
This module contains some helper functions used to save and load sessions in OdooRPC.

odoorpc.session.get(name, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Return the session configuration identified by name from the rc_file file.

>>> import odoorpc
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> pp(odoorpc.session.get('foo'))    
{'database': 'db_name',
 'host': 'localhost',
 'passwd': 'password',
 'port': 8069,
 'protocol': 'jsonrpc',
 'timeout': 120,
 'type': 'ODOO',
 'user': 'admin'}
Raise:ValueError (wrong session name)

Return all session configurations from the rc_file file.

>>> import odoorpc
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> pp(odoorpc.session.get_all())     
{'foo': {'database': 'db_name',
         'host': 'localhost',
         'passwd': 'password',
         'port': 8069,
         'protocol': 'jsonrpc',
         'timeout': 120,
         'type': 'ODOO',
         'user': 'admin'},
odoorpc.session.remove(name, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Remove the session configuration identified by name from the rc_file file.

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoorpc.session.remove('foo')     
Raise:ValueError (wrong session name)
odoorpc.session.save(name, data, rc_file='~/.odoorpcrc')

Save the data session configuration under the name name in the rc_file file.

>>> import odoorpc
>>> odoorpc.session.save(
...     'foo',
...     {'type': 'ODOO', 'host': 'localhost', 'protocol': 'jsonrpc',
...      'port': 8069, 'timeout': 120, 'database': 'db_name'
...      'user': 'admin', 'passwd': 'password'})