Source code for kitt.listener

#!/usr/bin/env python

from kivy.logger import Logger
log = Logger.getChild("KiTT")

from kivy.event import EventDispatcher
from import Line
from kivy.gesture import Gesture, GestureDatabase

import pyudev

from actions import Actions

[docs]def make_gesture(name, point_list): """ A simple helper function """ g = Gesture() g.add_stroke(point_list) g.normalize() = name return g
[docs]class Listener(EventDispatcher): """ listener function that queries kivy for touch events, builds the gesture and dispatch it through the actions singleton. """ def __init__(self, config, gestures, el, *args, **kwarg): """ :param config: string containing the path to the action configuration :param gestures: string containing the path to the gestures configuration """ super(EventDispatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kwarg) self._event_loop = el self._gdb = GestureDatabase() self._actions = Actions(config, gestures) self.update_devices() self._multitouches = []
[docs] def update_devices(self): log.debug('update_devices()') context = pyudev.Context() for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='input', ID_INPUT_MOUSE=True): if device.sys_name.startswith('event'): if 'PRODUCT' in device.parent.keys(): self._actions.update_gestures(device.parent['PRODUCT']) for gest_n, gest_r in self._actions.get_gestures().iteritems(): for g in gest_r: g = self._gdb.str_to_gesture(g) g.normalize() = gest_n self._gdb.add_gesture(g)
[docs] def on_touch_down(self, touch): """ listening function executed at begining of touch event builds the gesture """ self._multitouches.append(touch) touch.ud['line'] = Line(points=(, return True
[docs] def on_touch_move(self, touch): """ listening function executed during touch event store points of the gesture """ # store points of the touch movement try: touch.ud['line'].points += [,] return True except (KeyError), e: pass
[docs] def on_touch_up(self, touch): """ touch is over, display informations, and check if it matches some known gesture. """ if len(self._multitouches) is 0: return True log.debug("multitouches: \t%d" % len(self._multitouches)) gestures = map(lambda g: self._gdb.find(make_gesture('',zip(touch.ud['line'].points[::2], touch.ud['line'].points[1::2])), minscore=0.70), self._multitouches) if not self._actions.dispatch(gestures, self._gdb): for touch in self._multitouches: log.debug("Touch:\t%s" % self._gdb.gesture_to_str(make_gesture('',zip(touch.ud['line'].points[::2], touch.ud['line'].points[1::2])))) self._multitouches = []
[docs] def on_motion(self, etype, me): """ dispatches motion events """ if etype == "begin": self.on_touch_down(me) elif etype == "update": self.on_touch_move(me) elif etype == "end": self.on_touch_up(me) else: log.error("Receive unknown event of type '%r': %s" % (etype, me))
[docs] def dispatch(self, ev_type, ev_action, ev): """ dispatches motion events """ if ev_type == "on_motion": self.on_motion(ev_action, ev) else: log.error("asking to dispatch unknown event: '%r': '%r'" % (ev_type, ev))