Source code for gramps.gui.widgets.fanchartdesc

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2001-2007  Donald N. Allingham, Martin Hawlisch
# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
# Copyright (C) 2012 Benny Malengier
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

## Based on the paper:
## and the applet:

## Found by redwood:

from __future__ import division

# Python modules
from gi.repository import Pango
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import PangoCairo
import cairo
import math
import colorsys
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
from cgi import escape

# GRAMPS modules
from import displayer as name_displayer
from gramps.gen.errors import WindowActiveError
from ..editors import EditPerson, EditFamily
from ..utils import hex_to_rgb
from ..ddtargets import DdTargets
from gramps.gen.utils.alive import probably_alive
from gramps.gen.utils.libformatting import FormattingHelper
from gramps.gen.utils.db import (find_children, find_parents, find_witnessed_people,
                          get_age, get_timeperiod)
from import find_spouse
from .fanchart import *

# Constants
pi = math.pi

PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON = 30 # size of radius for generation of children
PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY = 20 # size of radius for family 
PIXELS_PER_RECLAIM = 4 # size of the radius of pixels taken from family to reclaim space
PARENTRING_WIDTH = 12      # width of the parent ring inside the person

ANGLE_CHEQUI = 0   #Algorithm with homogeneous children distribution
ANGLE_WEIGHT = 1   #Algorithm for angle computation based on nr of descendants

