Source code for

    Uses the external IP to find geographical info

    Usage Examples:
        - "What time is it?"
        - "Where am I?"

from athena.classes.module import Module
from athena.classes.task import ActiveTask
from athena.api_library import geo_info_api

    'name': 'geo_info',
    'priority': 2,

[docs]class GetIPInfoTask(ActiveTask): def __init__(self): patterns = [r'.*\b(ip|country|region|city|latitude|longitude|isp|internet service provider|timezone|time|where (am I|are we)|location)\b.*'] super().__init__(patterns) geo_info_api.update_data() self.groups = {1: 'query'}
[docs] def match(self, text): return self.match_and_save_groups(text, self.groups)
[docs] def action(self, text): if 'time' in self.query: self.speak('The time is '+geo_info_api.time()) return title = self.query.title() if len(title) <= 3: title = title.upper() self.speak(title+': '+str(geo_info_api.get_data(self.query)))
[docs]class GeoInfo(Module): def __init__(self): tasks = [GetIPInfoTask()] super().__init__(MOD_PARAMS, tasks)