Getting ImageD11 ================ ImageD11 is a python module which depends on the prior installation python itself and several other packages. It is usually better to get these from a package manager or in a batteries-included python installation. Perhaps Anaconda or Python(x,y) etc. General purpose packages that are required: - `Python itself `_ (2.5, 2.6 or 2.7) - `numpy `_ for numerical arrays - `matplotlib `_ for plotting - `PIL `_, the python imaging library - `PyOpenGl `_ (with the Togl widget) Specific packages from fable: - fabio (from fable, now silx) for imageio - xfab (from fable) for some crystallographic calculations Recommended packages to pick up when you are installing a system: - scipy for many different scientific computations - h5py for access to hdf files - pyminuit optimiser (needed for fitallb) - pmw python metawidgets for fabian gui - pyFAI for radial integration For development you also need: - C compiler for your system - opencl system - sphinx docutils to build this documentation - latex for the pdf manual Finally, you need to download ImageD11 itself. The file release area was historically at `sourceforge `_. Nowadays the sources are on `github `_ and the package itself is on pypi. Install it using: .. pip install ImageD11 Linux platforms where you have root access ------------------------------------------ Use the package manager to install pre-built versions of the main python packages. Python itself usually comes with the system. There are some hints at the `scipy site `_ about how the packages are named for different vendors. On debian based systems (also ubuntu etc): .. sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-numpy-dev python-image python-scipy python-matplotlib python-opengl build-essential To install the bleeding edge version do an svn checkout: .. svn co fabio svn co xfab svn co ImageD11 Then you can install system wide via: .. cd fabio python build install cd ../xfab python build install cd ../ImageD11 python build install Or in some local area by adding that location as --prefix .. export PATH=$PATH:/somewhere/bin export PYTHONPATH=/somewhere/lib/python2.6/site-packages python build install --prefix=/somewhere Historically the pyopengl builds are broken for the Togl widget. Get it from and do something like the following: .. tar -zxf Togl2.0-8.4-Linux.tar.gz cd Togl2.0-8.4-Linux/lib cp -r Togl2.0 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/OpenGL/Tk/linux2-tk8.5 Linux platforms where you don't have root access ------------------------------------------------ This is possible, but surprisingly difficult. The best solution is to go talk to your system administrator and ask them to help. It is really much easier to install via the system package manager. A few keystrokes and you have everything installed for free. For linux there are some prebuilt versions with batteries included: - Enthought python distribution - Anaconda Otherwise build from source code. You download the source distribution for each dependency and then compile it and install it. Usually you will need to compile further dependencies for each of the packages you are installing. It can be done, and has some value for education and character building, but it is not worth the effort. If you can succeed to do that you'll probably now agree you were better off to talk to the sysadmin or buy the Enthought version. It should be possible to install using "easy_install" or "pip" via the pypi package index. FIXME: add the command for doing that. Windows ------- The easiest solution is to install a "batteries included" distribution of python. For example: - The fable gui - Enthought python distribution - pythonxy - Anaconda The author usually installs the python binaries from and then add on the extension packages from each individual project if they are available. Otherwise Christoph Gohlke maintains a `handy collection `_ of compiled modules, especially for 64bit windows systems, in case you cannot find a build from the upstream project. To develop ImageD11 on windows 64 bit you need to get hold of the right compiler. This was freely available from microsoft, but a little non-obvious. You need to get VC++ 2008 (msvcrt9, the free 2008 express edition is OK) and then add on the .net sdk 3.5 to get the 64bit compiler. See the notes on the `cython wiki `_. Mac --- ImageD11 has been installed by a number of mac owners but the author is not sure how they did it. FIXME...