METS File Format

This section introduces the METS file format and how it is used by MyTARDIS.

The Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard (METS) is defined at A good overview is available from:

The XML fragments below are all taken from this METS Example.

The METS file is broken up in to a number of sections:


The metsHdr contains the institution name of the experiment, as shown below:

<metsHdr CREATEDATE="2011-08-30T11:52:27" LASTMODDATE="2011-08-30T11:52:27">
    <name>Adelaide University</name>
    <name>METS Exporter 0.1</name>

The key attributes / values are:

  • Organisation Name: Institution


A Descriptive Metadata Section is created for the core experiment metadata and each dataset.

The experiment core metadata has an id of “E-1” and datasets have an id of “D-x”, where x is a simple iterator, as shown below:

<dmdSec ID="E-1">
  <mdWrap MDTYPE="MODS">
      <mods:mods xmlns:mods="">
          <mods:title>SAXS Test</mods:title>
        <mods:relatedItem type="otherVersion">
            <mods:publisher>Primary Citation</mods:publisher>
        <mods:abstract>Hello world hello world</mods:abstract>
        <tardis:tardis xmlns:tardis="">
          <tardis:startTime>2011-12-31 13:55:00</tardis:startTime>
          <tardis:endTime>2035-11-29 14:33:00</tardis:endTime>
        <mods:name type="personal">
          <mods:namePart>Gerry G.</mods:namePart>
            <mods:roleTerm type="text">author</mods:roleTerm>
        <mods:name type="personal">
          <mods:namePart>Alvin K</mods:namePart>
            <mods:roleTerm type="text">author</mods:roleTerm>
        <mods:name type="personal">
          <mods:namePart>Moscatto Brothers</mods:namePart>
            <mods:roleTerm type="text">author</mods:roleTerm>
<dmdSec ID="D-1">
  <mdWrap MDTYPE="MODS">
      <mods:mods xmlns:mods="">

The key attributes / values are:


  • mods:title: The Experiment Title
  • mods:abstract: The Experiment Abstract / Description
  • tardis:startTime: The Experiment Start Date
  • tardis:endTime: The Experiment End Date
  • mods:namePart: The Experiment Authors


  • mods:title: The Dataset Description


An Administrative Metadata Section is created for each parameter set. Each parameter set is assigned an id of “A-x”, where x is a simple iterator, as shown below:

  <techMD ID="A-1">
        <tardis:experiment xmlns:tardis="">
          <tardis:beamline>METS Test</tardis:beamline>
  <techMD ID="A-2">
        <tardis:dataset xmlns:tardis="">
  <techMD ID="A-3">
        <tardis:datafile xmlns:tardis="">
          <tardis:positionerValues>49.4420 1.2914 20.000 12.000 26.316 2.0007 1.2999</tardis:positionerValues>
          <tardis:timeStampString>Fri Apr 16 03:15:16 2010</tardis:timeStampString>

The key attributes / values are:

  • xmlns:tardis: The namespace of the schema
  • tardis:<parameter name>: Each parameter in the parameter set.


MyTARDIS creates a single File Group within the File Section, and a File entry for each datafile. The ADMID attribute links in the Parameter Sets defined in the amdSec, as shown below:

  <fileGrp USE="original">
    <file ADMID="A-3" CHECKSUM="application/octet-stream" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" ID="F-1" MIMETYPE="application/octet-stream" OWNERID="ment0001.osc" SIZE="18006000">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="tardis://Images/ment0001.osc" xlink:type="simple"/>

The key attributes / values are:

  • MIMETYPE: The file mime-type
  • OWNERID: The file name
  • SIZE: The file size in bytes
  • xlink:href: The url of the file


The Structure Map is used to group datafiles in to datasets, as shown below:

<structMap TYPE="logical">
  <div ADMID="A-1" DMDID="E-1" TYPE="investigation">
    <div ADMID="A-2" DMDID="D-1" TYPE="dataset">
      <fptr FILEID="F-1"/>
      <fptr FILEID="F-2"/>
      <fptr FILEID="F-3"/>
      <fptr FILEID="F-4"/>
      <fptr FILEID="F-5"/>


Unused by MyTARDIS.

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