other versions might also work but this are the once used for development
Python >= 3.4.2rc1+ (3.4.2rc1+ compiled 20141007)
setuptools >= 6.0.2
Cython >= 0.21
nose >= 1.3.4 (for tests)
coverage >= 3.7.1 (for tests with Nose)
PSphinxTheme >=2.0.2 (for documentation generation)
PySpeedIT >=1.0.8 (A collection of: Benchmark-IT, Profile-IT, Line-Memory-Profile-IT, Disassemble-IT.)
flake8 >= 2.2.3 (modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and Ned Batchelder’s McCabe script)
pylint >= 1.3.1 (Pylint is a Python source code analyzer)
psutil >= 2.1.3 (retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network))
pip >= 1.5.6 (A tool for installing and managing Python packages.)
PyCharm Community Edition >= 4.0 138.SNAPSHOT (compiled 20141004) (Excellent IDE for the Python language)