Source code for athena.brain

    The "Brain" class handles most of Hey Athena's processing.
    To listen for input, use ````
import inspect, pkgutil, traceback, os, yaml, re
import as active_mods

from athena import settings, stt, tts, apis

inst = None
[docs]def init(): global inst inst = Brain()
[docs]class Brain(): def __init__(self): """ First it looks for and initializes APIs in the "api_library" folder. Then it prompts the user to log in. Next it verifies that the user's .yml file is configured for each API. If an API's required configuration variables are not found, the API is disabled. Next it finds and loads modules in the "modules" folder. Lastly, it initializes the STT engine. Use "from athena.apis import api_lib" & "api_lib['(api_name_key)']" to access instances of APIs. """ apis.find_apis() self.login() apis.verify_apis(self.user) apis.list_apis() self.find_mods() self.list_mods() self.greet() stt.init()
[docs] def find_mods(self): """ Find and import modules from the module directory """ self.modules = [] print('~ Looking for modules in: '+str(active_mods.__path__).replace('\\\\', '\\')[1:-1]) for finder, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(active_mods.__path__): try: mod = finder.find_module(name).load_module(name) for member in dir(mod): obj = getattr(mod, member) if inspect.isclass(obj): for parent in obj.__bases__: if 'Module' is parent.__name__: self.modules.append(obj()) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) print('\n~ Error loading \''+name+'\' '+str(e)) self.modules.sort(key=lambda mod: mod.priority, reverse=True)
[docs] def list_mods(self): """ Print modules in order """ print('\n~ Module Order: ', end='') print(str([ for mod in self.modules])[1:-1]+'\n')
[docs] def find_users(self): """ Returns a list of available user strings """ self.users = [] for file in os.listdir(settings.USERS_DIR): if file.endswith('.yml'): with open(os.path.join(settings.USERS_DIR, file)) as f: user = yaml.load(f) self.users.append(user['user_api']['username']) return self.users
[docs] def verify_user_exists(self): """ Verify that at least 1 user exists """ self.find_users() if not self.users: print('~ No users found. Please create a new user.\n') import athena.config as cfg cfg.generate() self.find_users()
[docs] def load_user(self, username): """ Load (username).yml data into the user """ with open(os.path.join(settings.USERS_DIR, username+'.yml'), 'r') as f: self.user = yaml.load(f) print('\n~ Logged in as: '+self.user['user_api']['username'])
[docs] def login(self): self.verify_user_exists() if len(self.users) == 1: self.load_user(self.users[0]) return print('~ Users: ', str(self.users)[1:-1]) username = '' while username not in self.users: username = input('\n~ Username: ') if username not in self.users: print('\n~ Please enter a valid username') continue self.load_user(username)
[docs] def greet(self): """ Greet the user """ print(r" _ _ _ _ ") print(r" | | | | /\ | | | | ") print(r" | |__| | ___ _ _ / \ | |_| |__ ___ _ __ __ _ ") print(r" | __ |/ _ \ | | | / /\ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _` |") print(r" | | | | __/ |_| | / ____ \ |_| | | | __/ | | | (_| |") print(r" |_| |_|\___|\__, | /_/ \_\__|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|") print(r" __/ | ") print(r" |___/ ") if self.user['user_api']['nickname']: print('\n~ Hey there, '+self.user['user_api']['nickname']+'!\n') else: print('\n~ Hello, what can I do for you today?\n')
[docs] def execute_tasks(self, mod, text): """ Executes a module's task queue """ for task in mod.task_queue: task.action(text) if task.greedy: break
[docs] def execute_mods(self, text): """ Executes the modules in prioritized order """ if len(self.matched_mods) <= 0: tts.speak(settings.NO_MODULES) return self.matched_mods.sort(key=lambda mod: mod.priority, reverse=True) normal_mods = [] greedy_mods = [] greedy_flag = False priority = 0 for mod in self.matched_mods: if greedy_flag and mod.priority < priority: break if mod.greedy: greedy_mods.append(mod) greedy_flag = True priority = mod.priority else: normal_mods.append(mod) if len(greedy_mods) is 1: normal_mods.append(greedy_mods[0]) elif len(greedy_mods) > 1: if 0 < len(normal_mods): print('\n~ Matched mods (non-greedy): '+str([ for mod in normal_mods])[1:-1]+'\n') m = self.mod_select(greedy_mods) if not m: return normal_mods.append(m) for mod in normal_mods: self.execute_tasks(mod, text)
[docs] def mod_select(self, mods): """ Prompt user to specify which module to use to respond """ print('\n~ Which module (greedy) would you like me to use to respond?') print('~ Choices: '+str([ for mod in mods])[1:-1]+'\n') mod_select = input('> ') for mod in mods: if'^.*\\b''\\b.*$', mod_select, re.IGNORECASE): return mod print('\n~ No module name found.\n')
[docs] def match_mods(self, text): """ Attempts to match a modules and their tasks """ self.matched_mods = [] for mod in self.modules: if not mod.enabled: continue """ Find matched tasks and add to module's task queue """ mod.task_queue = [] for task in mod.tasks: if task.match(text): mod.task_queue.append(task) if task.greedy: break """ Add modules with matched tasks to list """ if len(mod.task_queue): self.matched_mods.append(mod)
[docs] def error(self): """ Inform the user that an error occurred """ tts.speak(settings.ERROR) text = input('> ') #response = stt.active_listen() return 'y' in text.lower()
[docs] def run(self): """ Listen for input, match the modules and respond """ while True: try: if settings.USE_STT: stt.listen_keyword() text = stt.active_listen() else: text = input('> ') if not text: print('\n~ No text input received.\n') continue self.match_mods(text) self.execute_mods(text) except OSError as e: if 'Invalid input device' in str(e): tts.speak(settings.NO_MIC) settings.USE_STT = False continue else: raise Exception except EOFError: print('\n\n~ Shutting down...\n') break except: if self.error(): print(traceback.format_exc()) else: break print('~ Arrivederci.')