UserProfile class is an extension to the Django standard user model.
Attribute isDjangoAccount: | |
is the user a local DB user | |
Attribute user: | a foreign key to the django.contrib.auth.models.User |
The Experiment model inherits from django.db.models.Model
Attribute url: | Undocumented |
Attribute approved: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute title: | |
the title of the experiment. | |
Attribute institution_name: | |
the name of the institution who created the dataset. | |
Attribute start_time: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute end_time: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute created_time: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute handle: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute public: | |
Undocumented | |
Attribute objects: | |
default model manager | |
Attribute safe: | ACL aware model manager |
Return the experiment parametersets associated with this experiment.
Return the absolute storage path to the current Experiment
Return the absolute url to the current Experiment
Return the absolute url to the create token view of the current Experiment
Return the absolute url to the edit view of the current Experiment
The ExperimentACL table is the core of the Tardis Authorisation framework
Attribute pluginId: | |
the the name of the auth plugin being used | |
Attribute entityId: | |
a foreign key to auth plugins | |
Attribute experimentId: | |
a forign key to the tardis.tardis_portal.models.Experiment | |
Attribute canRead: | |
gives the user read access | |
Attribute canWrite: | |
gives the user write access | |
Attribute canDelete: | |
gives the user delete permission | |
Attribute isOwner: | |
the experiment owner flag. | |
Attribute effectiveDate: | |
the date when access takes into effect | |
Attribute expiryDate: | |
the date when access ceases | |
Attribute aclOwnershipType: | |
system-owned or user-owned. |
System-owned ACLs will prevent users from removing or editing ACL entries to a particular experiment they own. User-owned ACLs will allow experiment owners to remove/add/edit ACL entries to the experiments they own.
If possible, resolve the pluginId/entityId combination to a user or group object.
Author_Experiment(id, experiment_id, author, order)
Class to link datasets to experiments
Attribute experiment: | |
a forign key to the tardis.tardis_portal.models.Experiment | |
Attribute description: | |
description of this dataset |
Add Datafile helper function
Parameters: | filepath (string) – the file path within the repository |
Return the dataset parametersets associated with this experiment.
Class to store meta-data about a physical file
Attribute dataset: | |
the foreign key to the tardis.tardis_portal.models.Dataset the file belongs to. | |
Attribute filename: | |
the name of the file, excluding the path. | |
Attribute url: | the url that the datafile is located at |
Attribute size: | the size of the file. |
Attribute protocol: | |
the protocol used to access the file. | |
Attribute created_time: | |
time the file was added to tardis | |
Attribute modification_time: | |
last modification time of the file | |
Attribute mimetype: | |
for example ‘application/pdf’ | |
Attribute md5sum: | |
digest of length 32, containing only hexadecimal digits |
The protocol field is only used for rendering the download link, this done by insterting the protocol into the url generated to the download location. If the protocol field is blank then the file protocol will be used.
Return datafile parametersets associated with this experiment.
Schema(id, namespace, name, type, subtype, immutable)
Return the list of namespaces for equipment, sample, and experiment schemas.
DatafileParameterSet(id, schema_id, dataset_file_id)
DatasetParameterSet(id, schema_id, dataset_id)
ExperimentParameterSet(id, schema_id, experiment_id)
ParameterName(id, schema_id, name, full_name, units, data_type, immutable, comparison_type, is_searchable, choices, order)
DatafileParameter(id, parameterset_id, name_id, string_value, numerical_value, datetime_value)
DatasetParameter(id, parameterset_id, name_id, string_value, numerical_value, datetime_value)
ExperimentParameter(id, parameterset_id, name_id, string_value, numerical_value, datetime_value)