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Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, name, lockDir=None, maxLockAge=None)
- NamedAtomicLock - Create a NamedAtomicLock.
This uses a named directory, which is defined by POSIX as an atomic operation.
@param name <str> - The lock name, Cannot contain directory seperator (like '/')
@param lockDir <None/str> - Directory in which to store locks. Defaults to tempdir
@param maxLockAge <None/float> - Maximum number of seconds lock can be held before it is considered "too old" and fair game to be taken.
You should likely define this as a reasonable number, maybe 4x as long as you think the operation will take, so that the lock doesn't get
held by a dead process.
- acquire(self, timeout=None)
- acquire - Acquire given lock. Can be blocking or nonblocking by providing a timeout.
Returns "True" if you got the lock, otherwise "False"
@param timeout <None/float> - Max number of seconds to wait, or None to block until we can acquire it.
@return <bool> - True if you got the lock, otherwise False.
- release(self, forceRelease=False)
- release - Release the lock.
@param forceRelease <bool> - If True, will release the lock even if we don't hold it.
@return - True if lock is released, otherwise False
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- hasLock
- hasLock - Property, returns True if we have the lock, or False if we do not.
@return <bool> - True/False if we have the lock or not.
- isHeld
- isHeld - True if anyone holds the lock, otherwise False.
@return bool - If lock is held by anyone