.. automodule:: obistat :py:mod:`obistat` specific options ---------------------------------- .. cmdoption:: -c , --category-attribute= Attribute used to categorize the sequence records. Several ``-c`` options can be combined. .. TIP:: The ```` can be simply the key of an attribute, or a *Python* expression similarly to the ``-p`` option of :py:mod:`obigrep`. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c sample -c seq_length seq.fasta This command prints the number of sequence records and total count for each combination of sample and sequence length. .. cmdoption:: -m , --min= Computes the minimum value of attribute for each category. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c sample -m seq_length seq.fastq This command computes the minimum sequence length observed for each sample. .. cmdoption:: -M , --max= Computes the maximum value of attribute for each category. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c sample -M seq_length seq.fastq This command computes the maximum sequence length observed for each sample. .. cmdoption:: -a , --mean= Computes the mean value of attribute for each category. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c sample -a seq_length seq.fastq This command computes the mean sequence length observed for each sample. .. cmdoption:: -v , --variance= Computes the variance of attribute for each category. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c genus_name -v reverse_error seq.fastq This command computes the variance of the number of errors observed in the reverse primer for each genus. .. cmdoption:: -s , -std-dev= Computes the standard deviation of attribute for each category. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obistat -c genus_name -s reverse_error seq.fastq This command computes the standard deviation of the number of errors observed in the reverse primer for each genus. .. include:: ../optionsSet/inputformat.txt .. include:: ../optionsSet/taxonomyDB.txt .. include:: ../optionsSet/defaultoptions.txt :py:mod:`obistat` used sequence attribute ----------------------------------------- - :doc:`count <../attributes/count>`