MyTARDIS stores metadata as Parameters, which are grouped in to Parameter Sets, which are defined by a Schema.
MyTARDIS administration, including Schema management, is based on the in-build Django administrative interface. The administrative interface is accesible from a link similar to:
Schema definitions are the combination of two tables, Schema and ParameterName.
Selecting “Schemas” in the adminstrative interface will display a list of the installed schemas, clicking on a schema displays the editor for that schema.
The Schema fields are:
The namespace uniquely identifies the schema. When exporting an experiment as a METS file the namespace is used as an XML Namespace, and thus must follow the XML standard, i.e. in the form of a URL.
The MyTARDIS naming convention is:
The ParameterName fields are:
One of:
Strings use the input field widget for editing, while longstrings use a textarea widget.