sudo yum install cyrus-sasl-ldap cyrus-sasl-devel openldap-devel libxslt libxslt-devel libxslt-python
sudo apt-get install subversion python python-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev python-libxslt1 libexiv2-dev
To get the current trunk:
svn co mytardis
cd mytardis
MyTARDIS is using the Buildout build system to handle dependencies and create the python class path.
Configuring MyTARDIS is done through a standard Django file. MyTARDIS comes with a sample configuration file at tardis/ You can import this as the basis of your own config file - options defined here will override the relevant options in
Create a new file tardis/ containing the following:
from os import path
from settings_changeme import *
# Add site specific changes here.
# Turn on django debug mode.
DEBUG = True
# Use the built-in SQLite database for testing.
# The database needs to be named something other than "tardis" to avoid
# a conflict with a directory of the same name.
DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'tardis_db'
Create a new file buildout-dev.cfg containing the following:
extends = buildout.cfg
settings = settings
The settings = settings line tells Buildout to use the settings file you just created.
This is the minimum set of changes required to successfully run the server. You can make any other site-specific changes as necessary.
Run the Buildout bootstrap script to initialise Buildout:
Download and build django and all dependencies:
./bin/buildout -c buildout-dev.cfg
This can be run again at any time to check for and download any new dependencies.
Create and configure the database:
./bin/django syncdb && ./bin/django migrate
Answer “no” when asked to create a superuser. More information about the syncdb and migrate commands can be found at Database Maintenance.
Create a superuser:
./bin/django createsuperuser
This is deferred until after the migrate as the command has been overridden to set up MyTARDIS specific information.
MyTARDIS can now be executed in its simplest form using:
./bin/django runserver
This will start the Django web server at http://localhost:8000/.
See below for some extra configuration options that are specific to MyTARDIS.
The database server engine that will be used to store the MyTARDIS metadata, possible values are postgresql_psycopg2, postgresql, mysql, sqlite3 or oracle.
The name of the database to used to store the data, this is the path to the database if you are using the SQLite storage engine.
The user name used to authenticate to the database. If you are using SQLite this field is not used.
The password used to authenticate to the database. If you are using SQLite this field is not used.
The host name of the machine hosting the database service. If this is empty then localhost will be used. If you are using SQLite then this field is ignored.
The port the database is running on. If this is empty then the default port for the database engine will be used. If you are using SQLite then this field is ignored.
For further information see LDAP authentication
The path to the MyTARDIS repository. This is where files will be copied to once they are ingested into the system.
The path to the staging path. This is where new files to be included in datasets will be sourced.
This contains a list of post save filters that are execute when a new data file is created.
The POST_SAVE_FILTERS variable is specified like:
("tardis.tardis_portal.filters.exif.EXIFFilter", ["EXIF", "http://exif.schema"]),
For further details please see the filters – Filter Framework section.
See also
Instructions on installing and configuring Solr for advanced search are available from Setting up Single search.