Source code for gramps.gen.proxy.filter

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008       Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2008            Gary Burton
# Copyright (C) 2008            Robert Cheramy <>
# Copyright (C) 2011       Tim G L Lyons
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Proxy class for the Gramps databases. Apply filter

# Python libraries
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    from itertools import imap as map
    pass #python 3 has map behaving as imap

# GRAMPS libraries
from .proxybase import ProxyDbBase

[docs]class FilterProxyDb(ProxyDbBase): """ A proxy to a Gramps database. This proxy will act like a Gramps database, but all data that does not match the provided filters will be hidden from the user. """ def __init__(self, db, person_filter=None, event_filter=None, note_filter=None): """ Create a new FilterProxyDb instance. """ ProxyDbBase.__init__(self, db) self.person_filter = person_filter if person_filter: self.plist = set(person_filter.apply( self.db, self.db.iter_person_handles())) else: self.plist = set(self.db.iter_person_handles()) if event_filter: self.elist = set(event_filter.apply( self.db, self.db.iter_event_handles())) else: self.elist = set(self.db.iter_event_handles()) if note_filter: self.nlist = set(note_filter.apply( self.db, self.db.iter_note_handles())) else: self.nlist = set(self.db.iter_note_handles()) self.flist = set() for handle in self.plist: person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) if person: self.flist.update(person.get_family_handle_list())
[docs] def get_person_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Person in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Person exists, None is returned. """ if handle in self.plist: person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(handle) if person is None: return None person.set_person_ref_list( [ ref for ref in person.get_person_ref_list() if ref.ref in self.plist ]) person.set_family_handle_list( [ hndl for hndl in person.get_family_handle_list() if hndl in self.flist ]) person.set_parent_family_handle_list( [ hndl for hndl in person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if hndl in self.flist ]) eref_list = person.get_event_ref_list() bref = person.get_birth_ref() dref = person.get_death_ref() new_eref_list = [ ref for ref in eref_list if ref.ref in self.elist] person.set_event_ref_list(new_eref_list) if bref in new_eref_list: person.set_birth_ref(bref) if dref in new_eref_list: person.set_death_ref(dref) # Filter notes out self.sanitize_person(person) return person else: return None
[docs] def include_person(self, handle): return handle in self.plist
[docs] def include_family(self, handle): return handle in self.flist
[docs] def include_event(self, handle): return handle in self.elist
[docs] def include_note(self, handle): return handle in self.nlist
[docs] def get_source_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Source in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Source exists, None is returned. """ source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(handle) if source: # Filter notes out self.sanitize_notebase(source) media_ref_list = source.get_media_list() for media_ref in media_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(media_ref) attributes = media_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) repo_ref_list = source.get_reporef_list() for repo_ref in repo_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(repo_ref) return source
[docs] def get_citation_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Citation in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Citation exists, None is returned. """ citation = self.db.get_citation_from_handle(handle) # Filter notes out self.sanitize_notebase(citation) return citation
[docs] def get_object_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a MediaObject in the database from the passed Gramps handle. If no such Object exists, None is returned. """ media = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle) if media: # Filter notes out self.sanitize_notebase(media) attributes = media.get_attribute_list() for attr in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attr) return media
[docs] def get_place_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Place in the database from the passed Gramps handle. If no such Place exists, None is returned. """ place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(handle) if place: # Filter notes out self.sanitize_notebase(place) media_ref_list = place.get_media_list() for media_ref in media_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(media_ref) attributes = media_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) return place
[docs] def get_event_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Event in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Event exists, None is returned. """ if handle in self.elist: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(handle) # Filter all notes out self.sanitize_notebase(event) return event else: return None
[docs] def get_family_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Family in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Family exists, None is returned. """ if handle in self.flist: family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(handle) if family is None: return None eref_list = [ eref for eref in family.get_event_ref_list() if eref.ref in self.elist ] family.set_event_ref_list(eref_list) if family.get_father_handle() not in self.plist: family.set_father_handle(None) if family.get_mother_handle() not in self.plist: family.set_mother_handle(None) clist = [ cref for cref in family.get_child_ref_list() if cref.ref in self.plist ] family.set_child_ref_list(clist) # Filter notes out for cref in clist: self.sanitize_notebase(cref) self.sanitize_notebase(family) attributes = family.get_attribute_list() for attr in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attr) event_ref_list = family.get_event_ref_list() for event_ref in event_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(event_ref) attributes = event_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) media_ref_list = family.get_media_list() for media_ref in media_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(media_ref) attributes = media_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) lds_ord_list = family.get_lds_ord_list() for lds_ord in lds_ord_list: self.sanitize_notebase(lds_ord) return family else: return None
[docs] def get_repository_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Repository in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Repository exists, None is returned. """ repository = self.db.get_repository_from_handle(handle) # Filter notes out self.sanitize_notebase(repository) self.sanitize_addressbase(repository) return repository
[docs] def get_note_from_handle(self, handle): """ Finds a Note in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Note exists, None is returned. """ if handle in self.nlist: return self.db.get_note_from_handle(handle) else: return None
