Installation and Use ==================== If one has the ``setuptools`` package installed, one can simply perform:: sudo easy_install -U ibidas This will download and install ibidas and some required dependencies. Root/administrator access is required to do this (see `Execute from source` or `Install in a virtualenv` if this is not available). .. note:: Some distributions might have multiple versions of python installed (both a 3.x and a 2.x version). Ibidas only supports Python 2.x currently. To specify that the python 2.x version should be used, one can often use e.g. 'easy_install-2.7' instead of 'easy_install' (use tab-completion on the command line to find the available easy_install versions). .. note:: If the ``setuptools`` package is not available, it is most likely available in the package manager of your distribution. In the unlikely case that it cannot be found there, one can install it as follows:: wget sudo python For more documentation, see .. note:: If sudo is not available, use 'su' to switch to the administrator account .. note:: If numpy (an ibidas depencency) fails to install, use the version supplied by your package manager before installing ibidas. Also, we found that sometimes the numpy installation succeeds (albeit with an error at the end) when installing it separately using e.g. 'easy_install numpy'. Afterwards, one can continue installing ibidas. For further installation instructions for numpy (and scipy), see .. warning:: Ibidas is currently only tested on the Linux platform, and might will not work out of the box on Windows. Installation on Mac is probably possible (using e.g. macports to install numpy/setuptools, then using easy_install to install ibidas), but is untested. We will look into this in the near future. Optional dependencies --------------------- Ibidas needs some dependencies. Necessary dependencies are automatically installed. The following packages need to be installed manually (i.e. using the package manager of your distribution) if they are not yet available (an error will be returned in this case): * psycopg2 (only if access is required to postgres databases) * MySQLDB (only if access is required to mysql databases) * other databases are also supported. An error will be returned once you try to connect, with the package that needs to be installed. Starting ibidas --------------- To start ibidas, one can simply execute:: ibidas on the command line prompt. This will load the ``IPython`` interpreter, with Ibidas preloaded. If one instead wants to load ibidas within an script or interpreter process, one can simply use:: from ibidas import * For the rest of this tutorial, we assume the standard Ibidas interpreter is used. Execute from source ------------------- One can also directly execute ibidas from the source package. Download the source from pypi, then execute:: tar -xzvf ibidas-0.1.22.tar.gz to extract the source (version number can differ). Enter the source directory using:: cd ibidas-0.1.22 then start ibidas using:: ./run This will install possible dependencies locally. .. note:: If one of the dependencies (e.g. numpy) fails to install, use your package manager to install these dependencies. For further installation instructions for numpy (and scipy), see Another option is to use a virtualenv (see below). By executing in the source directory:: source one will add ibidas to the python path, enabling its use in other scripts using:: from ibidas import * Install in a virtualenv ----------------------- Virtualenv allows one to install a python environment in a home directory, removing the need for administrator access. To create a virtual environment, one can use:: curl -O python ibidas_env chmod +x ibidas_env/bin/activate .. note:: If 'python' is a python 3.x version, search for a python 2.x version, named e.g. 'python2' (use tab-completion to find the available options) Next, one needs to activate the environment (this has to be done for every terminal that is opened in which the virtualenv is used):: ibidas_env/bin/activate Subsequently, from such a terminal, one can install and start ibidas:: ibidas_env/bin/pip install ibidas ibidas .. note:: Numpy/Scipy require quite a few libraries to be installed on the system in order to buiild. Look at for instructions on how to install these packages without root access. .. warning:: We encountered some errors in installing the sqlalchemy dependency. This could simply be solved by installing the dependency manually, before installing ibidas:: ibidas_env/bin/pip install sqlalchemy Manual installation ------------------- Alternatively, one can download the source package, and execute in the unpacked source directory:: python install .. note:: If 'python' is a python 3.x version, search for a python 2.x version, named e.g. 'python2' or 'python2.7' (use tab-completion to find the available options) This requires that any dependencies are installed beforehand. Ibidas dependencies include: * python >= 2.6 * numpy >= v1.4.1 * ipython >= 0.10.1 * sqlalchemy >= 0.6.4 * sphinx >= 1.0.5 [only to build documentation] Also, installing Python database client libraries for `sqlite`, `postgres` or `mysql`, will allow one to use the sql wrapper to connect to these databases. Performing unit tests and building the documentation can be done manually using:: #unit tests python test #build documentation (available then under docs/_build/html) python build_sphinx