# FanChartDescWidget

[docs]class FanChartDescWidget(FanChartBaseWidget): """ Interactive Fan Chart Widget. """ CENTER = 60 # we require a larger center def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, callback_popup=None): """ Fan Chart Widget. Handles visualization of data in See main() of FanChartGramplet for example of model format. """ self.set_values(None, 9, BACKGROUND_GRAD_GEN, 'Sans', '#0000FF', '#FF0000', None, 0.5, FORM_CIRCLE, ANGLE_WEIGHT, '#888a85') FanChartBaseWidget.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, callback_popup)
[docs] def set_values(self, root_person_handle, maxgen, background, fontdescr, grad_start, grad_end, filter, alpha_filter, form, angle_algo, dupcolor): """ Reset the values to be used: :param root_person_handle: person to show :param maxgen: maximum generations to show :param background: config setting of which background procedure to use :type background: int :param fontdescr: string describing the font to use :param grad_start: colors to use for background procedure :param grad_end: colors to use for background procedure :param filter: the person filter to apply to the people in the chart :param alpha_filter: the alpha transparency value (0-1) to apply to filtered out data :param form: the ``FORM_`` constant for the fanchart :param angle_algo: alorithm to use to calculate the sizes of the boxes :param dupcolor: color to use for people or families that occur a second or more time """ self.rootpersonh = root_person_handle self.generations = maxgen self.background = background self.fontdescr = fontdescr self.grad_start = grad_start self.grad_end = grad_end self.filter = filter self.alpha_filter = alpha_filter self.form = form self.anglealgo = angle_algo self.dupcolor = hex_to_rgb(dupcolor) self.childring = False
[docs] def gen_pixels(self): """ how many pixels a generation takes up in the fanchart """ return PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON + PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY
[docs] def set_generations(self): """ Set the generations to max, and fill data structures with initial data. """ self.handle2desc = {} self.famhandle2desc = {} self.handle2fam = {} self.gen2people = {} self.gen2fam = {} self.parentsroot = [] self.gen2people[0] = [(None, False, 0, 2*pi, '', 0, 0, [], NORMAL)] #no center person self.gen2fam[0] = [] #no families self.angle = {} self.angle[-2] = [] for i in range(1, self.generations-1): self.gen2fam[i] = [] self.gen2people[i] = [] self.gen2people[self.generations-1] = [] #indication of more children self.rotfactor = 1 self.rotstartangle = 0 if self.form == FORM_HALFCIRCLE: self.rotfactor = 1/2 self.rotangle = 90 elif self.form == FORM_QUADRANT: self.rotangle = 180 self.rotfactor = 1/4
def _fill_data_structures(self): self.set_generations() person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(self.rootpersonh) if not person: #nothing to do, just return return else: name = name_displayer.display(person) # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status self.gen2people[0] = [[person, False, 0, 2*pi, name, 0, 0, [], NORMAL]] self.handle2desc[self.rootpersonh] = 0 # fill in data for the parents self.parentsroot = [] handleparents = [] family_handle_list = person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if family_handle_list: for family_handle in family_handle_list: family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if not family: continue hfather = family.get_father_handle() if hfather and hfather not in handleparents: father = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(hfather) if father: self.parentsroot.append((father, [])) handleparents.append(hfather) hmother = family.get_mother_handle() if hmother and hmother not in handleparents: mother = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(hmother) if mother: self.parentsroot.append((mother, [])) handleparents.append(hmother) #recursively fill in the datastructures: nrdesc = self.__rec_fill_data(0, person, 0) self.handle2desc[person.handle] += nrdesc self.__compute_angles() def __rec_fill_data(self, gen, person, pos): """ Recursively fill in the data """ totdesc = 0 nrfam = len(person.get_family_handle_list()) self.gen2people[gen][pos][6] = nrfam for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): totdescfam = 0 family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) spouse_handle = find_spouse(person, family) if spouse_handle: spouse = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) spname = name_displayer.display(spouse) else: spname = '' spouse = None if family_handle in self.famhandle2desc: #family occurs via father and via mother in the chart, only #first to show and count. famdup = True else: famdup = False # family, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, spouse pos in gen, nrchildren, userdata, parnter, status self.gen2fam[gen].append([family, famdup, 0, 0, spname, pos, 0, [], spouse, NORMAL]) posfam = len(self.gen2fam[gen]) - 1 if not famdup: nrchild = len(family.get_child_ref_list()) self.gen2fam[gen][-1][6] = nrchild for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): child = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(child_ref.ref) chname = name_displayer.display(child) if child_ref.ref in self.handle2desc: dup = True else: dup = False self.handle2desc[child_ref.ref] = 0 # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status self.gen2people[gen+1].append([child, dup, 0, 0, chname, posfam, 0, [], NORMAL]) totdescfam += 1 #add this person as descendant pospers = len(self.gen2people[gen+1]) - 1 if not dup and not(self.generations == gen+2): nrdesc = self.