Source code for gramps.gen.utils.keyword

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007  Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2009       Gary Burton
# Copyright (C) 2011       Tim G L Lyons
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Keyword translation interface 

# keyword, code, translated standard, translated upper
# in we find:
#        't' : title      = title
#        'f' : given      = given (first names)
#        'l' : surname    = full surname (lastname)
#        'c' : call       = callname
#        'x' : common     = nick name if existing, otherwise first first name (common name)
#        'i' : initials   = initials of the first names
#        'm' : primary    = primary surname (main)
#        '0m': primary[pre]= prefix primary surname (main)
#        '1m': primary[sur]= surname primary surname (main)
#        '2m': primary[con]= connector primary surname (main)
#        'y' : patronymic = pa/matronymic surname (father/mother) - assumed unique
#        '0y': patronymic[pre] = prefix      "  
#        '1y': patronymic[sur] = surname     "
#        '2y': patronymic[con] = connector   "
#        'o' : notpatronymic = surnames without pa/matronymic and primary
#        'r' : rest       = non primary surnames
#        'p' : prefix     = list of all prefixes
#        'q' : rawsurnames = surnames without prefixes and connectors
#        's' : suffix     = suffix
#        'n' : nickname   = nick name
#        'g' : familynick = family nick name

from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext

KEYWORDS = [("title",     "t", _("Person|Title"),     _("Person|TITLE")),
            ("given",     "f", _("Given"),     _("GIVEN")),
            ("surname",   "l", _("Surname"),    _("SURNAME")),
            ("call",      "c", _("Name|Call"),      _("Name|CALL")),
            ("common",    "x", _("Name|Common"),    _("Name|COMMON")),
            ("initials",  "i", _("Initials"),  _("INITIALS")),
            ("suffix",    "s", _("Suffix"),    _("SUFFIX")),
            ("primary",   "m", _("Name|Primary"), _("PRIMARY")),
            ("primary[pre]",    "0m", _("Primary[pre]"), _("PRIMARY[PRE]")),
            ("primary[sur]",    "1m", _("Primary[sur]"), _("PRIMARY[SUR]")),
            ("primary[con]",    "2m", _("Primary[con]"), _("PRIMARY[CON]")),
            ("patronymic",      "y",  _("Patronymic"), _("PATRONYMIC")),
            ("patronymic[pre]", "0y", _("Patronymic[pre]"), _("PATRONYMIC[PRE]")),
            ("patronymic[sur]", "1y", _("Patronymic[sur]"), _("PATRONYMIC[SUR]")),
            ("patronymic[con]", "2y", _("Patronymic[con]"), _("PATRONYMIC[CON]")),
            ("rawsurnames", "q", _("Rawsurnames"), _("RAWSURNAMES")),
            ("notpatronymic", "o", _("Notpatronymic"),_("NOTPATRONYMIC")),
            ("prefix",    "p", _("Prefix"),    _("PREFIX")),
            ("nickname",  "n", _("Nickname"),    _("NICKNAME")),
            ("familynick", "g", _("Familynick"),   _("FAMILYNICK")),
for (key, code, standard, upper) in KEYWORDS:
    KEY_TO_TRANS[key] = standard
    KEY_TO_TRANS[key.upper()] = upper
    KEY_TO_TRANS["%" + ("%s" % code)] = standard
    KEY_TO_TRANS["%" + ("%s" % code.upper())] = upper
    TRANS_TO_KEY[standard.lower()] = key
    TRANS_TO_KEY[standard] = key
    TRANS_TO_KEY[upper] = key.upper()

[docs]def get_translation_from_keyword(keyword): """ Return the translation of keyword """ return KEY_TO_TRANS.get(keyword, keyword)
[docs]def get_keyword_from_translation(word): """ Return the keyword of translation """ return TRANS_TO_KEY.get(word, word)
[docs]def get_keywords(): """ Get all keywords, longest to shortest """ keys = list(KEY_TO_TRANS.keys()) keys.sort(key= lambda a: len(a), reverse=True) return keys
[docs]def get_translations(): """ Get all translations, longest to shortest """ trans = list(TRANS_TO_KEY.keys()) trans.sort(key= lambda a: len(a), reverse=True) return trans