
ORMithorynque does not provide a specific query language but uses SQL.

You can either use the database.cursor plain SQLite3 database cursor, or use the more convenient database.select_one(), database.select_all(), database.select_object_one() and database.select_object_all() methods described here.

database.select_one() execute an SQL SELECT query and return one row as a tuple; it is equivalent to an execute() followed by a fetchone() call. For example:

>>> database.select_one("select max(age) from Person")
>>> database.select_one("select count(id) from Person")

database.select_all() execute an SQL SELECT query and return all rows (as tuples); it is equivalent to an execute() followed by a fetchall() call. For example:

>>> database.select_all("select age from Person where name = 'Some'") # The age of all Person named 'Some'
[(0,), (0,), (0,)]

database.select_one_object() execute an SQL SELECT query on a single ID and return the corresponding object. For example:

>>> database.select_object_one("select id from Person where name='Lamy'")
<Person id=1 first_name='Jean-Baptiste' name='Lamy' age=37>

database.select_all_object() execute an SQL SELECT query on ID and return the list of corresponding objects. For example:

>>> database.select_object_all("select id from Person where name='Some'")
[<Person id=2 first_name='One' name='Some' age=0>, <Person id=5 first_name='One' name='Some' age=0>, <Person id=6 first_name='Two' name='Some' age=0>]

Finally, the database can be indiced with ID to obtain the object of the corresponding ID:

>>> database[1]
>>> database.get(1) # Return None if no object exists for this ID

The ID can be used to join the various tables. Remember that ID are global in ORMithorynque (not per-table).