A code example on how to inherit the utilitiesClass, and develop a simple data logger
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from SEEL import interface
from SEEL_Apps.utilitiesClass import utilitiesClass #import the utilities
#import a preconstructed template file stored in SEEL_Apps/templates
#It contains a vertical layout called plot_area , horizontal layouts called bottomLayout, widgetsLayout, controlsLayout
from SEEL_Apps.templates import ui_template_graph_nofft as template_graph_nofft
import numpy as np
from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore
import sys,time
#This class handles everything, but skip to the end to see how it is initialized.
#It inherits the helper class called utilitiesClass . This crudely means , that the methods of utilitiesClass, can now be assumed to be members of this class
class AppWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, template_graph_nofft.Ui_MainWindow,utilitiesClass):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(AppWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.I = interface.connect()
#set the window title
self.setWindowTitle('My First App')
self.plot=self.add2DPlot(self.plot_area,enableMenu=False) #Create a plot inside the plot_area. disable the right click menu
self.plot.setLabel('left','Voltage', units='V') #Set the Y-Axis Label , and units
self.plot.setLabel('bottom','Time', units='S') #Set the X-Axis
self.I.select_range('CH1',8) #Set the gain of CH1 to +/-8V
self.plot.setYRange(-8,8) #Set the default Y range shown to the user
self.plot.setLimits(yMax=8,yMin=-8) #Prevent the user from zooming/panning out of this specified region
self.samples = 2000 #Total samples in the buffer
self.legend = self.plot.addLegend(offset=(-10,30))
self.curve1 = self.addCurve(self.plot,'INPUT (CH1)') #Create a curve . It is automatically added to the legend created in the previous line
self.X=np.linspace(-10,0,self.samples);self.Y = np.zeros(self.samples) #Create the X-Axis . 2000 points from -10 to 0 .
self.WidgetLayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) #Change the alignment of the WidgetLayout
self.addPauseButton(self.bottomLayout,self.pause) #Add a QCheckBox to the bottomLayout
self.timer = self.newTimer()
self.timer.timeout.connect(self.run_np) #Connect the run_np function to a timer
self.timer.start(3) #set the timer to fire every 3mS
def pause(self,v): #The pause button was bound to this function. Whenever the user clicks on it, this function is executed with the button state as the argument
self.paused = v
def run_np(self): #The function that does pretty much the main job
if self.paused or not self.running: return #If the pause button is checked, do nothing and return... wait to be executed again by the timer
self.X = np.roll(self.X,-1) #rotate X-Axis array to the left. X[n] -> X[n-1], X[0] becomes X[last]
self.Y = np.roll(self.Y,-1)
self.X[-1]=(time.time()-self.ST) #store the timestamp in the last element of XAXIS
self.Y[-1]=self.I.get_average_voltage('CH1') #store the voltage value in the last element
self.plot.enableAutoRange(axis = self.plot.plotItem.vb.XAxis)
def saveData(self): #The saveData button was part of the GUI template we're using. It expects to see this function
self.saveDataWindow([self.curve1],self.plot) #This launches a spreadsheet containing the values of curve1. It also lets you take a picture of the graph
def closeEvent(self, event): #perform a clean exit by stopping the timer first
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) #Create a Qt Event Handler
myapp = AppWindow() #Launch the app
sys.exit(app.exec_()) #Exit once the app has finished executing
This class contains methods that simplify setting up and running an experiment.
