({'status': 'ok'})
(Notice that already provides ok().is_response().json(jdict).)
Oktest provides @test() decorator. It is simple but very powerful.
Using @test() decorator, you can write test description in free text instead of test method:
import unittest from oktest import test class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_1_plus_1_should_be_2(self): # not cool... assert 1+1 == 2 @test("1 + 1 should be 2") # cool! easy to read & write! def _(self): assert 1+1 == 2
@test() decorator changes test methods. For example, the above code is same as the following:
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): __n = 0 def _(self): assert 1+1 == 2 __n += 1 _.__doc__ = "1 + 1 should be 2" _.__name__ = "test_%03d: %s" % (__n, _.__doc__) locals()[_.__name__] = _
Non-English language is available on @test():
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): @test("1 + 1 は 2 になること。") def _(self): assert 1+1 == 2
@test() decorator accepts user-defined options. You can specify any name and value as options, and access to them by options_of(self) in both setUp() and test method.
import unittest from oktest import ok, test, options_of class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): ## change setUp() behaviour according to tag dictionary = options_of(self) if dictionary.get('tag') == "experimental": .... @test("example", tag="experimental", num=123) def _(self): assert options_of(self) == {'tag': "experimental", 'num': 123}
You can filter testcase by user-defined options in command-line.
## do test only tagged as 'experimental' $ python -m -f tag=experimental test/*
@test() decorator supports fixture injection.
class SosTest(unittest.TestCase): ## ## fixture providers ## def provide_member1(self): return {"name": "Haruhi"} def provide_member2(self): return {"name": "Kyon"} ## ## fixture releasers (optional) ## def release_member1(self, value): assert value == {"name": "Haruhi"} ## ## testcase which requires 'member1' and 'member2' fixtures. ## @test("validate member's names") def _(self, member1, member2): ok (member1["name"]) == "Haruhi" ok (member2["name"]) == "Kyon"
This feature is more flexible and useful than setUp() and tearDown().
For example, the following code ensures that dummy files are removed automatically at the end of test without tearDown().
import os, shutil def provide_cleaner(): paths = [] return paths def release_cleaner(paths): assert isinstance(paths, list) ## remove dummy files registered for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): @test("example1") def _(self, cleaner): fpath = "dummy.txt" ## register dummy file cleaner.append(fpath) ## create dummy file and do test with it f = open(fpath, "w"); f.write("DUUUMY"); f.close() ok (fpath).is_file()
Default parameter values of test methods are passed into provider functions if necessary. Using this, you can change provider behaviour as you need.
## provider can have default value of argument def provide_tempfile(content="dummy"): filename = '__tmp.txt' with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) return filename def release_tempfile(filename): if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): ## override default value of providers by test method's ## default argument value @test("example") def _(self, tempfile, content="AAAA"): with open(tempfile) as f: s = ok (s) == "AAAA" ## if you don't specify default value in test method, ## provider's default value is used @test("example") def _(self, tempfile): with open(tempfile) as f: s = ok (s) == "dummy"
Dependencies between fixtures are resolved automatically. If you know dependency injection framework such as Spring or Guice, imagine to apply dependency injection into fixtures.
class BarTest(unittest.TestCase): ## ## for example: ## - Fixture 'a' depends on 'b' and 'c'. ## - Fixture 'c' depends on 'd'. ## def provide_a(b, c): return b + c + ["A"] def provide_b(): return ["B"] def provide_c(d): return d + ["C"] def provide_d(): reutrn ["D"] ## ## Dependencies between fixtures are solved automatically. ## If loop exists in dependency then @test reports error. ## @test("dependency test") def _(self, a): assert a == ["B", "D", "C", "A"]
Fixture injection is provided by @test() decorator, and it is available with existing test methods:
@test() def test_sample1(self, member1, member2): """description""" ...
