
Epydoc: mrv.cmd.startup

Contains routines to startup individual programs


Get the main ipython system up and running
Run optional user scripts
Perform additional ipython initialization
Initialize MRV :return: True if it initializes maya, otherwise return False
mrv.cmd.startup.mrv(args, info, args_modifier=None)

Prepare the environment to allow the operation of maya :param info: info module instance :param args_modifier: Function returning a possibly modified argument list. The passed

in argument list was parsed already to find and extract the maya version. Signature: ``arglist func(arglist, maya_version, start_maya, info) If start_maya is True, the process to be started will be maya.bin, not the python interpreter. If maya_version is 0, the process will continue execution within this python interpreter which is assured to have mrv facilities availble which do not require maya. The last argument is the project’s info module

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