The IUPAC code ============== The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC_) defined the standard code for representing protein or DNA sequences. Nucleic IUPAC Code ------------------ ======== ================================= **Code** **Nucleotide** ======== ================================= A Adenine C Cytosine G Guanine T Thymine U Uracil R Purine (A or G) Y Pyrimidine (C, T, or U) M C or A K T, U, or G W T, U, or A S C or G B C, T, U, or G (not A) D A, T, U, or G (not C) H A, T, U, or C (not G) V A, C, or G (not T, not U) N Any base (A, C, G, T, or U) ======== ================================= Peptidic one and three letters IUPAC code ----------------------------------------- ============ ============= ======================================= **1-letter** **3-letters** **Amino acid** ============ ============= ======================================= A Ala Alanine R Arg Arginine N Asn Asparagine D Asp Aspartic acid C Cys Cysteine Q Gln Glutamine E Glu Glutamic acid G Gly Glycine H His Histidine I Ile Isoleucine L Leu Leucine K Lys Lysine M Met Methionine F Phe Phenylalanine P Pro Proline S Ser Serine T Thr Threonine W Trp Tryptophan Y Tyr Tyrosine V Val Valine B Asx Aspartic acid or Asparagine Z Glx Glutamine or Glutamic acid X Xaa Any amino acid ============ ============= ======================================= .. _IUPAC: