staging — Staging module overview

The ‘staging’ module provides a framework to run python scripts easily through a queuing system that requires copying of files to the scratch directory on compute nodes.

Load the appropriate submodule at the of the script. Currently available submodules are:

Use the staging.SunGridEngine.Job class when running under Sun Grid Engine.
Runs the job without any staging.


from staging.SunGridEngine import Job

job = Job(inputfiles=dict(psf = 'inp/apo.psf',
                        dcd = 'trj/prod.dcd'),
          outputfiles=dict(dx = '*.dx', pickle = '*.pickle'))

job.stage()     # copy files to staging directory, creating dirs

# your python script here...
# access all filenames as job.filenames[<KEY>]

job.unstage()   # copies files backs and creates dirs as needed
job.cleanup()   # removes stage dir, careful!