Gromacs XPM file format

Gromacs stores matrix data in the xpm file format. This implementation of a Python reader is based on Tsjerk Wassenaar’s post to gmx-users numerical matrix from xpm file (Mon Oct 4 13:05:26 CEST 2010). This version returns a NumPy array and can guess an appropriate dtype for the array.


class gromacs.fileformats.xpm.XPM(filename=None, **kwargs)

Class to make a Gromacs XPM matrix available as a NumPy numpy.ndarray.

The data is available in the attribute XPM.array.


By default, the rows (2nd dimension) in the XPM.array are re-ordered so that row 0 (i.e. array[:,0] corresponds to the first residue/hydrogen bond/etc. The original xpm matrix is obtained for reverse = False. The XPM reader always reorders the XPM.yvalues (obtained from the xpm file) to match the order of the rows.

Initialize xpm structure.


read from mdp file


try to guess the type of the output array from the colour legend [True]


reverse rows (2nd dimension): re-orders the rows so that the first row corresponds e.g. to the first residue or first H-bonds and not the last) [True]


Values of on the x-axis, extracted from the xpm file.


Values of on the y-axis, extracted from the xpm file. These are in the same order as the rows in the xpm matrix. If reverse = False then this is typically a descending list of numbers (highest to lowest residue number, index number, etc). For reverse = True it is resorted accordingly.

COLOUR = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>

compiled regular expression to parse the colors in the xpm file:

static char *gromacs_xpm[] = {
"14327 9   2 1",
"   c #FFFFFF " /* "None" */,
"o  c #FF0000 " /* "Present" */,

Matches are named “symbol”, “color” (hex string), and “value”. “value” is typically autoconverted to appropriate values with gromacs.fileformats.convert.Autoconverter. The symbol is matched as a printable ASCII character in the range 0x20 (space) to 0x7E (~).


XPM matrix as a numpy.ndarray.

The attribute itself cannot be assigned a different array but the contents of the array can be modified.


Parse colour specification


Parse the xpm file and populate XPM.array.


Read and parse mdp file filename.

static uncomment(s)

Return string s with C-style comments /* ... */ removed.

static unquote(s)

Return string s with quotes " removed.

Example: Analysing H-bonds

Run gromacs.g_hbond() to produce the existence map (and the log file for the atoms involved in the bonds; the ndx file is also useful):

gromacs.g_hbond(s=TPR, f=XTC, g="hbond.log", hbm="hb.xpm", hbn="hb.ndx")

Load the XPM:

hb = XPM("hb.xpm", reverse=True)

Calculate the fraction of time that each H-bond existed:

hb_fraction = hb.array.mean(axis=0)

Get the descriptions of the bonds:

desc = [line.strip() for line in open("hbond.log") if not line.startswith('#')]


It is important that reverse=True is set so that the rows in the xpm matrix are brought in the same order as the H-bond labels.

Show the results:

print "\n".join(["%-40s %4.1f%%" % p for p in zip(desc, 100*hb_fraction)])

See also