If you want to integrate with other fixture library, create manager object and set it into oktest.fixture_manager. The following is an example to use Forge as external fixture library:
## fixture data from forge import Forge Forge.define('haruhi', name='Haruhi') Forge.define('mikuru', name='Mikuru') Forge.define('yuki', name='Yuki') ## manager class class ForgeFixtureManager(object): def provide(self, name): return def release(self, name, value): pass ## use it oktest.fixture_manager = ForgeFixtureManager()
@at_end decorator registers callback function which is called at end of test case. You can use it as replacement of tearDown() or after().
import unittest from oktest import ok, test, at_end class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): @test(" returns content of file.") def _(self): # create a dummy file filename = "dummy.tmp" with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write("homhom") # register callback which is invoked at end of test case @at_end def _(): import os os.unlink(filename) # remove dummy file # do assertion with open(filename) as f: content = ok (content) == "homhom" # if __name__ == "__main__": import oktest oktest.main() # NOT unittest.main() !
Notice tha you must call oktest.main() instead of unitetst.main to use @at_end decorator.
It is good idea to use @at_end instead of release_xxx() methods.
import unittest from oktest import ok, test, at_end class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): _CONTENT = "homhom" def provide_dummyfile(self): # create dummy file filename = "dummy.tmp" with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self._CONTENT) # register callback which is invoked at end of test case @at_end def _(): import os os.unlink(filename) # remove dummy file # return filename @test(" returns content of file.") def _(self, dummyfile): # do assertion with open(dummyfile) as f: content = ok (content) == self._CONTENT if __name__ == '__main__': import oktest oktest.main() # NOT unittest.main() !
@at_end decorator is similar to unittest.TestCase#atCleanup(), but the former is called before tearDown() and the latter is called after tearDown(). See the following example.:
import sys, unittest from oktest import ok, test, at_end class HomTest(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): print('** tearDown') def test_ex1(self): @self.addCleanup def _(): print('** addCleanup: #1') # @at_end def _(): print('** at_end: #1') # @self.addCleanup def _(): print('** addCleanup: #2') # @at_end def _(): print('** at_end: #2') # assert 1+1 == 2 if __name__ == "__main__": import oktest oktest.main()
$ py * HomTest - [ ] test_ex1** at_end: #2 ** at_end: #1 ** tearDown ** addCleanup: #2 ** addCleanup: #1 - [pass] test_ex1 ## total:1, pass:1, fail:0, error:0, skip:0, todo:0 (0.001 sec)
Oktest provides helper functions to describe test methods in structural style.
from oktest import ok, test from oktest import subject, situation class SampleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): SUBJECT = "Sample" with subject("method1()"): with situation("when condition:"): @test("spec1") def _(self): ... @test("spec2") def _(self): ... with situation("else:"): @test("spec3") def _(self): ...
Output example:
* Sample + method1() + when condition: - [pass] spec1 - [pass] spec2 + else: - [pass] spec3 ## total:3, pass:3, fail:0, error:0, skip:0, todo:0 (0.000 sec)
(Notice that this feature is experimental and may be changed in the future.)
'ok(x) == y' prints unified diff (diff -u) if:
For example:
## import unittest from oktest import ok class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): def test1(self): s1 = ( "AAA\n" "BBB\n" "CCC\n" ) s2 = ( "AAA\n" "CCC\n" "DDD\n" ) ok (s1) == s2 if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
If you run this script, you'll find that unified diff is displayed.
