Source code for

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008  Brian G. Matherly
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Proxy class for the Gramps databases. Filter out all living people.

# Python libraries
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    from itertools import ifilter as filter
    pass #python 3 has filter

# GRAMPS libraries
from .proxybase import ProxyDbBase
from ..lib import (Date, Person, Name, Surname, NameOriginType, Family, Source,
                   Citation, Event, MediaObject, Place, Repository, Note, Tag)
from ..utils.alive import probably_alive
from ..config import config

# LivingProxyDb
[docs]class LivingProxyDb(ProxyDbBase): """ A proxy to a Gramps database. This proxy will act like a Gramps database, but all living people will be hidden from the user. """ MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL = 0 MODE_INCLUDE_LAST_NAME_ONLY = 1 MODE_INCLUDE_FULL_NAME_ONLY = 2 def __init__(self, dbase, mode, current_year=None, years_after_death=0): """ Create a new LivingProxyDb instance. :param dbase: The database to be a proxy for :type dbase: DbBase :param mode: The method for handling living people. LivingProxyDb.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL will remove living people altogether. LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_LAST_NAME_ONLY will remove all information and change their given name to "[Living]" or what has been set in Preferences -> Text. LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_FULL_NAME_ONLY will remove all information but leave the entire name intact. :type mode: int :param current_year: The current year to use for living determination. If None is supplied, the current year will be found from the system. :type current_year: int or None :param years_after_death: The number of years after a person's death to still consider them living. :type years_after_death: int """ ProxyDbBase.__init__(self, dbase) self.mode = mode if current_year is not None: self.current_date = Date() self.current_date.set_year(current_year) else: self.current_date = None self.years_after_death = years_after_death # need to update _tables with these functions self._tables['Person'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_person_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_person_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Person, "cursor_func": self.get_person_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_person_handles, }) self._tables['Family'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_family_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_family_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Family, "cursor_func": self.get_family_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_family_handles, }) self._tables['Source'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_source_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_source_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Source, "cursor_func": self.get_source_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_source_handles, }) self._tables['Citation'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_citation_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_citation_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Citation, "cursor_func": self.get_citation_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_citation_handles, }) self._tables['Event'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_event_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_event_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Event, "cursor_func": self.get_event_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_event_handles, }) self._tables['Media'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_object_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_object_from_gramps_id, "class_func": MediaObject, "cursor_func": self.get_media_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_media_object_handles, }) self._tables['Place'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_place_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_place_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Place, "cursor_func": self.get_place_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_place_handles, }) self._tables['Repository'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_repository_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_repository_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Repository, "cursor_func": self.get_repository_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_repository_handles, }) self._tables['Note'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_note_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": self.get_note_from_gramps_id, "class_func": Note, "cursor_func": self.get_note_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_note_handles, }) self._tables['Tag'].update( { "handle_func": self.get_tag_from_handle, "gramps_id_func": None, "class_func": Tag, "cursor_func": self.get_tag_cursor, "handles_func": self.get_tag_handles, })
[docs] def get_person_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Person in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Person exists, None is returned. """ person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) if person and self.__is_living(person): if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: person = None else: person = self.__restrict_person(person) return person
[docs] def get_family_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Family in the database from the passed handle. If no such Family exists, None is returned. """ family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(handle) family = self.__remove_living_from_family(family) return family
[docs] def iter_people(self): """ Protected version of iter_people """ for person in filter(None, self.db.iter_people()): if self.__is_living(person): if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: continue else: yield self.__restrict_person(person) else: yield person
[docs] def get_person_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Person in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Person exists, None is returned. """ person = self.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(val) if person and self.__is_living(person): if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: return None else: return self.__restrict_person(person) else: return person
[docs] def get_family_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Family in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Family exists, None is returned. """ family = self.db.get_family_from_gramps_id(val) family = self.__remove_living_from_family(family) return family
[docs] def include_person(self, handle): if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: person = self.get_unfiltered_person(handle) if person and self.__is_living(person): return False return True
[docs] def get_default_person(self): """returns the default Person of the database""" person_handle = self.db.get_default_handle() return self.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
[docs] def get_default_handle(self): """returns the default Person of the database""" person_handle = self.db.get_default_handle() if self.get_person_from_handle(person_handle): return person_handle return None
[docs] def has_person_handle(self, handle): """ returns True if the handle exists in the current Person database. """ if self.get_person_from_handle(handle): return True return False
def __is_living(self, person): """ Check if a person is considered living. Returns True if the person is considered living. Returns False if the person is not considered living. """ person_handle = person.get_handle() unfil_person = self.get_unfiltered_person(person_handle) return probably_alive( unfil_person, self.db, self.current_date, self.years_after_death ) def __remove_living_from_family(self, family): """ Remove information from a family that pertains to living people. Returns a family instance with information about living people removed. Returns None if family is None. """ if family is None: return None parent_is_living = False father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if father_handle: father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) if father and self.__is_living(father): parent_is_living = True if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: family.set_father_handle(None) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if mother_handle: mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) if mother and self.__is_living(mother): parent_is_living = True if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: family.set_mother_handle(None) if parent_is_living: # Clear all events for families where a parent is living. family.set_event_ref_list([]) if self.mode == self.MODE_EXCLUDE_ALL: for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list(): child_handle = child_ref.get_reference_handle() child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle) if child and self.__is_living(child): family.remove_child_ref(child_ref) return family def __restrict_person(self, person): """ Remove information from a person and replace the first name with "[Living]" or what has been set in Preferences -> Text. """ new_person = Person() new_name = Name() old_name = person.get_primary_name() new_name.set_group_as(old_name.get_group_as()) new_name.set_sort_as(old_name.get_sort_as()) new_name.set_display_as(old_name.get_display_as()) new_name.set_type(old_name.get_type()) if self.mode == self.MODE_INCLUDE_LAST_NAME_ONLY: new_name.set_first_name(config.get('preferences.private-given-text')) new_name.set_title("") else: # self.mode == self.MODE_INCLUDE_FULL_NAME_ONLY new_name.set_first_name(old_name.get_first_name()) new_name.set_suffix(old_name.get_suffix()) new_name.set_title(old_name.get_title()) surnlst = [] for surn in old_name.get_surname_list(): surname = Surname(source=surn) if int(surname.origintype) in [NameOriginType.PATRONYMIC, NameOriginType.MATRONYMIC]: surname.set_surname(config.get('preferences.private-surname-text')) surnlst.append(surname) new_name.set_surname_list(surnlst) new_person.set_primary_name(new_name) new_person.set_privacy(person.get_privacy()) new_person.set_gender(person.get_gender()) new_person.set_gramps_id(person.get_gramps_id()) new_person.set_handle(person.get_handle()) new_person.set_change_time(person.get_change_time()) new_person.set_family_handle_list(person.get_family_handle_list()) new_person.set_parent_family_handle_list( person.get_parent_family_handle_list() ) new_person.set_tag_list(person.get_tag_list()) return new_person