.. currentmodule: MplayerCtrl =========================== Release Notes and Changelog =========================== To get detailed information about changes, see the `Bitbucket Repo `_ Version 0.3 ----------- Version 0.3.3 ============= * `fixed #8 `_ * *input.conf* won't be overwritten when specified by the user Version 0.3.2 ============= * `fixed typo `_ Version 0.3.1 ============= * fixed `issue #6 `_ Version 0.3.0 ============= * fixed `issue #4 `_ * fixed `issue #3 `_ * fixed `issue #2 `_ * files with a whitespace in the path can be loaded * removed unnecessary intern events Version 0.2 ----------- Version 0.2.4 ============= * fixed some little mistakes in methods of the MplayerCtrl * fixed important issue (float('inf') and float('-inf')) * :meth:`~MplayerCtrl.OsdShowText` works now as it should Version 0.2.3 ============= * added new event :attr:`~MplayerCtrl.EVT_STDOUT` * added some additional information to the setup.py Version 0.2.2 ============= * added new Exception :exc:`~MplayerCtrl.MplayerCtrl.NoMplayerRunning` Version 0.2.1 ============= * min and max values in PROPERTIES are now float('inf')/float('-inf') instead of None * Added a min-max check in SetProperty / mpc.prop = value Version 0.2.0 ============= Lots of bug fixes in the MplayerCtrl. Features and changes: * The :class:`~MplayerCtrl.MplayerCtrl` got new features: :attr:`~MplayerCtrl.MplayerCtrl.keep_pause`, :attr:`~MplayerCtrl.MplayerCtrl.playing`, "pythonic" properties so you can access now through MplayerCtrl.the_prop (:ref:`reference-props`) * The is_alive method is now a property called :attr:`~MplayerCtrl.MplayerCtrl.process_alive` * Removed set_property, step_property and get_property tuples, there's now a dictionary with lots of information called :const:`~MplayerCtrl.PROPERTIES` * It's possible to :data:`~MplayerCtrl.DEBUG` the MplayerCtrl