Output result:
$ python -V Python 2.5.5 $ python F ====================================================================== FAIL: test1 (__main__.FooTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 14, in test1 ok (s1) == s2 AssertionError: 'AAA\nBBB\nCCC\n' == 'AAA\nCCC\nDDD\n' : failed. --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ AAA +BBB CCC -DDD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.006s FAILED (failures=1)
When actual and expected values are list, tuple or dict, then ok() converts these values into string by pprint.pformat() before calculating unified diff output. For example:
## import unittest from oktest import ok class JsonTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_ex1(self): expected = { 'username': "Haruhi", 'gender': "Female", 'email': "", } actual = { 'username': "Haruhi", 'gender': "female", 'email': "", } ok (actual) == expected # if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
Result shows in unified diff format using pprint.pformat():
$ py F ====================================================================== FAIL: test_ex1 (__main__.JsonTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 11, in test_ex1 ok (actual) == expected AssertionError: {'username': 'Haruhi', 'gender': 'female', 'email': 'haruhi@sos'} == {'username': 'Haruhi', 'gender': 'Female', 'email': 'haruhi@s'} : failed. --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ {'email': '', - 'gender': 'Female', + 'gender': 'female', 'username': 'Haruhi'} \ No newline at end of string ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.001s FAILED (failures=1)
If you set oktest.DIFF to repr, each line is preprocessed by repr(). This is very useful to show non-visible characters. For example:
## import unittest from oktest import ok import oktest oktest.DIFF = repr class FooTest(unittest.TestCase): def test1(self): s1 = ( "AAA\n" "BBB \n" # contains white space character "CCC\n" ) s2 = ( "AAA\n" "BBB\n" "CCC\n" ) ok (s1) == s2 if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
$ python F ====================================================================== FAIL: test1 (__main__.FooTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 16, in test1 ok (s1) == s2 AssertionError: 'AAA\nBBB \nCCC\n' == 'AAA\nBBB\nCCC\n' : failed. --- expected +++ actual @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ 'AAA\n' +'BBB \n' -'BBB\n' 'CCC\n' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.011s FAILED (failures=1)
If you set oktest.DIFF to False, unified diff is not displayed. provides testing helpers for WSGI Application.
## create WSGI application class App(object): def __call__(self, environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')] body = [b'''{"message":"Hello!"}'''] # bytes, not unicode start_response(status, headers) return body app = App() ## test for app import unittest import oktest from oktest import test, ok, subject from oktest.web import WSGITest http = WSGITest(app) https = WSGITest(app, {'HTTPS': 'on'}) class AppTest(unittest.TestCase): with subject('GET /'): @test("Returns JSON containing message.") def _(self): resp = http.GET('/') # or http('GET', '/') ok (resp).is_response(200).json({"message": "Hello!"}) ## or status, headers, body = http.GET('/') ok (status) == '200 OK' ok (headers) == [('Content-Type', 'application/json')] ok (body) == [b'''{"message":"Hello!"}'''] if __name__ == '__main__': oktest.main()
It is possible to pass query string, form parameter, or JSON body by form, query, or json keyword argument respectively.
http.GET('/', query={'offset':"0", 'limit':"30"}) # dict http.GET('/', query="offset=0&limit=30") # str http.GET('/', form={'offset':"0", 'limit':"30"}) # dict http.GET('/', form="offset=0&limit=30") # str http.GET('/', json={'offset':"0", 'limit':"30"}) # dict http.GET('/', json='''{"offset":0,"limit":30}''') # str
params is recognized as query (for GET or HEAD) or query (for POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH).
http.GET('/', params={'x':'1'}) # same as http.GET('/', query={'x':'1'}) http.POST('/', params={'x':'1'}) # same as http.POST('/', form={'x':'1'})
Possible to specify HTTP headers and cookies:
http.GET('/', headers={'Cookie': 'name=val'}) http.GET('/', cookies='name=val') # or {'name':'val'}
And also possible to specify environ dict.
environ = { 'HTTPS': 'on', # simulates https 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0', # simulates browser } ## specify on WSGITest http = WSGITest(app, environ) ## or on http.GET(), http.POST(), ... response = http.GET('/', environ=environ)
Since release 0.15, provides oktest.web.MultiPart class which builds multipart form data.
from oktest.web import MultiPart mp = MultiPart() # or boundary='abcdef'; mp = MutliPart(boundary) print(mp.boundary) #=> 0dC42pwi4FJs4czr-zMTPjCCDPJEZ_acT print(mp.content_type) #=> multipart/form-data; boundary=0dC42pwi4FJs4czr-zMTPjCCDPJEZ_acT mp.add("name1", "value1") # add string value with open("logo.png", 'wb') as f: # add file value mp.add("file1",, "logo.png", "image/png") print(
How to test with multipart form data:
resp = http.POST('/upload', multipart=mp) ## or resp = http.POST('/upload', params=mp)
oktest.validator.Validator is very useful to test complicated data structure such as JSON.