feature list :
Create a widget with a button, and an associated function that is called when the button is clicked. The return value of the function is shown in a label on the same widget
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the button is clicked |
UNITS | SI units used when the user clicks the button, and the results are displayed in the label |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
Returns: | the widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with a knob, and an associated function that is called when the knob is turned by the user. It also contains a number entry field connected to the knob if the user wishes to manually enter a value
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the knob is turned |
UNITS | SI units of the entry field |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
LINK | Another function to which the return value of FUNC is passed when an event occurs |
MIN | minimum limit for the knob |
MAX | maximum limit for the knob |
Returns: | the widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with a knob, and an associated function that is called when the knob is turned by the user
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the knob is turned |
UNITS | SI units of the entry field |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
LINK | Another function to which the return value of FUNC is passed when an event occurs |
MIN | minimum limit for the knob |
MAX | maximum limit for the knob |
Returns: | the spin widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with a number entry field with decimal support, and an associated function that is called when the value of the field changes
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the value of the widget changes |
UNITS | SI units of the entry field |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
LINK | Another function to which the return value of FUNC is passed when an event occurs |
MIN | minimum limit for the number entry |
MAX | maximum limit for the number entry |
Returns: | the double spin widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with two buttons, and associated functions that are called when the buttons are clicked. The return values of the functions are not shown
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
A | Text shown on button A |
B | Text shown on button B |
FUNCA | function to be run when the first button is clicked |
FUNCB | function to be run when the second button is clicked |
UNITS | SI units used when the user clicks the button, and the results are displayed in the label |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
Returns: | the widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with a number entry field, and an associated function that is called when the value of the field changes
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the value of the widget changes |
UNITS | SI units of the entry field |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
LINK | Another function to which the return value of FUNC is passed when an event occurs |
MIN | minimum limit for the number entry |
MAX | maximum limit for the number entry |
Returns: | the spin widget . You may add this to any layout |
Create a widget with a wide button, and an associated function that is called when the button is clicked. The return value of the function is shown in a giant label on the same widget
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
TITLE | Text shown on the top section of the widget |
FUNC | function to be run when the button is clicked |
UNITS | SI units used when the user clicks the button, and the results are displayed in the label |
TOOLTIP | text to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the widget |
Returns: | the widget . You may add this to any layout |
Add a 2D plot to a specified Qt Layout
Arguments | |
plot_area | QtGui.<some layout> to add a 2D plot to |
Returns: | pyqtgraph.PlotWidget |
Add a 3D plot to a specified Qt Layout
Arguments | |
plot_area | QtGui.<some layout> to add a 3D plot to |
Returns: | pyqtgraph.gl.GLViewWidget |
Add an axis on the right side
Arguments | |
plot | pyqtgraph.PlotWidget |
*args | |
Label of the new axis |
Returns: | pg.ViewBox |
Add a new curve to a 2D plot
Arguments | |
plot | QPlotWidget created using add2DPlot() |
name | something to call this trace. Shown in the legend too |
Returns: | pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem |
Convert a given value into scientific notation
Arguments | |
value | The number to convert into a human readable form |
unit | SI units to suffix. Leave blank if not needed |
precision | Decimal precision digits |
>>> 1.01kHz
Execute a function after ‘interval’ milliseconds
Arguments | |
interval | Time delay before execution |
func | function to be run |
*args | arguments for that function. in order. |
Returns: | the timer . |
tmr = delayedTask(5000,np.sin,np.pi/2) #calculate sin(pi/2) after 5 seconds
#equivalent to :
beta function to extract specific coordinate data from curves , and show them as the plot title
Arguments | |
plot | The plot to activate this feature on |
fmode | Set to True if fourier transform mode is active |
ns | Number of samples |
tg | time gap |
axes | axes |
cols | list of trace colours |
Enables crosshairs on the specified plot
Arguments | |
plot | The plot to activate this feature on |
Enable the following shortcuts :
Fetch columns from a QTableWidget
Arguments | |
qtablewidget | Widget in question |
*args | columns numbers |
Returns: | 2D array of requested elements [[col1R0,col1,R1,col1,R3...col1Rn],[col2R0,col2,R1,col2,R3...col2Rn], ...] |
Stop all timers created using either delayedTask() or loopTask()
Execute a function every ‘interval’ milliseconds
Arguments | |
interval | Time delay between consecutive executions |
func | function to be run |
*args | arguments for that function. in order. |
Returns: | the timer . You should store this if you will need to stop this event loop at some point |
tmr = loopTask(100,np.sin,np.pi/2) #calculate sin(pi/2) every 100mS = 0.1 seconds
#equivalent to :
while True:
Create a QtCore.QTimer object and return it. A reference is also stored in order to keep track of it
Remove a curve from a plot
Arguments | |
plot | pyqtgraph.PlotWidget created using add2DPlot() |
name | pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem created for the specified plot using addCurve() |
Enables zooming out when the user presses the right mouse button on the plot
Arguments | |
plot | The plot to activate this feature on |