__rec_fill_data(gen+1, child, pospers) self.handle2desc[child_ref.ref] += nrdesc totdescfam += nrdesc # add children of him as descendants self.famhandle2desc[family_handle] = totdescfam totdesc += totdescfam return totdesc def __compute_angles(self): """ Compute the angles of the boxes """ #first we compute the size of the slice. nrgen = self.nrgen() #set angles root person if self.form == FORM_CIRCLE: slice = 2*pi start = 0. elif self.form == FORM_HALFCIRCLE: slice = pi start = pi/2 elif self.form == FORM_QUADRANT: slice = pi/2 start = pi gen = 0 data = self.gen2people[gen][0] data[2] = start data[3] = slice for gen in range(1, nrgen): nrpeople = len(self.gen2people[gen]) prevpartnerdatahandle = None offset = 0 for data in self.gen2fam[gen-1]: #obtain start and stop of partner partnerdata = self.gen2people[gen-1][data[5]] dupfam = data[1] if dupfam: # we don't show the descendants here, but in the first # occurrence of the family nrdescfam = 0 nrdescpartner = self.handle2desc[partnerdata[0].handle] nrfam = partnerdata[6] nrdescfam = 0 else: nrdescfam = self.famhandle2desc[data[0].handle] nrdescpartner = self.handle2desc[partnerdata[0].handle] nrfam = partnerdata[6] partstart = partnerdata[2] partslice = partnerdata[3] if prevpartnerdatahandle != partnerdata[0].handle: #reset the offset offset = 0 prevpartnerdatahandle = partnerdata[0].handle slice = partslice/(nrdescpartner+nrfam)*(nrdescfam+1) if data[9] == COLLAPSED: slice = 0 elif data[9] == EXPANDED: slice = partslice data[2] = partstart + offset data[3] = slice offset += slice ## if nrdescpartner == 0: ## #no offspring, draw as large as fraction of ## #nr families ## nrfam = partnerdata[6] ## slice = partslice/nrfam ## data[2] = partstart + offset ## data[3] = slice ## offset += slice ## elif nrdescfam == 0: ## #no offspring this family, but there is another ## #family. We draw this as a weight of 1 ## nrfam = partnerdata[6] ## slice = partslice/(nrdescpartner + nrfam - 1)*(nrdescfam+1) ## data[2] = partstart + offset ## data[3] = slice ## offset += slice ## else: ## #this family has offspring. We give it space for it's ## #weight in offspring ## nrfam = partnerdata[6] ## slice = partslice/(nrdescpartner + nrfam - 1)*(nrdescfam+1) ## data[2] = partstart + offset ## data[3] = slice ## offset += slice prevfamdatahandle = None offset = 0 for data in self.gen2people[gen]: #obtain start and stop of family this is child of parentfamdata = self.gen2fam[gen-1][data[5]] nrdescfam = 0 if not parentfamdata[1]: nrdescfam = self.famhandle2desc[parentfamdata[0].handle] nrdesc = 0 if not data[1]: nrdesc = self.handle2desc[data[0].handle] famstart = parentfamdata[2] famslice = parentfamdata[3] nrchild = parentfamdata[6] #now we divide this slice to the weight of children, #adding one for every child if self.anglealgo == ANGLE_CHEQUI: slice = famslice / nrchild elif self.anglealgo == ANGLE_WEIGHT: slice = famslice/(nrdescfam) * (nrdesc + 1) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown angle algorithm %d' % self.anglealgo) if prevfamdatahandle != parentfamdata[0].handle: #reset the offset offset = 0 prevfamdatahandle = parentfamdata[0].handle if data[8] == COLLAPSED: slice = 0 elif data[8] == EXPANDED: slice = famslice data[2] = famstart + offset data[3] = slice offset += slice
[docs] def nrgen(self): #compute the number of generations present nrgen = None for gen in range(self.generations - 1, 0, -1): if len(self.gen2people[gen]) > 0: nrgen = gen + 1 break if nrgen is None: nrgen = 1 return nrgen
[docs] def halfdist(self): """ Compute the half radius of the circle """ nrgen = self.nrgen() ringpxs = (PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON + PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY) * (nrgen - 1) return ringpxs + self.CENTER + BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH
[docs] def people_generator(self): """ a generator over all people outside of the core person """ for generation in range(self.generations): for data in self.gen2people[generation]: yield (data[0], data[7]) for generation in range(self.generations-1): for data in self.gen2fam[generation]: yield (data[8], data[7])
[docs] def innerpeople_generator(self): """ a generator over all people inside of the core person """ for parentdata in self.parentsroot: parent, userdata = parentdata yield (parent, userdata)