[docs] def get_person_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Person in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Person exists, None is returned. """ person = self.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(val) if person: return self.get_person_from_handle(person.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_family_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Family in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Family exists, None is returned. """ family = self.db.get_family_from_gramps_id(val) if family: return self.get_family_from_handle(family.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_event_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds an Event in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Event exists, None is returned. """ event = self.db.get_event_from_gramps_id(val) if event: return self.get_event_from_handle(event.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_place_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Place in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Place exists, None is returned. """ place = self.db.get_place_from_gramps_id(val) if place: return self.get_place_from_handle(place.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_source_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Source in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Source exists, None is returned. """ source = self.db.get_source_from_gramps_id(val) if source: return self.get_source_from_handle(source.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_citation_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Citation in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Citation exists, None is returned. """ citation = self.db.get_citation_from_gramps_id(val) if citation: return self.get_citation_from_handle(citation.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_object_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a MediaObject in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such MediaObject exists, None is returned. """ media = self.db.get_object_from_gramps_id(val) if media: return self.get_object_from_handle(media.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_repository_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Repository in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Repository exists, None is returned. """ repository = self.db.get_repository_from_gramps_id(val) if repository: return self.get_repository_from_handle(repository.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_note_from_gramps_id(self, val): """ Finds a Note in the database from the passed Gramps ID. If no such Note exists, None is returned. """ note = self.db.get_note_from_gramps_id(val) if note: return self.get_note_from_handle(note.get_handle()) else: return None
[docs] def get_person_handles(self, sort_handles=False): """ Return a list of database handles, one handle for each Person in the database. If sort_handles is True, the list is sorted by surnames """ # FIXME: plist is not a sorted list of handles return list(self.plist)
[docs] def iter_person_handles(self): """ Return an iterator over database handles, one handle for each Person in the database. """ return self.plist
[docs] def iter_people(self): """ Return an iterator over objects for Persons in the database """ return map(self.get_person_from_handle, self.plist)
[docs] def get_event_handles(self): """ Return a list of database handles, one handle for each Event in the database. """ return list(self.elist)
[docs] def iter_event_handles(self): """ Return an iterator over database handles, one handle for each Event in the database. """ return self.elist
[docs] def iter_events(self): """ Return an iterator over objects for Events in the database """ return map(self.get_event_from_handle, self.elist)
[docs] def get_family_handles(self): """ Return a list of database handles, one handle for each Family in the database. """ return list(self.flist)
[docs] def iter_family_handles(self): """ Return an iterator over database handles, one handle for each Family in the database. """ return self.flist
[docs] def iter_families(self): """ Return an iterator over objects for Families in the database """ return map(self.get_family_from_handle, self.flist)
[docs] def get_note_handles(self): """ Return a list of database handles, one handle for each Note in the database. """ return list(self.nlist)
[docs] def iter_note_handles(self): """ Return an iterator over database handles, one handle for each Note in the database. """ return self.nlist
[docs] def iter_notes(self): """ Return an iterator over objects for Notes in the database """ return map(self.get_note_from_handle, self.nlist)
[docs] def get_default_person(self): """returns the default Person of the database""" person = self.db.get_default_person() if person and person.get_handle() in self.plist: return person else: return None
[docs] def get_default_handle(self): """returns the default Person of the database""" handle = self.db.get_default_handle() if handle in self.plist: return handle else: return None
[docs] def has_person_handle(self, handle): """ returns True if the handle exists in the current Person database. """ return handle in self.plist
[docs] def has_event_handle(self, handle): """ returns True if the handle exists in the current Event database. """ return handle in self.elist
[docs] def has_family_handle(self, handle): """ returns True if the handle exists in the current Family database. """ return handle in self.flist
[docs] def has_note_handle(self, handle): """ returns True if the handle exists in the current Note database. """ return handle in self.nlist
[docs] def sanitize_notebase(self, notebase): """ Filters notes out of the passed notebase object according to the Note Filter. :param notebase: NoteBase object to clean :type event: NoteBase """ if notebase: note_list = notebase.get_note_list() new_note_list = [ note for note in note_list if note in self.nlist ] notebase.set_note_list(new_note_list)
[docs] def sanitize_addressbase(self, addressbase): if addressbase: addresses = addressbase.get_address_list() for address in addresses: self.sanitize_notebase(address)
[docs] def sanitize_person(self, person): """ Cleans filtered notes out of the passed person :param event: Person object to clean :type event: Person """ if person: # Filter note references self.sanitize_notebase(person) self.sanitize_addressbase(person) name = person.get_primary_name() self.sanitize_notebase(name) altnames = person.get_alternate_names() for name in altnames: self.sanitize_notebase(name) self.sanitize_addressbase(person) attributes = person.get_attribute_list() for attr in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attr) event_ref_list = person.get_event_ref_list() for event_ref in event_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(event_ref) attributes = event_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) media_ref_list = person.get_media_list() for media_ref in media_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(media_ref) attributes = media_ref.get_attribute_list() for attribute in attributes: self.sanitize_notebase(attribute) lds_ord_list = person.get_lds_ord_list() for lds_ord in lds_ord_list: self.sanitize_notebase(lds_ord) person_ref_list = person.get_person_ref_list() for person_ref in person_ref_list: self.sanitize_notebase(person_ref)