Helpful methods for generating a user .yml config file
import os, yaml
import athena.settings as settings
from athena.apis import api_lib
[docs]def block_print(title):
Prints a title block
if not title:
title = '(empty)'
length = len(title)+10
print('#'*length )
print('#' + ' '*(length-2) + '#')
print('# ' + title + ' #')
print('#' + ' '*(length-2) + '#')
print('#'*length +'\n')
[docs]def generate():
Generates a user .yml config file
print('~ Please let me learn some things about you :)\n')
print('~ Required fields are denoted with a \'*\'\n')
config_info = {}
for key, api in api_lib.items():
if hasattr(api, 'save_data'):
block_print(key.replace('_', ' ').title())
api_info = {}
for tup in api.save_data:
api_info[tup[0]] = safe_input(tup[1], tup[2])
if api_info:
config_info[key] = api_info
file_loc = os.path.join(settings.USERS_DIR, config_info['user_api']['username']+'.yml')
print('~ Writing to:', file_loc)
with open(file_loc, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(config_info, f, default_flow_style=False)
print('~ Success! You can now log in with this user.\n')