.. automodule:: obisort :py:mod:`obisort` specific options ---------------------------------- .. cmdoption:: -k , --key= Attribute used to sort the sequence records. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obisort -k count seq1.fasta > seq2.fasta Sorts the sequence records of file ``seq1.fasta`` according to their `count` (numeric order) and prints the results in the ``seq2.fasta`` file. .. cmdoption:: -r, --reverse Sorts in reverse order. *Example:* .. code-block:: bash > obisort -r -k count seq1.fastq > seq2.fastq Sorts the sequence records of file ``seq1.fasta`` according to their `count` (reverse numeric order) and prints the results in the ``seq2.fasta`` file. .. include:: ../optionsSet/inputformat.txt .. include:: ../optionsSet/defaultoptions.txt