from oktest.validator import Validator as V ok (json_data) == { "status": "OK", "member": { "id": 1, "name": "Haruhi", "gender": V('gender', enum=('M', 'F')), "age": V('age', type=int), "birthday": V('birthday', pattern=r'^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$'), } }
## Raises AssertionError when actual data failed to validation. actual == Validator(name, type=type, enum=enum, between=between, length=length, pattern=pattern, func=func)
Type such as int, float, str, and so on. ex:
Validator(name, type=int) Validator(name, type=(int, long, float))
Expected values of that actual value should be member. ex:
Validator(name, enum=('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))
Tuple of min and max value. ex:
Validator(name, between(0, 100))
Int of length, or tuple of min and max length. ex:
Validator(name, 255) Validator(name, (1, 255))
Regular expression string or pattern object or tuple of pattern and option ex:
Validator(name, r'^[a-f0-9]+$') Validator(name, (r'^[a-f0-9]+$', re.I)) Validator(name, re.compile(r'^[a-f0-9]+$', re.I))
Callback function which returns error message when validation failed. ex:
Validator(name, func=lambda actual: \ "Even number expected" if actual % 2 != 0 else None)
It is possible to add your own validator options. See source code for details.
Oktest provides Tracer class which can be stub or mock object. Tracer class can:
In any case, Tracer object records both arguments and return-value of method or function calls.
Example to create fake object:
## create fake objects from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() foo = tr.fake_obj(m1=100, m2=200) # method name and return-value bar = tr.fake_obj(m3=lambda self, x: x+1) # method name and body ## call fake methods ok (bar.m3(0)) == 1 ok (foo.m2(1,2,3)) == 200 # any argument can be passed ok (foo.m1(x=123)) == 100 # any argument can be passed ## check results ok (repr(tr[0])) == 'm3(0) #=> 1' ok (repr(tr[1])) == 'm2(1, 2, 3) #=> 200' ok (repr(tr[2])) == 'm1(x=123) #=> 100'
There are several ways to check results:
from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() obj = tr.fake_obj(meth=9) ok (obj.meth(1, 2, x=3)) == 9 ## check results ok (repr(tr[0])) == 'meth(1, 2, x=3) #=> 9' ## or ok (tr[0].list()) == [obj, 'meth', (1, 2), {'x': 3}, 9] ## or ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'meth', (1, 2), {'x': 3}, 9] ## or ok (tr[0].receiver).is_(obj) ok (tr[0].name) == 'meth' ok (tr[0].args) == (1, 2) ok (tr[0].kwargs) == {'x': 3} ok (tr[0].ret) == 9
Example to trace method call:
class Foo(object): def add(self, x, y): return x + y def hello(self, name='World'): return "Hello " + name obj = Foo() ## trace methods from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() tr.trace_method(obj, 'add', 'hello') ## call methods ok (obj.add(2, 3)) == 5 ok (obj.hello(name="SOS")) == "Hello SOS" ## check results ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'add', (2, 3), {}, 5] ok (tr[1]) == [obj, 'hello', (), {'name':'SOS'}, "Hello SOS"]
Example to trace function call:
def f(x): return x+1 def g(y): return f(y+1) + 1 ## trace functions from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() f = tr.trace_func(f) g = tr.trace_func(g) ## call functions ok (g(0)) == 3 ## check results ok (tr[0]) == [None, 'g', (0,), {}, 3] ok (tr[1]) == [None, 'f', (1,), {}, 2]
Example to fake method call:
class Foo(object): def add(self, x, y): return x + y def hello(self, name='World'): return "Hello " + name obj = Foo() ## fake methods from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() def dummy(original_func, *args, **kwargs): return "Hello!" tr.fake_method(obj, add=100, hello=dummy) ## call methods ok (obj.add(2, 3)) == 100 ok (obj.hello(name="SOS")) == "Hello!" ## check results ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'add', (2, 3), {}, 100] ok (tr[1]) == [obj, 'hello', (), {'name':"SOS"}, "Hello!"]
