Op-Amps : Summing Junction

DC Summing

Make the Connections as shown in the figure.
Use PV2, and PV3 as inputs. Connect them to CH2, CH3 to also simultaneously monitor them.
Monitor the output via CH1, and verify that V(CH1) = -[v1*(rf/r1)+v2*(rf/r2)], where
rf = feedback resistor
rf = input resistor
v1 = V(PV2)
v2 = V(PV3)

AC Summing

Make the Connections as shown in the figure.
Use W1, and W2 as inputs. Connect them to CH2, CH3 to also simultaneously monitor them.
Monitor the output via CH1
Make the waveforms 180 out of phase, and check that they cancel each other out if the input amplitudes are equal
Observe various summing ratios by changing the input resistor values.

Enter values in the following boxes and click to calculate the theoretical output
Input 1(V1) :
Input 2(V2) :
Input 1(R1) :
Input 2(R2) :