[docs] def on_draw(self, widget, cr, scale=1.): """ The main method to do the drawing. If widget is given, we assume we draw in GTK3 and use the allocation. To draw raw on the cairo context cr, set widget=None. """ # first do size request of what we will need halfdist = self.halfdist() if widget: if self.form == FORM_CIRCLE: self.set_size_request(2 * halfdist, 2 * halfdist) elif self.form == FORM_HALFCIRCLE: self.set_size_request(2 * halfdist, halfdist + self.CENTER + PAD_PX) elif self.form == FORM_QUADRANT: self.set_size_request(halfdist + self.CENTER + PAD_PX, halfdist + self.CENTER + PAD_PX) #obtain the allocation alloc = self.get_allocation() x, y, w, h = alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height cr.scale(scale, scale) # when printing, we need not recalculate if widget: if self.form == FORM_CIRCLE: self.center_x = w/2 - self.center_xy[0] self.center_y = h/2 - self.center_xy[1] elif self.form == FORM_HALFCIRCLE: self.center_x = w/2. - self.center_xy[0] self.center_y = h - self.CENTER - PAD_PX- self.center_xy[1] elif self.form == FORM_QUADRANT: self.center_x = self.CENTER + PAD_PX - self.center_xy[0] self.center_y = h - self.CENTER - PAD_PX - self.center_xy[1] cr.translate(self.center_x, self.center_y) #draw center cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) # white cr.move_to(0,0) cr.arc(0, 0, self.CENTER-PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black cr.arc(0, 0, self.CENTER-PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.stroke() cr.restore() # Draw center person: (person, dup, start, slice, text, parentfampos, nrfam, userdata, status) \ = self.gen2people[0][0] if person: r, g, b, a = self.background_box(person, 0, userdata) cr.arc(0, 0, self.CENTER-PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY, 0, 2 * math.pi) if self.parentsroot: cr.arc_negative(0, 0, TRANSLATE_PX + CHILDRING_WIDTH, 2 * math.pi, 0) cr.close_path() cr.set_source_rgba(r/255, g/255, b/255, a) cr.fill() name = name_displayer.display(person) self.draw_text(cr, name, self.CENTER - PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY - (self.CENTER - PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY - (CHILDRING_WIDTH + TRANSLATE_PX))/2, 95, 455, 10, False, self.fontcolor(r, g, b, a), self.fontbold(a)) cr.restore() #draw center to move chart cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black cr.move_to(TRANSLATE_PX, 0) cr.arc(0, 0, TRANSLATE_PX, 0, 2 * math.pi) if self.parentsroot: # has at least one parent cr.fill() self.draw_parentring(cr) else: cr.stroke() #now write all the families and children cr.rotate(self.rotate_value * math.pi/180) radstart = self.CENTER - PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY - PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON for gen in range(self.generations-1): radstart += PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON for famdata in self.gen2fam[gen]: # family, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, spouse pos in gen, nrchildren, userdata, status fam, dup, start, slice, text, posfam, nrchild, userdata,\ partner, status = famdata if status != COLLAPSED: self.draw_person(cr, text, start, slice, radstart, radstart + PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY, gen, dup, partner, userdata, family=True, thick=status != NORMAL) radstart += PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY for pdata in self.gen2people[gen+1]: # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status pers, dup, start, slice, text, pospar, nrfam, userdata, status = \ pdata if status != COLLAPSED: self.draw_person(cr, text, start, slice, radstart, radstart + PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON, gen+1, dup, pers, userdata, thick=status != NORMAL) cr.restore() if self.background in [BACKGROUND_GRAD_AGE, BACKGROUND_GRAD_PERIOD]: self.draw_gradient(cr, widget, halfdist)
[docs] def draw_person(self, cr, name, start_rad, slice, radius, radiusend, generation, dup, person, userdata, family=False, thick=False): """ Display the piece of pie for a given person. start_rad and slice are in radial. """ if slice == 0: return full = False if abs(slice - 2*pi) < 1e-6: full = True stop_rad = start_rad + slice if not person: #an family with partner not set. Don't have a color for this, # let's make it transparent r, g, b, a = (255, 255, 255, 0) elif not dup: r, g, b, a = self.background_box(person, generation, userdata) else: #duplicate color a = 1 r, g, b = self.dupcolor #(136, 138, 133) # If max generation, and they have children: if (not family and generation == self.generations - 1 and self._have_children(person)): # draw an indicator radmax = radiusend + BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH cr.move_to(radmax*math.cos(start_rad), radmax*math.sin(start_rad)) cr.arc(0, 0, radmax, start_rad, stop_rad) cr.line_to(radiusend*math.cos(stop_rad), radiusend*math.sin(stop_rad)) cr.arc_negative(0, 0, radiusend, stop_rad, start_rad) cr.close_path() ##path = cr.copy_path() # not working correct cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) # white cr.fill() #and again for the border