Example to fake function call:
def f(x): return x*2 ## fake a function def dummy(original_func, x): return 'x=%s' % repr(x) from oktest.tracer import Tracer tr = Tracer() f = tr.fake_func(f, dummy) ## call function ok (f(3)) == 'x=3' ## check results ok (tr[0]) == [None, 'f', (3,), {}, 'x=3']
It is possible to skip tests according to a certain condition.
import unittest import oktest from oktest import ok, test, skip some_condition = True class SkipExampleTest(unittest.TestCase): @test("example of skip") def _(self): if some_condition: skip("reason to skip") ... @test("example of skip") @skip.when(some_condition, "reason to skip") def _(self): ... ## unittest2 helpers are also available (if you installed it) @unittest.skipIf(some_condition, "reason to skip") def testExample(self): ... if __name__ == '__main__': oktest.main()
Notice that the following doesn't work correctly.
## NG: @skip.when should be the below of @test @skip.when(some_condition, "reason to skip") @test("example of skip") def _(self): ...
@todo decorator represents that "this test will be failed expectedly because feature is not implemented yet, therefore don't count this test as failed, please!".
Code Example:
import unittest from oktest import ok, test, todo def add(x, y): return 0 ## not implemented yet! class AddTest(unittest.TestCase): SUBJECT = 'add()' @test("returns sum of arguments.") @todo # equivarent to @unittest.expectedFailure def _(self): n = add(10, 20) ok (n) == 30 # will be failed expectedly # (because add() is not implemented yet) if __name__ == '__main__': import oktest oktest.main()
Output Example:
$ python test/ * add() - [TODO] returns sum of arguments. ## total:1, pass:0, fail:0, error:0, skip:0, todo:1 (0.000 sec)
If test decoreated by @todo doesn't raise AssertionError, Oktest will report you that, for example:
$ python test/ * add() - [Fail] returns sum of arguments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Fail] add() > 001: returns sum of arguments. _UnexpectedSuccess: test should be failed (because not implemented yet), but passed unexpectedly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## total:1, pass:0, fail:1, error:0, skip:0, todo:0 (0.000 sec)
Notice that the following will not work:
## NG: @todo should be appeared after @test decorator @todo @test("....") def _(self): ...
Oktest now supports command-line interface to execute test scripts.
## run test scripts except foo_*.py $ python -m oktest -x 'foo_*.py' tests/* ## run test scripts in 'tests' dir with pattern '*' $ python -m oktest -p '*' tests ## reports result in plain format (p: plain, s: simple, v: verbose) $ python -m oktest -sp tests ## filter by class name $ python -m oktest -f class='ClassName*' tests ## filter by test method name $ python -m oktest -f test='*keyword*' tests # or -f '*keyword*' ## filter by user-defined option added by @test decorator $ python -m oktest -f tag='*value*' tests
Try python -m oktest -h for details about command-line options.
If you use oktest.main() in your test script, it accepts command-line options.
## reports output in plain format $ python test/ -sp -f test='*keyword*'
Invokes tests of each class. Args represents command-line options.
import oktest oktest.main() # same as: python -m oktest oktest.main('-sp') # same as: python -m oktest -sp
Invokes tests of each class. Argument can be regular expression string.
import oktest, BarTest) # invokes FooTest and BarTest'.*Test$') # invokes FooTest, BarTest, and so on # same as'.*(Test|TestCase|_TC)$')
(Obsolete! Don't use this!)
Represents spec description. This is just a marker function, but very useful for readability.
class NumericTest(object): def test_integer(self): with spec("1+1 should be equal to 2."): ok (1+1) == 2 with spec("1/0 should be error."): def f(): 1/0 ok (f).raises(ZeroDivisionError, "integer division or modulo by zero") ## spec() is also available as decorator @spec("1+1 should be equal to 2.") def _(): ok (1+1) == 2 ## tips: 'for' statement is available instead of 'with' for Python 2.4 for _ in spec("1+1 should be equal to 2."): ok (1+1) == 2
Since 0.10.0, oktest.helper is renamed to oktest.util, but oktest.helper is still available for backward compatibility.