cr.move_to(radmax*math.cos(start_rad), radmax*math.sin(start_rad)) cr.arc(0, 0, radmax, start_rad, stop_rad) cr.line_to(radiusend*math.cos(stop_rad), radiusend*math.sin(stop_rad)) cr.arc_negative(0, 0, radiusend, stop_rad, start_rad) cr.close_path() ##cr.append_path(path) # not working correct cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black cr.stroke() # now draw the person self.draw_radbox(cr, radius, radiusend, start_rad, stop_rad, (r/255, g/255, b/255, a), thick) if self.last_x is None or self.last_y is None: #we are not in a move, so draw text radial = False width = radiusend-radius radstart = radius + width/2 spacepolartext = radstart * (stop_rad-start_rad) if spacepolartext < width * 1.1: # more space to print it radial radial = True radstart = radius self.draw_text(cr, name, radstart, start_rad/ math.pi*180, stop_rad/ math.pi*180, width, radial, self.fontcolor(r, g, b, a), self.fontbold(a)) cr.restore()
[docs] def boxtype(self, radius): """ default is only one type of box type """ if radius <= self.CENTER: if radius >= self.CENTER - PIXELS_PER_GENFAMILY: return TYPE_BOX_FAMILY else: return TYPE_BOX_NORMAL else: gen = int((radius - self.CENTER)/self.gen_pixels()) + 1 radius = (radius - self.CENTER) % PIXELS_PER_GENERATION if radius >= PIXELS_PER_GENPERSON: if gen < self.generations - 1: return TYPE_BOX_FAMILY else: # the last generation has no family boxes None else: return TYPE_BOX_NORMAL
[docs] def draw_parentring(self, cr): cr.move_to(TRANSLATE_PX + CHILDRING_WIDTH, 0) cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black cr.set_line_width(1) cr.arc(0, 0, TRANSLATE_PX + CHILDRING_WIDTH, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.stroke() nrparent = len(self.parentsroot) #Y axis is downward. positve angles are hence clockwise startangle = math.pi if nrparent <= 2: angleinc = math.pi elif nrparent <= 4: angleinc = math.pi/2 else: angleinc = 2 * math.pi / nrchild for data in self.parentsroot: self.draw_innerring(cr, data[0], data[1], startangle, angleinc) startangle += angleinc
[docs] def personpos_at_angle(self, generation, angledeg, btype): """ returns the person in generation generation at angle. """ angle = angledeg / 360 * 2 * pi selected = None if btype == TYPE_BOX_NORMAL: for p, pdata in enumerate(self.gen2people[generation]): # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status start = pdata[2] stop = start + pdata[3] if start <= angle <= stop: selected = p break elif btype == TYPE_BOX_FAMILY: for p, pdata in enumerate(self.gen2fam[generation]): # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status start = pdata[2] stop = start + pdata[3] if start <= angle <= stop: selected = p break return selected
[docs] def person_at(self, generation, pos, btype): """ returns the person at generation, pos, btype """ if pos is None: return None if generation == -2: person, userdata = self.parentsroot[pos] elif btype == TYPE_BOX_NORMAL: # person, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, parent pos in fam, nrfam, userdata, status person = self.gen2people[generation][pos][0] elif btype == TYPE_BOX_FAMILY: # family, duplicate or not, start angle, slice size, # text, spouse pos in gen, nrchildren, userdata, person, status person = self.gen2fam[generation][pos][8] return person
[docs] def family_at(self, generation, pos, btype): """ returns the family at generation, pos, btype """ if pos is None or btype == TYPE_BOX_NORMAL or generation < 0: return None return self.gen2fam[generation][pos][0]
[docs] def do_mouse_click(self): # no drag occured, expand or collapse the section self.change_slice(self._mouse_click_gen, self._mouse_click_sel, self._mouse_click_btype) self._mouse_click = False self.queue_draw()
[docs] def change_slice(self, generation, selected, btype): if generation < 1: return if btype == TYPE_BOX_NORMAL: data = self.gen2people[generation][selected] parpos = data[5] status = data[8] if status == NORMAL: #should be expanded, rest collapsed for entry in self.gen2people[generation]: if entry[5] == parpos: entry[8] = COLLAPSED data[8] = EXPANDED else: #is expanded, set back to normal for entry in self.gen2people[generation]: if entry[5] == parpos: entry[8] = NORMAL if btype == TYPE_BOX_FAMILY: data = self.gen2fam[generation][selected] parpos = data[5] status = data[9] if status == NORMAL: #should be expanded, rest collapsed for entry in self.gen2fam[generation]: if entry[5] == parpos: entry[9] = COLLAPSED data[9] = EXPANDED else: #is expanded, set back to normal for entry in self.gen2fam[generation]: if entry[5] == parpos: entry[9] = NORMAL self.__compute_angles()
[docs]class FanChartDescGrampsGUI(FanChartGrampsGUI): """ class for functions fanchart GUI elements will need in Gramps """
[docs] def main(self): """ Fill the data structures with the active data. This initializes all data. """ root_person_handle = self.get_active('Person'), self.maxgen, self.background, self.fonttype, self.grad_start, self.grad_end, self.generic_filter, self.alpha_filter, self.form, self.angle_algo, self.dupcolor)