Change current directory to dirname temporarily.
import os from oktest.util import chdir cwd = os.getcwd() # current working directory with chdir("/var/tmp"): assert os.getcwd() == "/var/tmp" # current directory is changed! # do something assert os.getcwd() == cwd # back to the original place ## or @chdir("/var/tmp") def fn(): assert os.getcwd() == "/var/tmp" # do something
Set current directory as the first element of sys.path temporarily. This is useful very much when you want to import a certain module from current directory or a specific directory.
from oktest.util import from_here with from_here(): import mymodule1 # import from directory path of this file with from_here('../lib'): import mymodule2 # import from ../lib
Return random number string which width is n (default 8). This is useful when creating fixture data.
>>> from oktest.util import randstr >>> randstr(4) '7327' >>> randstr(4) '1598' >>> randstr(4) '0362' >>> randstr() '38127841'
Create dummy file with specified content.
import os from oktest.helper import dummy_file assert not os.path.exists("A.txt") # file doesn't exist with dummy_file("A.txt", "aaa"): assert os.path.isfile("A.txt") # file is created! # do something assert not os.path.exists("A.txt") # file is removed ## or @dummy_file("A.txt", "aaa") def fn(): assert os.path.isfile("A.txt")
Create dummy directory.
import os from oktest.helper import dummy_dir assert not os.path.exists("tmpdir") # directory doesn't exist with dummy_dir("tmpdir"): assert os.path.isdir("tmpdir") # directory is created! # do something assert not os.path.exists("tmpdir") # directory is removed ## or @dummy_dir("tmpdir") def fn(): assert os.path.isdir("tmpdir")
Change dictionary's values temporarily.
from oktest.helper import dummy_values d = {'A':10, 'B':20} with dummy_values(d, A=1000, X=2000): assert d['A'] == 1000 # dictionary values are changed! assert d['B'] == 20 assert d['X'] == 2000 # do something assert d == {'A':10, 'B':20} # values are backed ## or @dummy_values(d, A=1000, X=2000) def fn(): assert d['A'] == 1000
Change object's attributes temporarily. This is same as dummy_values(object.__dict__, **kwargs).
from oktest.helper import dummy_attrs class Hello(object): pass obj = Hello() obj.x = 10 obj.y = 20 with dummy_attrs(obj, x=90, z=100): assert obj.x == 90 # attributes are changed! assert obj.y == 20 assert obj.z == 100 # do something assert obj.x == 10 # attributes are backed assert obj.y == 20 assert not hasattr(obj, 'z') ## or @dummy_attrs(obj, x=90, z=100) def fn(): assert obj.x == 90
Set dummy I/O to sys.stdout, sys.stderr, and sys.stdin.
with dummy_io("SOS") as d_io: assert == "SOS" print("Haruhi") sout, serr = d_io assert sout == "Haruhi\n" assert serr == "" ## or @dummy_io("SOS") def d_io(): assert == "SOS" print("Haruhi") sout, serr = d_io assert sout == "Haruhi\n" assert serr == ""
It is possible to chain assertion methods.
## chain assertion methods ok (func()).is_a(tuple).length(2) d =, 12, 31) ok (d).attr('year', 2000).attr('month', 12).attr('day', 31) returns total number of failures and errors.
## exit with status code 0 when no errors. sys.exit(run())
If you call ok() or NG() but forget to do assertion, oktest warns it.
import oktest from oktest import ok, NG class FooTest(object): def test_1(self): #ok (1+1) == 2 ok (1+1) # missing assertion oktest.main() #=> warning: ok() is called but not tested.
It is possible to embed spec id into test description with '[!xxxxx]' format.
## python class HomhomTest(unittest.TestCase): @test('[!bk201] 1+1 should be 2') # spec id is 'bk201' def _(self): ok (1+1) == 2 @test('[!nov11] 1-1 should be 0') # spec id is 'nov11' def _(self): ok (1-1) == 0
You can filter tests by spec id (sid).
## filter by spec id $ python -m oktest test/ -f sid=bk201
$TEST environment variable is now obsolete. Use command-line option instead to filter testcase by name.
## filter testcase by name $ python -m oktest -f test='*foobar*' test/
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